>Now turn around and let me munch on your unsullied anus
What did she mean by this?
Did Missandei eat Grey Worm's ass out?
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she gave him a prostate massage
Would he feel a phantom limb?
It's not stupid because he probably didn't even realize he could still orgasm that way. Soon enough they'll double bang dildos bumping butts.
>Finally, Missandei, I have become the Game of Thrones
So that shitskin has no penus?
Yeah I always thought the slave masters just removed their balls or something since cutting the whole isn't economical.
So why the fuck was greyworm scared of that that other nigger, I mean, he still has a dick
if they are eunuchs then wouldnt they still have dicks? eunuchs just had their nuts removed but still had peepees.
That's pretty hot
I thought the unsullied have no dicks as well?
i saw his dick in a cock sock
he still has one
they take everything off, twig and berries. it's mentioned in both the books and show.
the other way around. removing his testes as a baby wouldve seriously fucked up his development
(what are the masters doing with all those baby dicks?)
missandei has magnificent tits
Why didn't the sorcerer who cut off baldy's dick just buy a baby dick from the masters? They've probably got a lot more than they know what to do with
No, they scissored.
Putting them in face creams
He has a dick you fucks. Go look up the meaning of castration. Then kys yourselves
can people without balls get a bonner?
was that in debate? lawds
they must have sexual urges if they have ballsacks but with no dicks how do they relieve it
they still got a prostate dont they? also he should get a gold strap on replacement like jaime
Pretty sure that is actually adressed in the books. The unsullied are not as strong as normal men but make up for it with skill.
I also doubt most of them live long enough to experience osteoporosis and such.
Yes, they just can't cum. I mean they still ejaculate but it's usually blood and dead ants
nope, it's explicitly stated that the masters remove both dick and balls from the unsullied
In the books
>just remember goy- i mean guys, just cut your dick off and you too can have a mulatto to eat out!
what did D&D mean by this?
baldy was from westeros wasn't he
sorcerer probably was just too stingy to buy a transatlantic flight
Not only is it not economical it would kill almost all of them.
No he's from outside the seven kingdom. I don't remember his origin much but I remember that. He eventually migrated to westeros in his teen years after making a living as a thief.
Don't warriors need testosterone? How do the Unsully every win ifthey got none isnt it like having an army of women?
His eyes always creep me out. I didn't know he always looked like that.
Still beautiful, though.
How has he got sexual desires with no hormones being produced, he never went through puberty so is essentially a giant infant.
How does he pee with no penis?
Why do the unsullied make no sense?
I think it's supposed to be a platonic ""love"" thing between them and him eating her out was more about "confronting his fear" than desire
I mean it's not like the show fucking spells these things out for you or anything
>how does.he pee
he still has a stump and a urethra from which to urinate. used to be a problem in ancient china because the stump would get infected like a motherfucker. like 9/10 eunuchs wouldn't make it through the healing process
13 hours of show left. Better have a 10 minute scene about a dickless man who wants to eat pussy and conquer towns for nothing in return. He only exists to make women happy. THE PERFECT MAN OMG AM I RIGHT LADIES THIS SHOW IS FOR US
I'd cut my dick off to kiss her on the lips desu.
Platonic love is something you have with your mother, you don't eat your mother's vagina do you user.
This is a forced romance that makes no sense, and is there to waste screen time on pointless secondary characters instead of advancing the plot.
theyve killed off everybody legit interesting or otherwise neutered their characters. the show is just circling the drain
I guess I meant romantic love.
You can't expect an autist like me to talk about emotions accurately.
There are people who are paralyzed from the waste down that still want sex.
>we are only gonna make 14 more episodes. we have enough material for 4. we need filler
>have sam cleaning bowls of shit for 4 minutes
>have some dickless minorities sex
>we need more filler! filler because we can't come up with anything interesting.
>you don't eat your mother's vagina do you user.
>Implying implications
Books aren't canon
>if you lose innervation of your lower extremities your balls don't suddenly stop producing testosterone
no shit, thanks Dr. Nick
Can men who were castrated before puberty even get sexually aroused? Also why would you castrate men if you wanted them to be soldiers, wouldn't they have less muscle-mass? How does Greyworm have a deep voice if he was castrated, his voice should be high and boy-like. This is the voice of a man who was castrated before puberty (the only recording of a castrato singer, and here he is old and past his prime) for example:
This show is absolutely unwatchable
Why is his head like that, why is he walking like a chicken.
He has no male sex organs, and never went through puberty.
He cant produce testosterone, he is hardly even a male. His voice should sound like a 10 year old screeching over Xbox live.
Is he making fun of the dwarf?
best post ITT.
>now fart right in my mouth aaaahhhhh
>yes good boy
Look at grey worms posture.
He's making fun of the dwarf, this probably took various takes and they probably started joking behind his back between takes.
>13 hours of show left. Better have a 10 minute scene about a dickless man who wants to eat pussy and conquer towns for nothing in return
I'd rather have Grey Worm and Missandei fucking for 10 minutes every episode than having to deal with that fat tub of lard Sam. His story line is so fucking boring
>sucking on an open wound
I am so glad I gave up on this show after Sean Bean was killed.
Its all just filler dude. They have nothing. All they are doing is pissing away show to get to the obvious happily ever after conclusion.
yes the old bitch did
In the real world, eunuchs might have had no cock, no balls, or neither, depending on culture & period. In GoT they usually have nothing.
I mean look at the dwarf and look at him, he's probably trying to imitate him.
Grey Worm probably had a strap-on.