Nuke thread





the only nuke you gonna see is that of North Korea


>nuking spain
Wew shitksin

>thinks he even deserves to make any comment on international politics


He can barely afford it.

objectively the best solution.

Fuck you
Pay denbts

>inb4 t.Alberto Barbosa

It's nice that due to the warped nature of a flat map, those nukes get bigger the closer they get to the equator.

pick one

Well memed

fucking turkish rape baby scum

>South Korea
>thinks he deserves to talk instead of making my Nike shoes

that radiation clouds would fuck Finald as well


Boo hoo :'(


you are the cancer of earth

I don't give a fuck about 2016, it's not me that lost in his home



Pay Debt Gayreece
Former Turkish Republic of Greece

hello emu proxy

Wow Greek rape baby blown out by Canada
How will he ever recover

>I'm supposed to cry because we lost a game in my country
>I'm saying this as someone who is very nationalistic

OK kid

>Nuking Sahara
But why tho?

>abos, lebs, polis, Melbourstinians and fuckin Adelaide
nothing of value was lost

>thinks I can hear him over the sound of him being gangraped by muslims

at least our president is white and male

Radiation will kill people in Algeria, Libya but also thoses of Liberia, etc. That's were most cannibalism and slavery is in modern times.

big nuke killed 10 people max

Not all of us are bad cunt
At least let me evac first before you glass the leftists


When is this from lmao like 800 BC



yea i'm sure you were not crying



Why are ottoman cuckolds so easy to trigger?

that's Germany cuck, learn some basic geography


he looks pretty white to me

now if we look at Obama..

To be honest, the US is the sole reason all this shit is going on in the first place.
Migrant crisis, nutty islaic zealots, Killary Clintoris
If we just wiped it all out we'd have so many less things to worry about

Good enough to you?


>missed all the cites that matter, killing small, mostly white towns
water you doing

Lol what? Greece has fuckloads of mudshits
Probably more than Germany
Are you a proxy?

With yellowstone erupting you won't need to do that user

Why Australia is full of chinks?

missed me lol

According to you argument we are more white than you then since our president is more white than your president.

Is a stupid argument m8.

the giant gap of world power this will create will lead to some hilarious glorious shits


Oh dude you wound me
That hurt, really

>this is the best half-turks can come up with

time to end our suffering desu


He looks more like a Turk/Roach then a white person

>nobody has painted the whole map red yet

>staying up through the wee hours of the morning shitposting on pol
hello my fellow patriot

>nuking 3 barren deserts in a row


no we don't


Greetings brother!



but he isn't whiter than our president..

>nukes only the worst parts of Australia
Good on ya Argentina

There we go!
>North Africa not nuked


Alaska can stay

here ya go.

Your president don't have blue eyes.

we are not talking about eye color but for skin color

99% of the problems of the world would be resolved.

You missed jew York. But yea wiping out the shit parts of us would be great

I agree only if you also nuke Spain

>Also, Rio olympics is the all time best


>destroying the Midwest and leaving all the nigger cities intact

father why :-(

Sounds about right

I love this single assumption. And I love the assumption that is the fundament of the first assumption, which is: "The world would be in a better place without America ever having existed". Because as we all know, this is a fact. It's not like it is just a one, massive, subjective view.



I think I got the Washingtons mixed up.
The one full of jew is Washington D.C.


And the state of Washington is full of dirty, pot smoking hippies. Not really a wasted nuke

I want to die anyway... :/


that made me chuckle

best choice

Hope the radiation will kill as most as possible niggers and shitskins



I hate all of you.

This guy knows whats up