Is this worth watching
Is this worth watching
Definitely, it's a slow burner but it's inmensely satisfying.
Unless you have a really short attention span, YES.
Yes. It's overrated but it's still kino
the black one did it
Literally the greatest show ever made.
Stringer Bell, Avon Barksdale and Omar are god tier characters.
It makes every other series you'll ever watch look like shit
Don't you have a /got/ general to pollute with Azor Jon shitposting you dirty pleb?
It is overrated though. There's no shortage of people who claim it to be the best show ever made despite it's countless faults. see
it's a reddit show
Yes but it has its faults. I didn't like a lot of the plotlines and characters, especially in the later seasons. Every scene has some stupid gangbanger or some drunk mick cop saying something wise and profound out of nowhere. They constantly hammer you over the head with the point they're trying to make. Basically yes watch it the show is great just not as good as The Sopranos.
Is the pope catholic?
Best show ever made, despite what Mad Men and The Soprano fags tell you (also great shows, mind you)
>bow tie suit man who can read
i really don't know
I know everyone says this for a lot of shows, but in this case it's very true that you need to marathon the first 3 or 4 episodes to really get into it. The show doesn't really hook you in in the most accessible way like, say the Breaking Bad debut.
No, he's a commie.
shit show. retard monkeys killed off stringer (the writers not the black people)
Frank Sobotka did nothing wrong
Looking back on it, it's still good but it's just goes so heavy on the "black people can't help being criminals, urban life is rigged" thing that it ultimately amounts to nothing more than a piece of propaganda. Not worth investing for 6 seasons or whatever it is.
It's faults are nothing compared to what it offers.
>out of nowhere
>Money feels like money.
Kino scene.
Also checked.
Happiness is being Ziggy.
It's the best TV show ever made, and probably to ever exist so I'd say it's worth a watch.
is air worth breathing
>greatest show ever made
do miniseries count?
This. I probably watched the first 5 episodes three or four times before I really got hooked.
Keep watching until the Avon finger wag. You'll know it when you see it. Pure kino.
>watch 2 seasons
>the lawyer or attorney or whatever the bitch was that McNulty sometimes fucks suddenly places her hand on Cedric's crotch
>pause the video
>check out the director of the show
>guy is literally named ''David ((((Judah)))) Simon''
>fucking JUDAH
>exit the video player
>remove all episodes from my PC
Why the fuck does Sup Forums always have to be right?
lel no. It just conveys each season's theme repetitively and overtly, without using flesh-out characters or addressing anything at all other than the season's main theme. Better than capeshit though.
this is exactly how it went for me, tried getting into it a few times and then one time i made it til he waggled his finger and was in all the way
there is some REALLY stupid shit in the show though
Nope. The Sopranos doesn't beat the viewer over the head with its themes, and the characterization is about 100 times better in the Sops.
McNulty, for example, is about as cliche as you can get, and is nothing but a vehicle to move along the PD dysfunctional narrative, instead of being a flesh-out human. Nothing remotely similar to characters on the Sops.
only if ur into that shit OP
same with game of thrones. everyone and their mom says its the best shit ever, but i hate movies in that setting and genre and cant fucking sit through that shit.
now if game of thrones was in sci fi, now were talking, but thatd just be like star wars or some shit
Who /slimcharles/ here?
this is some bait right
get the fuck out of here, he's one of the most humane characters ever written, just look at the IKEA scene
Also, why do you Soprano fags have a superiority complex? You always shit The Wire threads with "muh talian mobsters are more kino, hurr durr!". Fuck off already with your vapid criticism already.
>watch this trying to understand the struggles of the black community
>end up hating niggers more than ever
>hating based D'
you sniveling fuck
I live in Baltimore and am in 3 episodes of season 2 ama
Daily reminder season 2 was pure kino and the best season.
The Greek is not whom he appears to be
It was great, introduced us to the Greek and Frank was a great character, but first/fourth one are better
Realeast nigga coming through
Season 1 > 3 > 4 > 2 > The Corner >>> 5
>Mad Men
2 is too low.
>not D'
come on
fuck off pleb
are you a big guy?
>ices Cheese with no preamble or ceremony
>that was for Joe
Based Slim. On a side note what do you think the odds that Marlowe stayed clean? Im willing to bet he and McNulty are in jail together.
for thee
>realest nigga
>not pic related
You're kidding yourselves, fools
He grew on me but I can never forgive him for killing Wallace.
>tfw Bodie got murked
This. Even though his death hit me pretty hard, I never forgot what he did to Wallace.
>muh white men drinking in offices and cheating on their wives
fuck off mad men is garbage and nobody remembers it or talks about it
Bodie was close, but D' was the realest nigga, at least for me and that's the only thing that matters.
>nobody remembers it or talks about it
but seriously what did you do in those episodes?
I like Wallace too, but the fact is that he was a fiend and a liability
All in the game desu
Im a longshoreman. Just was in some background shots at the dock amd the bar. Was only like 18 at the time so i had to drink apple juice since i couldnt have a beer in the scene.
Marlo is in jail
McNulty is a private investigator
Avon is back on the streets and remains king
I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an amazing metaphor!
It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.
Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.
Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.
The justice system is fucked but there is no way Avon got out. Also with all his men and especially String out of the picture no way he gets back on top. The game passed him by.
>D' was the realest nigga
that little bitch who preferred to be in jail being fucked in the ass than hustling in Baltimore? fuck no
Im from Baltimore. Fuck you, McNulty did a pretty good job with it. A few times you can here the Brit come out, but all things said he did well.
Now Det. Mello had the best accent, but seeing as he is the real Jay Landsman thats expected.
apple juice sounds better than having a raw egg in beer
>he thinks that chicken shit case will keep Avon behind bars
>he doesnt know about Avon's direct contacts and strong NAME in the street
>he doesnt remembers about Avon having a direct line to the greek with Boris
>he doesnt realize Slim "I aint no CEO" Charles is only keeping the store open until Avon comes back
the king stays the king baby
did you watch the show?
Boris is in jail though
yea and that little bitch was talking about how he was more free inside than outside and didnt help Avon to spike the coke
It's a good show. Here's my top five.
1) The Sopranos
2) The Shield
3) True Detective season one
4) The Wire
5) Breaking Bad
they have phones there
>he hasn't seen Oz
Name some faults then, pleb. I doubt you can find even one.
D genuinely felt remorse for things that happened. Maybe he saw jail as a form of penance.
He was Avon's cousin. There wasn't a single nigger in jail that would risk touching his ass, bro.
>implying he wasnt deported back to Ruasia and is in a gulag in Siberia
I've seen Oz all the way through about four times. It's got some excellent characters but some really weak storylines and it went downhill fast after our dear friend Simon went to negro heaven.
Not him but if you turn on Oz, hear "MUH BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" man from Lost raise his annoying voice once more and not turn it the fuck off you are a crazy person
>b-but wait til they start to rape each other-
Ain't no rich white man get his face on some motherfuckin legal tender 'cept he president
>There wasn't a single nigger in jail that would risk touching his ass, bro
except for the nigger that killed him
Sounds like America... Really made me think.
I'm talking about the first time he was in jail, and it took Avon's best friend to order the hit. No one would have touched him otherwise.
>yfw you realize for all his cultured mannerisms, Stringer was the true nigger, not Avon
Lemme get 2 and 2
i really like the arc where stringer thinks he's such a smart boy because he went to night school and then gets memed on hard by everyone
Duck couldn't hold it's liquor for shit
I find it hilarious that there are people out there that think Stringer wasn't the most dangerous person in the show. They make up excuses that he wasn't prepared for the street, and not smart enough to leave it, but he would have got there if he wasn't under an immense amount of stress from being fucked by Clay and Avon ruining his business. Even McNulty gives him a nod when he searches his apartment and finds all his books, and it wasn't even current events that killed him, it was past shit that was basically Avon being a dumb nigger and ruining a good thing.
I saying how Avon has a code. He is horrified when String orders the hit on Omar on a Sunday and sends Omars grandmom a new expensive hat. Also sure it was Sting who ordered all those civilians killed after that court case.
Frank Sobotka did a whole lot fucking wrong, and people died because of him.
The point isn't that he didn't do anything "wrong", the point is that he did it all with the best of intentions. All Frank wanted to do was preserve the way of life of the people he cared about. What he did instead was get not just himself mixed up with a criminal organization much bigger than him, but his family, and those very same people he cared about, too. Frank was a man who made some very bad decisions.
Frank was a victim of circumstance. Everything was fine up until the events in the second season. It's not so much that Frank fucked up, it's the greeks in charge that let retards working for them fucking it up. You take away everything that happened in the second season, and Frank would have eventually got what he wanted, which was stronger representation for his union and more work for his people.
Frank was a warning about the upcoming Singularity. He alone saw the danger the machines pose and ultimately paid for his forbidden knowledge.