Why are the Kurds so superior to every other group in the Middle east?
Also how does an ethnic group of over 30 million not have their own nation state?
Why are the Kurds so superior to every other group in the Middle east?
Also how does an ethnic group of over 30 million not have their own nation state?
1. Cause they're not Muslims
2. Cause they're not Muslims
But they are.
>Why are the Kurds so superior to every other group in the Middle east?
Because they are indo-european and mostly secular.
>Also how does an ethnic group of over 30 million not have their own nation state?
Because they have been cucked throughout history.
Most are sunni muslims you idiot
they are not indo europeans.they are the perfect turkish turanid.they are even "turkish" than people from Turkey
me ...what???
Wasn't there a UN statistic that showed Kurds have one of the lowest IQs in the world?
They aren't the fuckers are still Muslim remember.
you are the chosen one
Oh..I see..but there was no turkish population who settled in our area.
thank you Slav bro
>0 results
fuck. you guys are slow. well done troll op
>not have their own nation state?
Not yet. They may demand their share of the plunder once the war is "over"
But how are they superior to everyone else when they dont even have their own country?
(((UN "statistics")))
That's not what I meant, nvm
They are so superior they wouldn't even pay their fucking electricity bills.
WTF? That camouflage has the same colors as Finnish cold weather camo.
Saladin was a Kurd.
the same company probably made it.
war is business
They're actually secular, passed a gender equality bill in fucking Iraq, have dozens of newspapers and are genuinely working towards a real democracy, which considering the location they're in is amazing. Also one of the few peoples Actually fighting ISIS.
And all this and more right after an attempted genocide by Saddam.
As a Swede I am of course naturally an expert on ths topic.
Most of them are either saracen or atheist.
Elohim is plural?
>lets do IQ tests for danes
>but in swedish
>"it's close enough"
Weak bait
What's so great about Kurds and what sets them apart from other non-respectable sandmonkeys?
When I lived in Sweden I knew a Kurd. He was a casual shitskin normie trash and all his stories about his friends and family in the middle east indicated the same.
Look it's a dumb muslim trying to force his beliefs on other people to make his religion look bigger than it is.
The fact that they are fighting (((ISIS))).
They actually belong to the same ethnic group of gypsies, they are hailed as heroes by the west so people don't notice who is really paying (((ISIS))))
Kurds are nomadic Persians. They are just less cucked than Iranians
They're not.
They're a bunch of commies which is the only thing that really differentiate them from other muslims.
They're not even as progressive as the western media tells you people they are.
How the fuck are the Kurds superior when they don't even have their own proper nation?