Janitor approved Lauren thread!
Janitor approved Lauren thread!
I would leave her pusy in ruins.
i want to lick his pusy
Laci > Lauren
giv fat pusy
Ugh, this bitch again. I have to hand it to her, she's found quite a goldmine in being the sex symbol for alt-right neckbeards living with their parents.
That being said, she's still a disgusting racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic cunt with a LOT of internalized misogyny.
Based Magapede!
I thought she was in her early 30s but apparently she's my age and I look like Tom Holland
I'm more of a Brittany guy.
She looks like a trap.
She probably nothing of those things, she is acting for the alt-rights cucks to get their autism bucks.
I get the point of your shitpost, but even you must realise she is playing the fuck outta retards like you.
It's irrelevant as long as she talks about the right stuff.
Maybe is you like dishonestly...oh wait, i forgot you fags would back anybody if they pander to you.
I don't give a fuck about honesty, Lauren is a tool, meant to be used and discarded when there's no more use for her.
The same with all the other retards in Youtube talking about the right.
Don't make me post it Krigger
post her fat ass
And thats why you people are the same as the people you oppose.
Pretty much, except I don't want my country to become Pakistan.
Literally r*ddit
What a fucking poser, well played
Samefag, and probably OP
nice try snowflake
>he doesn't even try to post a photoshopped screen cap in attempt to prove me wrong
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