Socialism on young people

Why do young people tend to easily latch on to Socialist ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. They want the state to become their new mommy and daddy
2. Marxist professors influencing their malleable minds
3. No real life experience

Because the simplified idealistic view of equality is appealing. Its only until you factor in every other aspect of life do you realize that equality does not actually exist.

Its the same thing with communism, it would work in a perfect world. The perfect world doesn't exist and never will though.

>be teached nazi /fascism is the worst
>be told its far right on the political spectrum
>check political spectrum to the left (cause if right is bad, left must be good, right?)
>see socialism, marxism, communism. attach to leftist ideas
>ignore attempts of leftist ideologies in real life that failed and are currently failing (because the bad capitalist system never let them work, kek).
>continue this shit to support your degeneracy lifestyles

the end

But the thing is, they aren't growing out of it anymore

Young people think the world can still be fixed with big solutions. Nothing to lose, with plenty to gain if not financially so.

The conservative is almost exclusively the jaded, old skeptic. They're content to survive and have the most to lose from a shift.

Young people are stupid.

The same reason edge lords jump onto natsoc.
Illusions of utopia.

Because they're brainwashed in school.

>ughhh I hate my parents telling me what to do, why cant they just give me money and fuck off.

Emilia is right tho compared to the others

Cuz capitalism is rigged to benefit the jews at the top and if you don't see it you're useful idiot for the rich and (((them)))

The fact that you have to ask is concerning...

Because all of their needs are met without any effort on their part. And they're children, even the most clever whelp is easy to manipulate.

They think it will provide them with acceptance and financial security.

They're wrong.

because young people are about feels, not reals

Redhead bitch is best I want her to bite my cock

Daily reminder that if you receive welfare you can thank socialism because socialists invented welfare

They don't know how to use money.

Free Palestine kike

Their underdeveloped minds are easy prey for the propaganda methods of the Marxist intelligentsia.

CruschMissile of GTFO.

Socialism is easy. Everything's socialism suddenly.

Where I live communism has always been something normal and introduced in unions, etc.

>Caring about what worst girl thinks
Also feels over reality

That series turned to complete shit 4 episodes in

They are lazy and hate working so they use socialism as an ideal reason to slack off and not fend for themselves.

The Jews invented marxism for a reason..

Daily reminder that if you recieve welfare, you are a lesser man than your independent neighbors.

Welfare should embarrass the recipients so much that they do all they can to get beyond it. Unless you have no honor, in which case it's a free ride.

>They want the state to become their new mommy and daddy
>Is a fascist

>muh cultural marxism meme

>Marxists have no real life experience
>Is a fascist

I'm not defending welfare, I'm just saying that many people here are neets who receive welfare but still mock socialism even though they benefit from that ideology. I earn my money, I have actual job I enjoy.

Guys with daddy issues latch on to right-wing ideologies.

Guys with mother issues latch on to left wing ideologies.

Girls just believe whatever to fit in with their immediate social circle.

Because they do not own shit.
To own shit you gotta work hard (in most cases)
That's literally it, the moment they start earning any decent wage they'll start complaining about taxes being too high. But in many cases 'earning decent wages' doesn't happen.

How is socialism/Marxism not considered a cult? A few Frenchmen and then later a few Eastern Europeans and Germans basically claiming they have a singular answer to all the world's evils.

>All struggle, all conflict, all want, all discrimination, can be solved if just do what Marx says in his book. Buy now 19.99.

I mean Christ, capitalist regimes werent designed, they are spontaneous orders. The notion that one set of thinkers have found the solution to all humanity's problems is indeed cult like. The problems you are trying to fix are part of humanity and are inseparable from it. A war on poverty is like a war on drinking H2O to survive.

Mot of it is meme-alism at best. Majority of teens are subverted "Hollywood Communists" -aka they hate everything capitalist while living and breathing it and can't live without it. They're too retarded too see that their """political ideology""" is actually a capitalized comodity. So they spend money on everything that is in line with that ideology regardless of how fake it is. It's a Zizekian paradox: I don't really believe in Ideology™ that's why I support this NGO™ in their fight to save the whales *slurps NGO Frappucino™*

In other words.. They're just a bunch of retards dressing in hobo clothes and waving red flags. It's another middle class "urban culture" fade, kinda like 90's wigger culture.

Real communists overthrow nations and kills of dissidents. North Korea doesn't shop at fucking Walmart.

>t. Ex-communist (a real one).

How the fuck does that make sense? You aren't allowed to have political views without mommy or daddy issues?

So what, people raised correctly are fence sitting moderates?

Young people are easily impressionable with things that "feel good".
That's also why leftists do stupid things such as inviting over boatloads of MUH REFUGEES, because it makes them "feel good".

Romance of being a idealist dying glorious death while storing Tsarist politburo.

and not a single (you) was given /pol 2016

But you would say I am allowed to mock socialism because I don't recieve welfare?

>Fascism is for submissives looking for a strong man father figure. Those who follow fascists are by definition followers and weaklings.

>Look up the etymology. Fascism comes from the term 'fasces'; a bundle of sticks wrapped around (one could say in rapture to) an axe handle with a projecting axe blade.

>This is the core metaphor that defines fascism (hence being pictured in the top-left of this subreddit). The metaphor being that the many must give their will power up to the one (usually a strong man leader).

>This ideology is by definition about weak people looking to give up their own power or direction (and most often giving up their own rights and freedoms in the process). To usurp themselves, to be submissive… and ergo the whole ideology is one of weakness. Fascists are the most submissive and weak people in my opinion.

>You know I'm fine with people who want to be strong, who want to be an authority; but being a leader is about genuinely giving others help in exploring their own individual strengths, it's not about claiming the authority of a collective of submissives as if that makes you strong. It doesn't; it makes for the weakest ideology and followers possible. Fascism is the most deflationary, it poses the biggest lie, and is hence comprised of the biggest losers.

>A human should be a human beyond all states; and hence able to inhabit all states. Fascism is nihilistic to individual authority and hence is nothing but a fragile empty shell that looks tough but ultimately hides deep weakness and as my title suggests; fascism contains some of the most submissive and damaged people possible. People in need of a genuine strength; but looking in the wrong place.
inb4 le reddit meme

Are you deaf dumb and blind?

Rem is best girl.

You didn't say fascism, you said right wing ideologies

The point is the world is rotting and something has to be done about it

well yeah, you're not a hypocrite if you don't receive welfare. You can't first benefit from any ideology and then speak ill about it

Because they are autists


They think a society can be equal whereas history proves otherwise. History is not taught well in American schools.

In what sense are they supposed to be equal? Same height? Same eye color? Leftist never make it clear.

Everyone has mummy and daddy issues

pretty much

Because most of those young "socialists" are still naive and can't comprehend the idea other people have different lifestyles, world views and morals and therefore they move nowhere beyond screaming during protests with Che shirts and communist berets which were bought on eBay with their parents hard earned money.

Young people are still idealistic and believe in the goodness of people. As we get older we get more jaded naturally

>be young
>spend most of your time at school
>school subtly teaches leftist thought
Government pays my salary kids, time to learn!
Nazi = right wing, We killed the Natives, and invented slavery.
Sharing is best, greed is bad.

>spend remaining time watching tv
>tv overtly teaches leftist thought
Oliver/Steward/Colbert: Hurrr dumb right wing bigots, its DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM! I MEAN COME ON!

>go to college
>college overtly teaches leftist thought
Hey kids! Enjoy living in your stacked dorm units, being smug consistently, and learning about the evils of capitalism/America in every class. Heh, sure would be great if we could run the country instead of all the right-wing dummies.

Any remaining time is used for childish mischief, which is usually degenerate as fuck, only strengthening the lefty allegiance because they don't care.

>tfw I'm in grad school now and everyone around me is a Bernie supporting degenerate
>tfw old people don't understand how bad the future is going to get

That's why I grew out of the socialists phase after I turned 21 and started to earn my own money from actually working hard to earn it.

Because it comes with cute haafu-erufus. Look at Trump. Now look at EMT. Now look at Trump. The choice is obvious.

idealism and naivette... sadly the Marxists are not growing out of it anymore

Stop making us look bad you retard fucking bong

this anime have nothing to do with marxism, they are in middle ages where there are many poor people who live in shit and have no chance at all at getting a better life

They don't pay taxes

The pursuit of higher education means the age they start their full-time jobs and careers is pushed back, so it takes longer.

Well said

people > animals
skilled people > unskilled people
socialist < capitalism

only losers and unskilled people likes socialism
emiliafags loves socialist

thats why Rem is the best girl

>girl that wants to be cucked
>Sup Forums's favorite

My History teacher taught Nazism and fascism as far left right before Socialism and communism. Based teacher was based, buttblasted SJWs were great my junior year,.

>1. They want the state to become their new mommy and daddy
Pretty much.

Though it's reverse in Poland, most old fucking commie cunts refuse to die and want communism back. We made a mistake by not purging the commies like we purged nazis.

>inb4 le reddit meme
Why not? It's just bullshit written on reddit, posted as some kind of source by some kind of authority.

Shouldn't the older generation be agaisnt Socialism after it actually experienced it?

>refuting things by just calling the other person a fascist

>They want the state to become their new mommy and daddy
This. There's a reason people are more liberal as they're younger and become more right wing as they get older and more experienced.

Problem is we might be living in Brave New World where people never grow up.

>Sup Forums is me
>related webm guy is all germans

german logic

Why do people here tend to easily latch onto braindead alt right ideology?
Truth is, you just choose what type of cuck you wanna be
Are you going to be cucked by a government or by the private sector?
I pick the state because I value humanity more than I value money.
Suit yourselves, circlejerking faggots

Pretty colours.

>I want the (((state))) to exterminate my race because I value "humanity"


you're the one opening your ass to jews by allowing them to roam free and unregulated

>use socialism imagery
>write natsoc propaganda

that's how you do it

Untrue. Socialists didn't invent welfare the democratic socialists did.

When it comes to differences within the left there is huge chasm of ideological differences between democratic socialists and socialists.

Democratic socialists have always been more moderate right than left when compared to the socialists.

Liberals don't realize that the government will rob them as well


Che Guevara: An Argentinian fascist who became a Cuban revolutionary. Changing political identity without actually changing his opinions.

low IQ

You posting from Mother Base?



Being stupid and basically being terrified by the idea that their parents won't pay for them and give them free housing forever.

>I desire to create a nation where all citizens are equal
What's so wrong with that?

it's inferior.

I want to fuck Priscilla mercilessly until she gives up her tough bitch act. Crusch is cool too and her head is not 6 feet up her ass so you would not even need to break her in like you would Priscilla