Why don't people hold big anti-war protests anymore?
Why don't people hold big anti-war protests anymore?
easier to post about it on a blog or youtube video
Obesity conditioning.
Too busy preparing for the next war.
Remember Occupy Wallstreet? They sent in riot police. Every time a country tries to protest, summon the tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets.
That is why.
Because all the most recent wars the lefties have been in favor of.
Dude don't you know Obama ended all the wars man?
Our wars have become increasingly detached from the rest of our society. People were protesting Vietnam because of the Draft, the causalities, etc. It doesnt even seem like we are at war, and that's a bad thing.
Didn't you hear? War is fine now, as long as you don't say mean things about your enemy. Our political overlords told us so.
Nobody is drafted.
Why would you protest against Obama? He's a noble peace prize winner and the first black Democratic president.
Save your hatred and protests for the old, rich, white Republican president.
My understanding is that war is only bad when the republicans are in office.
too busy shitposting and looking at dank memes
Cause we kill people with robots. Killer air hogs outta control are pretty chill
Like Yuri said, demoralization. All western countries are demoralized and can only be moralized through big happenings or 20-30 years of re-eduation.
They are busy prepping the bull.
So... you are saying that....
War has changed?
Because war is not a bad thing
We dont have morals anymore.
And we love watching them homeland episodes with dead sandnigger families
Because anti war protesters literally do not care about war or find it objectionable in any way, they are merely partisan leftists.
Because protesting against a nigger would be racist.
Cucks already rule so other cucks dont have to get on streets anymore.
Because the protests don't work
maybe - i personally have no problem sending men and women grunts to die who most likely would be a danger to the rest of society. Surplus population.
We are busy protesting against priviliged white males
War is hell
There is no draft in the US. Everyone who goes to war goes voluntarily. What is there to protest about?
hell maybe for some sandnigger getting bombed
Only happens when Republicans are president.
Commies never attack their own.
war is great. i got ptsd so the us gov pays me not to kill myself and i get gi bill on top of that. why should the next generation of americans miss out on all the opportunities that war provided me?
Too afraid of suicide bombers
Because the Democrats are now the Pro-War party. Because they're voting for Hillary.
well Amerifats fucked up last time they went all patriotic and shit.
Now we have to deal with rapefuges and maniacs delaying flights with their intestines
Fuggin jew control man, that's the same reason why Soros hasn't been shot dead by now