The economy of Sweden grew faster than the US economy -- for the whole last decade.
The economy of Sweden grew faster than the US economy -- for the whole last decade
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OK ahmed go back to raping white girls please
Yet Sweden's GDP is still 1/4th of the GDP of California
Sweden has less than half of NL population, it's a meme country, meanwhile US has 340 m people and is a global power
Yeah, and the GDP of India is three times that of Switzerland.
giving your money to achmed increases your GDP but not your wealth or well-being.
>The economy of Sweden grew faster than the US economy -- for the whole last decade.
Too bad GDP only measures up movement of money and doesn't factor in sustainability and fails to measure scientific and social progress.
Yeah so? Socialism doesnt work so the jokes on you.
Sweden also ranks higher on HDI, Gini coefficient, happiness rankings, ease of making business and basically everything you can imagine.
You think you're making a smart point, but you're not.
Implying facts are relevant on pol. This is literally nü-Sup Forums.
Thanks Obama
Oy vey, the swedish jews got a lot more money this decade compared to the US jews. That sure means the whole swedish population gained on it!
Revive Hitler please Hans or stop talking.
It will all turn into dust in a few decades.
So what's your point?
Stop talking shit. You don't know what it's like here and you don't know what it's like in USA.
Swedish salaries have gone up steadily the past decade. Our HDI hasn't suffered either.
One problem is that niggers and shitskins are fucking up our school result averages, and acting like US niggers.
Stop writing like a stupid/ emotionally frail nigger.
>European economy
>Murika butthurt
Success breeds Muslims ;)
Canada sheds 31,200 jobs in July, unemployment rate rises to 6.9%
>Canadian economy
Actually, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany are the only European countries with clearly positive economic trends in the last years. And also the only countries to accept rapefugees. I wonder if there is some connection.
You guys think you know shit about unemployment? Learn from the Spainish and French masters.
You can absorb them best so that we're all truly equal :^)
>our economy
t. deutsche bank chief economist
US population is well over 300 million people... Sweden's is probably over 10 million or so now. Percentages mean nothing OP. Learn some basic fucking economics. We could crush Sweden with a single state nigga lmao
And now this crisis is going to drag all that beautiful statistics down the drain.
Goddamnit, where is SD when you need them.
>The rape rate in Sweden grew much faster too.
I failed to understand the point of your posting, so have a nice song instead.
Stay strong medpack. Keep doing guns and a workable democracy, and staying out of moronic treaties.
I meant that maybe our governments are delusional enough to think there are economic benefits to be reaped through this people.
>niggers and shitskins are fucking up our school result averages, and acting like US niggers.
Not allowed to complain about it either.
Migrations do cause economic benefits, but it entirely depends on WHO is migrating. Having educated people migrating to your country is a great thing.
Non-educated inbred Somalis however will fuck things up, which also happens to be the thing that we're importing the most.
What is the percentage of non-whites in Sweden?
Not talking about foreigners, only non-whites.
I have a crush on the Jewess in that video.
So why are you still doing it?
In Germany, the Nazi guilt and our low birth rates explain most of our policies regarding immigrants. Sweden has neither.
Impossible to say since no statistics about skin colour is being recorded, atleast to my knowledge.
Sweden is a very split country though. You have the south with Malmö which is where every single refugee ends up, and it's also where the biggest population is.
In the north however things are just as calm as ever. In fact things are so calm that nobody in the country gives a fuck about us. There was once a earthquake in Boden (which is waaaay up north), but the media in Stockholm never reported on it because apparently "not enough people live there".
It's gone so far so certain politicians are considering to ask the government if it's possible to self-govern the north, because the south doesn't give a single shit about it.
We're very liberal and naive. We tend to think the best of people, which is why you saw so many who greeted the refugees when they first arrived. It almost became a competition on who could be the most humanist, but after this crisis opinions has changed.
We feel guilt for having been neutral.
Also, our success made us decadent, seeking "virtue" from identifying with the ultimate status symbol - democratic socialism. This is obviously backfiring on our asses to some extent.
Not to mention that Sweden got rich from capitalist/ liberal politics - but that nobody's business to point out cuz swdn = sotializm XD