>local cinema started serving burgers last week
Local cinema started serving burgers last week
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looks like poo lol
Why the fuck would you put a Tommy's in a movie theatre?
who the fuck eats sloppy joes in the movie theatre
you didn't eat that, did you?
No way I'm gonna be able to get that past the falcon.
I quite literally, no exaggeration, just took a big fat diarrhea shit yesterday that looked exactly like this
not that it really matters, but
>putting bottom buns on top
Who are you quoting?
is this a meme? those are chili burgers, retard
Coincides with me shitting under the seats instead of going to the bathroom and missing any scenes
Wtf is chili? Not everyone is an amerishart
How the fuck do you eat this shit. Do you spoon in?
That meat looks mushy.
It wouldnt fly even for a sloppy joe
Uhg why not?
Haha did u OP?
LOL I know that meme!
Haha no way man!
Lol nice catch!
Lolll no way haha
A vegetable?
Put in mouth lol!
>you will never eat scooby doos shit
why even live?
Nah senpai. This is a chili burger. That's a fucking mess.
Looks like sloppy joes to me, with far too much meat
>Here you go sir, how you enjoy the film
Meat stew with peppers, beans, tomatoes, onions, and various spices. It's good dude.
Mmkay, let's get this out onto a tray
Looks like something you dug out of a trash can
Looks like something a prisoner in the 18th century would eat. Would try.
>I can tell by your head gear you've a more refined palate. We can cater to men of distinguished taste such as yourself. We hope this is more to your liking.
I would like a half orc or lizard man ration, thanks.
>Freshly dredged every morning from the theater's on-site swamp. Bon appetit.
Looks discusting.
Nice hiss
The height of American humour.
Based pooposter
You're doing wrong
what the fuck is bottom right?
are those goddamn grasshoppers?
any more like this
fuck you coins are delicious
Lady, you're scaring us!
that looks nice as fuck
thumbnail looks gross but up close it actual looks okay
>Here's your poo poo. You're pee pee will be ready in a few minutes.
>that rock
I Need context user
Don't read if you have autism
Redditor made these "rations/meals inspired by D&D for one of their tabletop boards.
pirate food.
>*eats geode*
Upvote :^)
I only get nachos and I only go the the drive in. I also drink a beer or two while I watch the movies.
Have you guys realize that a lot of food looks like turds? I can't eat anymore without feeling sick
You thread on spee die out OP?
what is that?
All sloppy no joe
I warned you guys
He said don't read if you have autism.
please giv salty snacks and thor coins
>His good years
So its like mince on toast, except you use buns?
That's a lovely can of death
fuck off idiot
Nice post
The fuck kinda Iranastan country you live in with no chili?
I used to eat this pretty much most nights as a kid, we had a stream in the property. Also whats that shit in the top left?
That guy forgot to mention that it's a bean stew
Yank food confuses me. Why dont you just eat your beans green, why go through so much fucking effort to dry and hydrate them a million times?
Looks like meat's back on the menu
exaplain this image
why the fuck is that shit raw