Preacher Live Thread "SNig Nogs Don't Know the Worth of Their Own Souls Edition"
Rip Preacher threads
So, last week officially killed Sup Forums's interest, huh?
You guys are missing out on some prime Saint of Killers origin story.
good shit, I thought Dennis was gonna bite it
why dont they nuke him or hurl him into the sun?
nukes are confirmed to not work
and god is too lazy to try and chuck him into the sun
nah I blame myself for not using a more recognizable picture
god forbid these lazy fucks use ctrl+f
How is it so far?
pretty great
Lil girl lead SoK to the apartment complex but she didn't know which room it was so he just started going room by room killing everyone in the complex
they read up on his lore and stopped him from killing Dennis
time for a confrontation
could you guys do it, could you bullshit the Saint of Killers?