delet this
Delet this
You tried to make a funny meme but all you did was writing two pages about cocks you useless fagott
>This is what /reddit9k/ actually believes
Back to your containment board pls ok thanks bye sorry (not sorry) lol ;)
>calls girls roasties
Kek this was made by roasties
How does he do it bros?
>there are mailing lists women around the world sign up for in order to get news and images on it
the entire backseat is unusable lol
me on the right
>Another meme run to the ground
Where did you buy your "WOW!" shirt? I want one.
>when the virgin part hits too hard
Fuck that describes me
>The Virgin Penis
>doesnt care if a girl gets off, only cares if he cums or not
sounds like a chad to me
The virgin walk was the only funny one, these are too tryhard.
the virgin drive or the chad plow
t. humorless virgin
best one
>Trying that hard to defend his mistakes
The fact you are wasting All of then in one thread ruins it...cmon i am trying to help you here.
are these r9k memes or do they just make fun of r9k?
they're great
>knows that when a woman is aroused her vagina expands considerably
>never ever gets angry at women
holy shit
this one is just uncreative and unfunny
if you had any wit, you'd write "doesn't walk, only carthweels from place to place bending his limbs to the shape of a swastika"
and now we've reach try-hard levels thanks
This is funnier than the OP
>Spotted the donald drumpf babby
>samefagging this hard
Haha this ones good
>dates short girls
>brags about being able to make a girl cum
>doesn't care if a girl gets off, only cares if he cums or not
really makes you think