Are native Americans the most kino people on earth?
Are native Americans the most kino people on earth?
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Do people still confuse them with poo in loos?
the native american accent is one of the best accents
They're a people of peace. Building their casinos and maintaining ancient burial grounds.
Yeah, the North American ones have a kind of stoic, wise quality inherent to their physical aesthetic that just looks really cool.
Hawk knew about the lodge for 25 years
Are kino people the most native American on earth?
Recommend me some pre-Columbian kinos.
I've already seen Apocalypto.
We should give them some of their land back
Since ancient times every civilization's ruler has had the same idea: When people unite under one will they become stronger than the sum of their parts. And what do rulers use to bring people together? Language.
One night I drank about an entire bottle of vodka.
I turned to the public broadcasting channel in the middle of the night and watched this claymation show about native Canadians called Wapos Bay.
it scared the shit out of me
Cabeza de Vaca
looks familiar senpai
>nobody has posted BOB from twin peaks or Hanzi from Fargo
Best natives in anything
Natives are the worst people on Earth.
t. nigger
looks like geralt or the old fuck
when they arent guzzling aqua velva, yes
You know nothing about real natives if you think they are better than niggers. They get everything for free, but complain the government aren't respecting the treaties since they want more.
If they commit any crime they get 3-6 months in a "healing lodge" because of the residential schools their great great uncle had to go to.
Stop basing your opinion on movies and look at how the people actually are.
there aren't enough natives around to observe them in first person, everything you said you read on a right wing forum, probably a racially charges one too
Everything I read I found in the local newspaper. Only reason you don't see it is because you are probably American and they did the right them and killed them all.
They are all over the place here in Canada, and are the laziest, most violent group in the country.
This is what a native did this morning, he beat a man in the wheelchair
Even though he was involved in the beating of an elderly person last year
He never got any real jail time, because of the fact he was native. It happens all the time. Just because you are ignorant of what actually happens doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I could post stories all day that show natives get away with murder with only a year in a healing lodge while an equivalent crime done by a white results in decades of jail time.
I'm all for that. I have nothing but sympathy for natives, and would love to see them thrive and have more of their own land and culture.
The problem for natives, which I've also seen a lot, is their genetic weakness for alcohol.
I dunno. I say leave them alone, but hope they foster a movement to resist alcohol among their own and recover a thriving culture.
Given your hatred for them, I suppose you're very pro-white. But I don't understand how you can argue for the self-determination and preservation of native European genetics and culture, as well as homelands, but not have sympathy for other natives.
I say everyone leave everyone else the fuck alone and fix their own shit.
Nothing more kino then visiting a Indian reservation and seeing them all drink themselves to death. Truly a sophisticated people.
fat chance with this president
Good bye, Margareth
It sucks. There is simply no ideal prospective president I can imagine ever coming along.
There might be like one little point or issue I agree with a candidate on, but it always comes with so much other shit I hate and oppose.
>Leave them alone
That's what the rest of the country wants to do, but they demand special treatment. They demand their own court system, demand their own education system, etc.
Which would be all fine but they insist the government has to pay for everything.
Even the one's who live on the rez where its only native and they control everything, all they do is kill each other or molest their kids. It gets reported every year, while the neighboring cities with x20 the population see 10% of the amount of crime.
Stop white-knighting a race, if you care so much as equality go bitch at for also "not leaving" another race alone.
Stop discussing a subject you have no real knowledge of, look up crime and population statistics for natives. Especially ones in dry areas where alcohol is banned, you wont see much decrease in crime since they just huff gas instead.
lol, you want to see some native american genetics, go look at Mexico.
Michael Horse is 80+% white. all the "native americans" you like are more white than native.
Jeremiah Johnson
Im a Canadian living in the city with the highest crime rate per capita in canada. Almost all of these criminals are native Americans. Usually homeless teenagers, with parents who don't give a shit or are abusive. I don't hate native Americans but there are serious problems in their community caused by both white and native attitudes. Their women are constantly going missing and being murdered and barely anyone native or white cares. Drugs, alcohol and child abuse are rampant on reservations but everyone pretends reservations are wonderful places where native Americans respect the old ways. We fucked them with shit like residential schools and are now coddling them like their children who can do now wrong.
Hawk is based though.