White Marble in artwork contributes to white supremacy

White Marble in artwork contributes to white supremacy says Professor:


>In a recent op-ed, Professor Sarah Bond argued that the "white marble" often seen in classical artwork was initially colored.

>As a result, she suggests that "the equation of white marble with beauty" contributes to "white supremacist ideas today."

>Consequently, Bond argues that “the equation of white marble with beauty is not an inherent truth of the universe,” and is thus “a dangerous construct that continues to influence white supremacist ideas today.” - Bond goes on to point out that “most museums and art history textbooks contain a predominantly neon white display of skin tone,” which “has an impact on the way we view the antique world.”

>“The assemblage of neon whiteness serves to create a false idea of homogeneity — everyone was very white! — across the Mediterranean region,” she adds, later stating that misconceptions of the classical era provide “further ammunition for white supremacists today, including groups like Identity Europa, who use classical statuary as a symbol of white male superiority.”

You though they were going to stop at Confederate statues? Lol, this fucks want complete historical revisionism, they want to re-write the "problematic" European story in order to fit their twisted worldview

Other urls found in this thread:


This has nothing to do with television & film.



I honestly can't tell if this is Sup Forums or people false-flagging as Sup Forums to make the board hate them more.

Fuck off poc lover

Pretty much. The goal is to completely wipe out whites and erase their history from existence. After they're gone, Asians are next.

This. Jews still want revenge on Japan for supporting Hitler but are having trouble breaking through.

why/how do female professors even exist

How do we stop the jews?

We don't.

kill every single woman on earth


There is a kernel of truth to this. People have long incorrected assumed the ancient Greeks and Romans to be Anglos or Germanics, and the white color of the statues has not helped this.

I thought greeks and romans weren't white though?

By becoming jews.

Jews are just ascended whites

Modern Greeks and "Romans" are nigger mongrels but the ancients were Aryan

reminder that Sup Forums is Sup Forums with more politics

Huh? Which jew told you that?

Ancient Greece would've become Aryan if the Persians had won

No its Sup Forums, you can find the same thread there most of the time.

Sup Forums is an art discussion board. OP's thread is discussing art. This thread is allowed here.

Aryans are shitkin Iranians you dumb faggot.

>>Sup Forums - Television and Film

I want Sup Forums niggers to leave

aw is the lil snowflake libtard cuck triggered?

>but the ancients were Aryan

ancient Iranians weren't aryan, only modern Iranians are

Go back to /lgbt/ tranny. Thanks.

>implying both sides don't go there for shitposting ammo

They were not Vandal, Goth, etc. Germanics but a more "direct" strain of Caucasian that predate the Turks in Anatolia and split into the initial Mediterranean cultures. North Africa used to be just them and minor influxes of Saharran blacks before Arab incursions created Burburs and modern cosmo Egyptians.

>you will not only see liberalism recapture Sup Forums within your lifetime, but will inevitably join it
Was contrarianism ever the right path to be on?

>the ancient people who called themselves Aryans weren't Aryan but the ancient people who called themselves Hellenes/Greeks and Romans were Aryans
Nazis were just a bunch of LARPing faggots

>the ancients were aryan


by giving Iran nuclear weapons

Post on topic Sup Forumsack nigger. Thanks

Imagine being that one lonely retard on Sup Forums every night who spams Sup Forums b8 threads, and then goes into other on-topic threads to complain about everything that isn't blantant Sup Forums b8. He must receive a hefty compensation for all his stormforce shilling.

everyone knows stormfags have more cash than soros and shariablue

what kino is this

reminder that Sup Forums is the Sup Forums spillage board

Daily reminder: Politics is in everything

>you will not only see liberalism recapture Sup Forums within your lifetime, but will inevitably join it
I never really left it. But it sure as hell wants to leave me because I have the audacity to have an individual opinion, be white and browse Sup Forums.

Post some BLACKED (political) webms

point me to some soros and shariablue threads on Sup Forums

yep its too late.

I fail to see how this is television or film

>I hate Sup Forums for showing me this nonsense not the people who actually wrote it in the first place

Are you telling me that you do it for free?

Note this IP isn't complaining about all the other off-topic threads up and in fact its posting in one of them right now with approval

The problem isn't Jews, it's women. Learn to be an anti-femite

as long as leftism maintains censorship and thought-crime as a central pillar of its platform it will never be celebrated here

Never said I didn't hate it, I just don't think it's right to put it here. Everyone knows white people are fucked with everyday, but that doesn't mean it belongs here.

The original ones were colored, and they were garish as fuck. Later on after the weathered look caught on they were designed without paint

TELEVISION AND FILM, you stupid faggot.


just fucking lol if you really believe this

If you're triggered by "off-topic" threads so much, why would you create them yourself?

>le ch0nz was totes liberal dude
The most leftist Sup Forums ever was is libertarian.



>there are virgin liberals ITT right now

I have never met a healthy weight Republican voter in my life to be honest.

I don't come here to worry about politics, I come here to talk Sup Forums.

That's the hilarous thing you Sup Forumsack faggots never get. We don't hate you because you say nigger and kike. This is Sup Forums, we've had that since day one. We hate you because you wear it on your sleeve like a child and have to shoehorn it into every conversation.

The funny part is that philosophically your strategy is no different than a SJW tranny.


You normally meet people outside.

>someone is a cuck because they want on-topic discussion.

I'm starting to think I'm arguing with someone from reddit.

>I don't come here to worry about politics, I come here to talk Sup Forums.
>talks about politics
you just cant help yourself

Who the fuck cares about Republicans?

But you don't want on-topic threads

the fact that there are many other off-topic threads up before this one and you're only crying now because it goes against your liberal ideals is proof of that


>Sarah (((Bond)))

Don't act surprised.

Dude, I go to Sup Forums all the time. I hate liberals just as much as most of the people there. I just want Sup Forums to be tv and film.

Typical Sup Forums argument.

Talking about Sup Forums shit posting isn't really talking about politics. You don't really know my personal politics. Oh and sage goes in the option field

Astute observation, reddit. FYI I've lived in 7 different major cities and have traveled to all 48 interlocking states on business trips.


This, they were all painted ridiculous colours that could only be described as garish.

read the board rules, idiot.

>implying you can't hate both

And how many people have to you explicitly that they're a republican voter? The fuck kind of conversations are you having with random strangers?

Imagine the double whammy of being muslim and canadian.

>i hate nolan but don't you think anti nolan posters are even worse?
maybe this image will make you understand better how transparent you really are

>Everyone knows white people are fucked with everyday
>"fucked with"
downplay and detract

fucking commie shill right here, boys



leftypol types like the kikes they behave as useful idiots and revolutionaries for are incapable of any valuable original creation... just some shitty derivative version of OC some Sup Forumsack made.

It's the same with their laughable attempts at appropriating terms like "cuck".

just a friendly reminder