The Millenial Female Suicide Epidemic Has Begun

Oh Captain, my Captain! Another unmarried childless 30 something has joined the ranks of the Dead Roasties Society.

Gen-X and early millennials rode the cock carousel until their late 20's. Then they got off with a beta provider before cheating, divorcing, and beginning the cycle all over again.

But more of these women are refusing to settle. And more men are refusing to play the rigged game at all.

The end result is single men finding other ways to occupy their time and miserable used up spinsters getting trashed on cheap wine and dressing up their cats in baby clothes before killing themselves with their biological clock run outs.

This is the future you wanted ladies.

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Are you enjoying virginity, OP?

literally who

They deserve it
the west is doomed
i'm a virgin btw

Or maybe the men have created such a toxic environment for women to live in.

Hi numales. How's orbit?

>roaster btfo
>y-you can't acknowledge it v-virgin! women > men hahaahaha
wtf is wrong with you

Its embarrassing how anyone could think otherwise but you know where you are.

she was famous on youtube 10 years ago