Ok so many people here on the Alt-Right believe in a big Jewish conspiracy that Jews are behind everything. One of the arguments they use is so many people in power have "bergs" or "steins" in their last name and therefor they are Jewish (since those are Jewish last names). However having a berg or stein in your last name DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE JEWISH! For example my last name is Adelstein, my father was a Jew giving me my last name, but my mother was a Catholic so under Jewish law I am not Jewish, in fact I'm 0% Jewish because it gets passed down 100% by your mother. Do I have Jewish ancestry? Yes, but I'm not Jewish. So many of these celebrities, bankers, and politicians with bergs and steins aren't Jewish they just have Jewish ancestry.
Alt-Right Jewish Conspiracy Debunked
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stormcucks pretending not to be Stormcucks
Therapy might be beneficial to you my friend, if you're on NEETbux try to look for ones with no copays
> Adelstein
Stormcucks are absolutely worthless to our movement. Don't even give a shit about their opinions
>refers to jewish law instead of genetics
You're a jew plain and simple. Titles don't mean shit when you have the blood of a lizard.
I just said, my dad is Jewish. I'm not because Judaism is passed down maternally. I'm German and if asked if I am a Jew I would say no
It just makes me mad because stormcucks alienate so many people for absolutely no reason. One of the reason Hitler lost is due to his hatred of Slaves.
*hitler lost is due to hatred of slavs.
Alright by your logic the Royal Family is Jewish since paternally they can trace their ancestry to Khazars. Royal Family isn't Jewish and neither am I.
The whole "every Jew is a conspirator thing" is stupid, I agree.
But it's naive not to see that Jews are a very close-knit community that actively advantages themselves and their own over others, even if they are living in a nation that belongs to those others.
It's also extremely naive not to see the role that Jewish diaspora (particularly the very rich diaspora) plays in globalism and undermining national identity. The proof is literally there; rockefellers, Rothschilds, Soros and more.
Wow, really makes you think.
im not jewish
Rockefellers and Rothschilds aren't Jewish tho, Soros I agree. But yeah there are a lot of left-wing Jews pushing that but then you have others like Shapiro and Milo pushing right-wing stuff.
>Royal Family isn't Jewish
They have Jewish ancestry but remember it has to be passed down MATERNALLY. Prince Albert Consort had Jewish ancestry but because he's a male he doesn't pass it on.
wtf i love isreal now
Always trust a Jew to argue the rules.
Alright you tell me what defines a Jew? Someone who can trace their ancestry to Abraham?
>what defines a Jew?
You know how I know you're Jewish?
I'm not Jewish but tell me?
He just did.
What did he say?
Someone that want to fuck their human cow sister but settles for prematurely dribbling into her worn bras and trying to convince their goyische classmates to fuck her but let him watch from closet.
You realize how anti-semitic that is right?
Sometimes facts and opinions overlap, like right now.
>Do I have Jewish ancestry? Yes, but I'm not Jewish.
Except it's not facts. I am not Jewish at all and you know it.
Sorry yentl but it is 1000% truth and only Mizrahim are semites. Fuck off.
P.S. Be extremely happy your mum isn't a Jewess because that would've meant someone like me reamed aggregate meters of dick balls deep into her.
>our movement
Your altrightist, libertarian, degenerate kike puppet "movement" belongs on reddit, not here. Sup Forums has been natsoc since the inception of our precursor boards.
Anti-semitism doesn't make something not true. In fact it usually indicates truth.
Why do I not believe you?
By your logic your own royal family is Jewish since the Royal families have Khazar ancestry, however they aren't Jewish because it has to be passed down MATERNALLY
>Ok so many people here on the Alt-Right believe in a big Jewish conspiracy that Jews are behind everything.
>By your logic your own royal family is Jewish
All Jewish males marry reformed sluts, they know this making them all cucks. It drives them mad because now their hen pecking wife fucks them via matriarchal traumatisation.
Natsoc is honestly the most RETARDED ideology ever.
>Eugenics against anyone who's not perfectly healthy
Yet Goebbels had flat feet
>Lets break away from the Jewish monetary control and usury!
Meanwhile they borrow 101 billion from "Jewish" Banks
>Kill anyone who's over 1/32 Jewish
Meanwhile the chances of someone who is 1/32 Jewish being Jewish is literally 3%. It has to be directly passed down maternally.
Antisemitism is always false
Paranoia maybe?
Your mom was slut you are being a degenerate asshole
I don't see your point
I prefer to call it pattern recognition.
>Antisemitism is always false
I agree. Usually when someone says "anti-semitism," they're wrong.
Except most of these "Jews" on television aren't Jews.
Anti-semitism is prejudice against Jews. If you assume a Jew is something before meeting them you are anti-semtiic.
All that means is your invocations of anti-semitism are wrong because you can't say whether or not my opinions are informed.
Was this post supposed to convince me? You said nothing about actual natsoc ideology. How fucking new are you, by the way?
Your opinions are non-sense because you think I'm Jewish when I'm not.
Now you're assuming I have a television.
Go ahead and tell me what my opinions are.
sure steinberg
>You said nothing about actual natsoc ideology. How fucking new are you, by the way?
Are you trying to pull a no-true scotsman? The ideology that Hitler applied to Germany was Natsoc and was hypocritical as fuck. They had eugenics but only if you didn't work for the government, they also killed those who weren't even Jews because they had Jewish ancestry. If I lived in Nazi Germany I would be killed.
True stormfaggots usually don't have that.
Because I clearly stated my mom isn't Jewish and therefor I'm 100% goyim yet you are still implying I'm Jewish
sure buddy.
i feel so much shame having a leaf for a fucking flag
You seem really confused. You're kind of neurotic, aren't you? That doesn't answer anything at all! Why won't you just tell me?
>Are you trying to apply the no true Scotsman?
Kek I can't tell if this is b8 or not but it's hilarious. So what part of your statement was an argument against natsoc as a whole?
I had a redpill over dose about (((them)))
>be sleep deprived for 48 hours now
>having micro sleep where I zone out
>starting to have semi-lucid thoughts
>intense paranoid state kicks in while on Sup Forums
why am I wearing socks? I don't remember putting on socks! The Jews did it !
>body can't move due to sleep paralysis
>starts panicking, rapid eye movements
>wakes up with a falling sensation
>mfw redpill bad trip
Uhh excuse me faggot I believe that is the ad hominem fallacy on top of a triple Great man folly entente? Kek do you even know what an argumebt even is?? I can't wait to take you out. It's nothing personal.
Funny how someone who is not a Jew has such intimate knowledge of Jewish lore and laws.
Then fuck off
Because you think im Jewish
Ok you're trolling, got it
What? Stop using fallacy
Because my dad taught me.
So he made you believe you're not Jewish so that you'd be able to pass as a goy? Yep, nothing Jewish about that.
I fucked one cow titted monchichi in the ass 513 times. Like a meth monkey raping a buckwheat hull pillow. In the loaded out Honda her dad purchased for her. She is now a corporate attorney cucking a wimpy Jewhubby with 2 ugly Judekinder from the 2 times she let him dribble into her. I can still fuck her anytime I feel the want. I may end up fucking her daughter when she hits 18 just for shits & giggles. Should make for good conversation.
No. You didn't make an argument against an entire political idealogy in a few sentences.
>Oh this one aspect of your idealogy is flawed. So everything about it is deconstructed. Kek. Can you even lmao kid?
>I just dismembered you argumemt with my pawn shop katana blade and a two sentence statement. Where is your God now?
Read it again, spastic.
Suuure he said "son you're not Jewish"
>Because my dad taught me.
For your Bar Mitzvah ceremony?
I did and he never said that idiot
>Alright by your logic the Royal Family is Jewish since paternally they can trace their ancestry to Khazars.
It's antisemitic to claim Jews are Khazars.
If they were Khazars then they wouldn't be Semitic and would have zero claim to lands in the middle east.
Most of them are still globalist kikes though, The difference between Shapiro and Soros (outside of money) is that one is a international kike that doesn't push for multiculturalism and the other is an international kike that push for multiculturalism. Both support Israel and the US being a jew puppet and don't question the monetary system (run by jews and their institutions).
That is it, though I agree that the "kike" conspiracy is crazy talk, there is a high representation of jews in the sphere of influence that actually control the government of almost every nation by controlling their monetary systems.
>Suuure he said "son you're not Jewish"
But you still must go to Temple and learn the way.
>What? Stop using fallacy.
So the first statement which was serious was a troll, but the second statement where I try to get you in my perspective seeing you new friends post here by going ayy lmao is a serious post?
One of these days you'll outgrow that hugbox.
But they also can trace it back to king david and such but that doesn't make them jewish
Nothing Jewish about Federal Reserve a Dutch dude set it up and appointed an Irishmen to run it. The reason you don't mention the monetary system is people will realize you're nuts
Learn to not be anti-semitic.
grow u
grow up
You will be on your thirteenth birthday, sport.
I'm 20 and I'm NOT JEWISH
Stop bitching leaf, no, you're not jewish, neither a zionist, why do you feel bad?
>Nothing Jewish about Federal Reserve a Dutch dude set it up and appointed an Irishmen to run it. The reason you don't mention the monetary system is people will realize you're nuts
Gaining interest and creating money out of thin air and charging interest on that same money is nothing jewish? Do I need to remind you that both Catholicism (and Christianity for that matter) and Islam are against interest rates and people living of others people work and called usury? The first banks were always run by merchants.
Though again, that doesn't mean every jew is a international monetary kike vampire but I would rather not take my chances and gas all of you just to be sure.
No I am a zionist but I'm not Jewish, stop bitching
>that doesn't mean every jew is a international monetary kike vampire
who taught you that bullshit?
Stop it Stein, nobody believes your jew tricks and your 6 gorillion trip guilt anymore.
Hey, guys, I found a photo of OP!
>I am a (((zionist)))
>I am a zionist
I have some jewish friends and know some older jewish people. They are deplorable when it comes to money and I would take my losses and see them all die if that mean all the jews in the world die as well but I am certain that they aren't part of the globalist kike machine.
>Rockefellers and Rothschilds aren't Jewish tho, Soros I agree. But yeah there are a lot of left-wing Jews pushing that but then you have others like Shapiro and Milo pushing right-wing stuff.
False. Rothschilds are jews, if you watch the episode of aristocrats about them, they bitch nonstop about being nobility outcasts because they are jewish. Thier mouths, not mine.
You need it to make sure deflation doesn't happen..
This is a shillpost.
1. Lauren Southern dyes and straightens her hair, changed her name. May or may not be Jewish. Made this tweet:
She is also anti-Israel:
2. Christina Hoff Sommers:
Also Anti-Israel:
3. Ben Shapiro: We all know he's Jewish.
4. Milo Y: rationalwiki.org
5. Sargon of Akkad:
I once found information confirming he was Jewish but I can't find it now. Regardless, he continues the narrative pushed by his peers:
I have better pictures of them all together, but there you have it. The "Alt Right" is entirely Jewish. They never mention the fact that Jews create all the problems they whine about every day, with no solution. This is purposeful because they are most likely Soros-funded controlled opposition.
Jews aren't rats idiot
Trump is too
I support Israel since it's the land of my ancestors
They aren't Jewish they're Khazars
And just to make this easier for anons newer to Sup Forums - I'm not pro-Israel or pro-anything other than myself and my countrymen, but condemnation of Israel (representing Jewish desire for settlement and civility) primarily comes from the same vehicle spewing SJW media - Soros.
None of those people are Alt Right. Nice try, but not really.
I'm not a shill
Yeah they all are.
I agree but how can you control that if in the best case scenario (a public central bank) the vast majority of the monetary supply is still created by the banks and not the National Central Bank/Treasury? In most nations with a national central bank the money supply created by said bank is not more than 3% of the total money in circulation (which made said government a profit) and the rest was made by privately owned banks and created out of debt at interest and increasing the money supply (IE inflation) at the same time?
If you would be NatSoc you could be a "Edel Jude". But i think you are just a retarded Jew.
>Trump is too
What a strange thing to bring up!
>Jews aren't rats idiot
This is a very specific thing to deny. You seem paranoid.
>(((here on the (((Alt-Right)))))
Fuck off, kike.
>are my ancestors Jewish
>am I Jewish because I am descended from Jews
>Jews aren't rats idiot
>Trump is too
>I support Israel since it's the land of my ancestors
> (You)
>They aren't Jewish they're Khazars
They call themselves jews tho...
I think the Central Bank knows what it's doing if banks are printing money it's probably good for the economy it gives savers higher interest rates and borrowers less interest rates
I'm not Jewish at all
>What a strange thing to bring up!
sure even tho he's this boards HERO
>This is a very specific thing to deny. You seem paranoid.
I'm not jewish so no.
Sure buddy
>sure even tho he's this boards HERO
>I'm not jewish so no.
I don't understand what you mean by this. Could you explain?
You know your claim would be the very least bit believable if you didn't include Carl "having no opinion is better than having an opinion" Benjamin in there.
>I think the Central Bank knows what it's doing if banks are printing money it's probably good for the economy it gives savers higher interest rates and borrowers less interest rates
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You are a fucking kike the bone. Fuck you and all your kind. Current monetary system is nothing more than a slavery system. People will wake up and blame someone and it is not going to be bankers, kike.
I saw the virgin's cunt spawning forth the snake
I witnessed tribes ov Judah reduced to ruin
I watched disciples twelve dissolved by flame
Looked down on son ov god snuffed in vain
Blow your trumpets Gabriel!
As I beheld the bewilderment ov Eden
Break the bread...and crumb by crumb into the Leviathan's den...
Nations fall prey
Hail my return
Hosanna Hosanna
Tribe ov Judah decimate
Hosanna Hosanna
Root ov David eradicate
Hosanna Hosanna
Let wine ov Sodom fill our mouths
Hosanna Hosanna
May Sin ov Gommorah grace our hearts
whos that?
Fuck off anti-Semitic not everything is a tinfoil conspiracy ok? You need banks to act as the backbone of the economy otherwise another depression will happen.