How could someone so ugly when they were young age so well? Also, nu-Trek a shit

How could someone so ugly when they were young age so well? Also, nu-Trek a shit

By Grabthar's hammer, to infinitey and beyond! Hehe!

she herself said her boobs are one the greatest FX on the movie

>ugly when they were young

found the flaming misogynist

>tfw the sequel got cancelled because Alan Rickman died
It wouldn't have held a candle to the original, but anything is better than the total sewage that passes for movies now

Sigourney was bangin as a blonde.

>ugly when she was young
delet this shit right now

she wasn't ugly. she just had the wrong hairstyle and didn't show her mammaries enough

the late 70s and 80s were a weird time for makeup and clothes.


You plebs haven't seen 'My Year of Living Dangerously' have you? She smoulders in that.


By the angel Combustion, you just KNOW

>watching TNG
>Holo Deck can not only create perfect Humans
>These humans can also hold perfect conversations with all the phrases, mannerisms and gestures
>fuck they can actively flirt, read body language, understand complex emotions that only show in tone of voice or similar subtle ways, in short they'd pass the Turing test no problem.
>fucking Data gets confused by every single idiom.
Oh because Data is nothing than a shit way to get a new spock on the show without having a Vulcan that everyone will call Spock 2.0


Damn my childhood show ruined once again

siggy a cute.
a cute!

To be honest I'm doing it to myself. Growing up I really liked TNG but I wasn't "following" the show, I was catching random episodes or halves of episodes in german dub.
Now I'm on a Marathon trough all Trek Shows (except Animated, I'm not THAT mad) and fuck me TNG does not really hold up at all.

Picard once complained about how absurd it was that Data had trouble with idioms.

It was in the very first episode!!!

It is kinda ridiculous considering how super human-like the Holodeck humans are. If they were just recordings fine, but they're fucking interactive, picking up on "weird speech" and recognizing things as out of place. Even Scheming their own plots like humans of that era would: "Hey, we can kill them and go trough the door, take over this other world" What makes it even weirder: Before Riker joined, Data was second in command, and when Picard and Riker are gone he is the acting captain.

He can't fucking detect sarcasm, but he can be entrusted with the lives of EVERYONE on board the Enterprise?