Hey Sup Forums i really need to redpill a bitch about why being gay is degenerate and why we should stop pushing the "gay is ok" agenda. What are your best arguments?
Gay is not ok
Depends, is she a leftie or right wing ?
Gay is not "okay".
Gay is superior.
she keeps posting lgbt propaganda on fb. take a guess
Good luck. There are more gays on Sup Forums than lgbt.
Well you won't redpill her. She's doomed.
Litteraly you can't explain something to people like this even with good arguments they will just never reconsider their beliefs.
the ancient Greeks were gay.
just accept Gay people. Any other sexuality is fake
You wish, faggot scum.
If everyone was gay, the human race would cease to exist.
Fucking degenerates that post images like this
Or this
Homosexuality undermines traditional marriage.
Traditional marriage, monogamous man and woman marriage is the building block for western societies and western liberal democracies.
From Greece and Rome, to our current situation, marriage as an institution, a sacred one, is the ultimate decentralization of power. It protects the individual in a mutual relationship by consolidating the power of the individual to the most powerful thing humans can posses, marriage and the ability to generate life. Man and wife is the most basic formation.
It's like, having low cost steel alloy bricks (traditional western marriage) vs high cost clay fire bricks (polygamy, gay marriage, etc.) which do you think would build a better building?
Traditional marriage is the most stable and productive and is our current administrative model for how society should be run, not just in abroad sense but also in the individual sense.
Balance of protection, guidance, and care.
She's a fag hag, nothing you can do. She likes to be around unattainable men who ignore her. So, the opposite of you.
Sexual intercourse is for procreation. Any deviation from this is, well, deviant behavior. The anus is for shitting. Any deviation from this is, well, obviously deviant. We use to call it disordered for a reason, but post modernists have abandoned reason.
>talking to a woman
can't get much more cucked than this.
No they weren't.
Very few practiced homosexuality, and fewer still found a lust in homosexuality.
In the few places it took play it was almost always exclusively military and platonic in that it was a sign of brotherhood rather than our modern conception of love.
The Greeks would've killed homosexuals who were married. Why? Refer, Also the sources don't tell us they acted like faggots (singing and dancing) which to the Romans was effeminate, but the sources never actually say they were homosexuals or accepting of homosexuality.
Only in degenerate Rome was homosexuality a thing during ancient times.
i'm not talking to her she just keeps spamming my feed with that disgusting shilling for fags. it needs to end
marriage is a jewish plot to popularize feminism.
Cus it's about being edgy
Edge destroys tradition indirectly(not marrying a women and having kids) and directly (gays attacking marriage values, attacking christians, normalizing homosexuality in schools)
If you have too much edge then you have modern western civilization..
Well lets start by pointing our that everyone wants "rights" and "equality"
I have no problem with the gays but the trannys are becoming too much.
Moral argument:
If homosexuality should be accepted as morally correct due to it's presence in nature.
Then all naturally observed behaviors are morally correct. killing, eating meat, rape.
If all naturally occuring behaviors are not morally correct, then homosexuality can be reasoned as as it doesn't serve a function in nature.
Though homosex in fact spreads disease and is frowned upon similarly to how promiscuity is frowned upon in traditionally civilized heterosexuals.
Genetic argument: I was born this way
If you were indeed born this way then
then how does one determine this is true?
Genetics, fine then how are genes passed on? Heterosexual sex.
Well you may say genes skip generations or a bisexual man could reproduce, fine ill accept that. but then how does one account for transgenders who were in fact not "born this way" and are making an active attempt to surgically alter themselves outside of what is naturally possible therefore immoral as the original argument premises.
and how do you account for the correlation between suicide rates and lgbt individuals.
Delete her from FB friends
gays should be killed
explain male gspot
>If everyone was gay
Things that will never happen
pretend to be a muslim and call her an islamophobe
because the purpose of human sexuality is procreative, and homosexuality is by definition sterile. if the human eye has any purpose, then it is for sight, just as if the function of male ejaculation has any purpose, it is for insemination. this is why homosexuality is absolutely degenerate.
If you can't come up with your arguments, then why do you need to "redpill" her? Just tell her the reasons why you hate gays. Is Sup Forums some kind of handbook for "right opinions"?
Anal sex regardless if male or female is terrible for your body. Increases your chances of getting an std 10 fold.
This, OP.
There is nothing wrong with supporting Hillary. She is the better candidate. #imwithher
JOIN US - and this will no longer be a problem for you. I feel your rage - you can make movies about it and distribute to your friends. We have everything you need - prisoners / women / children / boi pussy - Billions of $$ and HiDef equipment. Put an end to all the things you know are wong in this world!
gay is ok because I honestly don't care where people stick their dicks as long as it's not down my throat
>to your friends
Homosexuality is a natural population control feature.
Just like the lower fertility rate seen in developed nations, homosexuality becomes more prevalent when a society has enough medical advances to guarantee survival and potentially experience overpopulation.
It is literally nature's response to overpopulation and guaranteed progeny survival.
The basic unit of society is the family. As such, society should be constructed such that everybody aspires to marry and start a family. Acceptance of homosexuality necessarily weakens this, and in time will see the failed society displaced by one which enforces traditional gender roles. Also, by studies on identical twins, we know that sexuality isn't 100% genetic, so social acceptance of sodomy can increase the rate of homosexuality (and thus lower the birth rate).
Of course, the average liberal doesn't give a shit about the West, so don't expect to convince her.
>hey guys i hate thing
>i need to inform someone about why i hate thing
>pls remind me why i hate thing
lmaoing at ur life desu
My gf is conservative but she's pro-lgbt (not in the obnoxious post on Facebook etc way, but it drops in conversations)
How do i redpill her
The more gays the higher chance we get to bang women
That's not how evolution works you fucking retard. It isn't intelligent, it doesn't plan in advance. A novel gene that lowers its own chance of reproduction wouldn't out-compete the status quo generation to generation.
who gives a shit? Just because it's ok doesn't mean it needs to be a social norm. Just remind your kids that they should be straight and those urges are not to be acted on.
>hey Sup Forums hep me argue for something I clearly don't have arguments for because I myself only believe it because you guys believe it
Gas all frogposters.
Just tell her it's disgusting degeneracy and to stop supporting fags
It's actually completely rational. Conservatism is about respect for tradition because you know *that* it works, not *how* it works. For example, ancient societies didn't understand faults in DNA replication, but they know there was a strong social taboo against incest.
So how it's redpilled?
>but they know there was a strong social taboo against incest.
Brits are extremely inbred so are Finns
Truly an affront against traditional and sound values. These threats must be identified and quarantined.
My comment was not about whether homosexuality is genetic.
Is the lower fertility rate also genetic? No, of course not.
It is a population's collective behavioral response to environmental changes. Those changes being medical advances which guarantee progeny survival, and overpopulation. it's a response to resource availability, and survival rate of progeny. You're taking a strictly individualistic view of how populations behave, when they are much more predictable as a collective entity.
In which populations is homosexuality prevalent?
In which populations is lower fertility rate prevalent?
What causes these behavioral shifts and desire amongst certain populations to reproduce less or not at all?
There is a trend.
Do your duty for the good of established decency and mankind today, provide the source to this degeneracy!
typical swede
Correlation != causation. Homosexuality results from an overabundance of wealth producing decadence and decay. Like dodos losing their wings, Western cultures lacked selection forces and atrophied. Hardly a surprise both Europe and America will be minority-white by 2100.
that ass needs to be culturally enriched
Chilling and disturbing, isn't it?
Pay no heed to this lackey of perversion, for he is but a tool of the homosexual agenda!
They walk among us! Never let carelessness nor imprudence get the better of your judgement.
lol he's spoiled it by shoving too much up it
looks like a tank round hit him anally
There is hilarious because...
>Correlation != causation.
>Homosexuality results from an overabundance of wealth producing decadence and decay.
Correlation != causation.
Your causation (or correlation) is literally the same as mine, except that you don't understand the purpose for lower fertility rate being coupled with higher prevalence of homosexuality.
Lower fertility rate, and higher prevalence of homosexuality exist in developed wealthy nations. Why? Resource availability and guaranteed survival of progeny present a potential dilemma of overpopulation. Lower fertility rates and increased prevalence of homosexuality are natural responses and population controls.
You came up with the same correlation, however you just failed to understand or explain the reasoning for it. Yours is, "wealthy populations just do degenerate things for some reason", mine is, "wealthy populations do X and Y because Z".
They could be in your vicinity, or even in your bed, RIGHT NOW! Keep a lookout at all times.
ive never really been THAT against it when we have a population rising to scary high numbers
throw at me her propoganda
i cant explain why gay is bad but i can debunk most of it