The french civil war coming

>A village mayor in Corsica has banned full-body swimsuits known as "burkinis" after a beach brawl between families of North African descent and local youths.

>Two books come out in September from great writers on the civil war to come and that is in everyone's head in France

Islam is no more welcome in France and in Europe. Muslims must flee before it's too late.

Other urls found in this thread:

>having the internet or a brain or being developped at all

What is the general opinion of muslims in france?

there are no Generals in France

We don't like them. We consider they will never be French until they abandon Islam and their old cultures.

Is the pendulum finally starting to swing back bros?


no fuck you,I disagree

>inb4 Ahmed

Why? you can dislike Islam and still like individual Muslims.

I like Islam and dislike individual Muslims

please upboat

A new study just came out saying 45% of catholics now see muslims as a menace. Considering the French Catholics have a tendency to show more tolerance for Islam than most French atheists and agnostics, the overall opinion must be quite negative.

Maybe not in 2017 or in 2018, but it's gonna explode one day here. And France will show the path to Europe again.

planque toi bien parce que les traitres comme toi seront pas épargnés

>the overall opinion must be quite negative.
Seems like a positive to me, maybe jumping the channel soon.

Tes mensurations, abruti?

Je te déglingues en deux deux taffiole

1m85 93 kilos

parce que tu crois que je serais pas armé ?

En plus je suis alcoolisé donc si tu passais entre mes mains juste maintenant je te dis pas les actes de tortures que tu vivrais

Lol le gros lard

tu ferais rien du tout, je te ferais rouler par terre mon gros

No. No civil war or revolution will happen in Europe. We are all going to get overrun with muslims, no one will fight back. Just convert to islam and save yourself.

moi aussi fusil de chasse 22 long rifle et toute la daube habituelle issue de l'arrierrée de famille

Je te plombe à vue pédéraste

plenty of atheists are actually universalists, so they actually end up being a lot more tolerant of muslim crap

Un de tes doigts s'est brisé en tapant sur "enter" c'est ballot

>said the serbian

Putain on a un gros beauf des familles, faites gaffe les gars il pourrait nous assourdir avec son klaxon personnalisé

This lad is going to kill 95% of the French population, wew just wew lad.

C'est ce qui arrive quand on se fend trop la poire à cause d'un con sur internet

Si tu te saoules la gueule devant ton pc tu dois vraiment être un gros fils de pute.

This, just read Houellebecq frogtards.


went to Corsica this summer. Some dude told us if the Muslims pulled the kind of shit they pulled in Paris and Brussels, the Corsicans would have exterminated their asses from the island...

Gros sac

>elle est plus grosse que toi

le mec picole solo sur Sup Forums et fait des menaces a nimportequi. c'est pas toi qui vie une torture là !?

Je confirme mais j'aime toutes les putes, que ce soit ma mère ou la tienne

d'ailleurs je t'encule à sec

Je t'emmerde enculé

vas te faire mettre par les pompiers de Paris

Last time the arabs ambushed firefighters for no fucking reason so the corsicans burned mosques and attacked the corsicans in their neighbourhood

You have other things to worry about my slav friend.

>so the corsicans attacked the corsicans

C'est bien continuez

Au moins les pompiers de Paris ne font pas 95kg de graisse

Whatever floats your boat, I hope you like taxes.

In any case I don't know what the intellectual debate is like in the UK, but in France most philosophers and intellectuals are openly against Islam and whatever French people on 4chins say about "muh SJW monopoly over the media" the truth is only a select few left wing newspapers ever try to push the "muh religion of peace, muh islamic culture is enriching" crap. France has always been heavily assimilationist at heart. Even Pres. VGE who actually got the muslims to immigrate into France intended to send them back once they weren't needed any longer.
Unfortunately his semi technocratic government was the last of its kind and we have been plagues with politician nepotism ever since.

>En plus je suis alcoolisé


Corsican happening just shown us that the French people will not let conquer slowly.

Y'a que la vérité qui blesse...

ITT: massive french immigration and whiteflagging

Ça arrive de faire une bourde sur portable mais monsieur doit être parfait

our society is ripe to be taken over. leftist feminists will convert to Islam in a heartbeat (already known a few). men will just follow who has the power. muslims will impose power through sheer violence like they're doing today in the middle east. i do believe what goes around comes around and that islam isn't a viable model except in shitstain desert countries, so there will be a blowback. i just hope we wake before all this shit happens though...

Kill them allllll!!!!!!!!!!
Kill them all visigothic brothers

haha, le pire, un gros parigo alcolo avec la répartie dun négro

>Retarded mayor trying to keep his dumb FN voters

>Retarded "author" trying to bank on dumb FN voters

T'es qu'une petite merde au fond de ta campagne qui passe trop de temps sur le net, va te pendre.

toi ta répartie c'est de la merde

tue toi abruti de con

>i just hope we wake before all this shit happens though...

It is beginning. Slowly, but beginning anyway.

France will become the new Israël.

Keep qt muslim wymyn
>deport all muslim men of fighting age..

Not really
Just french Sup Forumsack trying to grasp at anything that could make their country look uncucked

Corsica isn't comparable to the rest of France

There will be no "great awakening", everybody already knows what are the problems, how to solve it, etc. France is already lost, now life continues, so either you try to join another people, either you live as an islamocosmopolite, or you can try to become another people with your similar fellow europeans.

Vous allez construire un mur dans l'eau ?

oh c'est vilain... te fache pas... boit un coup ça ira mieu !

Et dire que c'est des mecs comme toi qui veulent renvoyer les arabes chez eux, tsais quoi tu devrais partir aussi t'es aussi nuisible qu'eux.

>I hope you like taxes
As long as it isn't going to promoting, muh multiculturalism, I'm good with it.

>I don't know what the intellectual debate is like in the UK
There is a lot of "being against Islam is racist" and police are scared of doing their jobs because of it. Truth the right is divided in this country, but left isn't as much.

Pas un mur, un pont mon pote

>France is already lost

Heureusement que la France s'est pas faite avec des putains de tarlouzes comme toi

Snail speak itt

"mieu" ca prend un "x" à la fin contrairement à ta bite

fils de pute

Le FN n'a jamais vraiment perçé en Corse. Trop jacobin peut-être.

Certes Obertone et Zemmour sont très marqués à droite, mais tu ne peux pas, petit gauchiste, ne pas voir cette lame de fond identitaire qui traverse l'Europe et plus particulièrement la France, confrontée aux pires crises qu'elle a connue depuis la fin de la décolonisation.


I was more thinking about teaching safety measures to children, basics of self-defense techniques, regulated weapon bearing, nationalist.

Un pont entre quoi et quoi ?

For fucks sake don't let them rope you into a civil war!

They want a war, any way, to complete the white genocide.

So they've managed to completely derail the nationalist wave by making everything about Islam, and actually have you arguing FOR assimilation?

fuck yes! we're with you France, let me know if you can help me book a date for the happening I will come on holiday to help you turn your streets into barricades

>everybody already knows what are the problems, how to solve it,
not really. i live in the big city. the cleaning lady is muslim, i have a couple of muslim colleagues. it's not just as simple as to say "lets kill em all". you have to go smart about this shit and a Trump approach seems to me very sensible. HALT muslim immigration due to terrorism threats, DEPORT and motherfucker that uses undemocratic speech in public, REMOVE fucking welfare for anything over three kids, BAN burkini and such shit.

c h a m p i o n

I also heard this. Corsicans are dipping their bullets and rags in pigs blood for molotov cocktail night. The spark was lit and the mafia has returned. Expect to see more imams get shot, kidnapped and beheaded on deepweb redrooms then "leaked" onto the web, the old mafia tactics will look tame compared to the horrors that await imams, mosques, and Muslim refugees. Leave France, leave the UK before every single one of your homes, mosques and ghettos are burned to the ground. You've been warned. Screenshot this and wait and watch. It's going to get ugly.

un pont entre la connerie et les idioties

Mais tu prend un dictionnaire pour corriger mes fautes ou ta connerie est innée ?
Par contre ma bite ne prend pas de x à la fin mais ce fini toujours dans la gorge de ta mère


In other words, they're going to keep false flagging it on both sides until you start slaughtering each other.

>mudslimes come from war-filled hellhole, claim it's to escape war
>turn their destination into a war-filled hellhole within a handful of years


C bo

>y-you wouldn't deport me for wearing my burkini, right?

Le cyber warrior bourré avant le dîner.

Une genre de jeunesse hitlerienne francaise ?

>Implying the frogs wont just spread their asshole open like always

It is too late, Pierre.
You cant fight all flanks.

En vrai ce qu'il y a de marrant c'est que les mecs croient que le FN va les sauvé si ils sont élu. Mais les gars, le "nouveau" FN c'est juste un ramassie de fiottes de gauche. Si une guerre civile éclate ce sera plutôt du côté des non votants.

>So they've managed to completely derail the nationalist wave by making everything about Islam, and actually have you arguing FOR assimilation?
It's always been like this
The French Republic is highly hostile to all kind of "autochton-ness" to the point of destroying the various identities of its people to melt them all together into a common french identity
It's basically a country-scale Globalist wet dream, liberals and other globalist scums want to apply the french model to the whole world
France is a political aberration that needs to crash and burn

>there are no Generals in France

It's the poo poo man

Un genre de service militaire plutôt

>neo-nazi youths ?

No, no even need to be that "extreme".
Just being israelians in term of what they forbid us to do (anti-race mixing, anti-goy, etc.), even though they have gay pride and other shit.

It would be a very good start.

Don't underestimate frogs,these guys can riot just because they will work more than 35h the week

Le mec qui casse les couilles gratuitement

>kind of a military service


Je suis plus vite démasqué que BHL :^)

C'est vrai que pour un début ce genre de choses seraient déjà pas mal

and this, now LR/UMP is more right-wing than the FN

kek a cyberwarrior called me a faggot

The USA aren't being demographically replaced by muslims.

To concude I would claim that muslims and shitskins aren't France's single problem, I think it is time to end this mess started by Louis XVI the weak.
Maybe we'll be #VISEGRADED

Qu'est ce qu'on rigole qd on te lit


Ma tete a failli partir tellement c'est drole hihhi

Dis donc c'est que tu m'as l'air d'une grosse coquine toua ^^ ^^ ^^ ^____^ ^^ XD

Sure I would.
I won 't fuck your pussy or ass... so get out.

>All that banter between French
>Not aiming that anger at Muslims.

>muh A implies muh B in science of human feelings

Fucking inverted ambulance learn how to logic.

he'd pretty fucking pissed if he saw the shit going today... actually he'd be scorned and humiliated by the progressive lefties... this society needs to die to be reborn anew...

banter isn't about anger you leaf fucking shit

American here. I feel sorry for what has happened to you french. FUCK YOU ISIS. VIVE 'LA FRANCE!

we Based UK guys will send a BEF force to help slay the kebabs an achmeds francious


Charles "Fuck the anglos, Vive le Québec libre" de Gaulle was pretty based.