What did they mean with this? Saw it while walking in Portland last week.
What did they mean with this? Saw it while walking in Portland last week
>le not-at-all-bait-to-get-(you)s-regarding-person-in-reflection photo meem
I have no fucking idea what this Pizza place's position is on Trump.
>Typical European tourist attire
What are you wearing OP?
Mice clothing faggot
We can't possibly know until we try Drumpf's pizza. If it tastes good, then they can't possibly be all that anti-Trump.
Old bait is old
portland, austin, seattle, north carolina, boulder
ALL overrun by California refugees who ruined that state with socialism and leftism
nice viral marketing.
is that you in the faggoty mikey mouse shit?
>Forrest Trump
Isn't this shaming retarded people
fucking bigots
>comic sans
>ALL overrun by California refugees who ruined that state with socialism and leftism
North Carolina poisons its own young people's minds with its University indoctrination
Some edgy Portland fag who owns a less than successful pizza joint is trying to drum up support by putting up cheaply made "Donald Drumpf" signs to attract euro tourists like yourself and liberal fucks
They don't like him.
No, THIS is mice clothing faggot.
Epic mickey mouse pic op xDDDD
This will surely get you a ton of hilarious replies :DDD for the 100th time ;pppp
Looks like one of the captcha images
>captchas becoming sentient
>using our own language "What did they mean by this" to con us into believing it's a person
>Getting us to discuss in detail what the shop is for data collection purposes
You should be ashamed of your heritage, according to liberals
Is this the new jojo
nice outfit faggot
Norway proxies on a shitposting spree this afternoon.
University of California system does the same with their youth. They also use the Cal State system to program people.
Portland is hell now there are no more skinheads.
Lots of meth heads. And heroin junkies
I hate you Jew Yorker's and commiefornians
>select all store fronts
Nice try for the (you)
Even if I hated Trump I wouldn't go into that place because I don't like people with mental disorders making my food.
wtf are you wearing?
is some sort of leftist attempt at an insult. sort of like them referring to us as having too much testosterone or something.
This. OP explain your shit fashion sense
We had this thread already
Learn to dress, homo.
Sage and report this poster pic fucking related
At least he's not that fucking Serb.