Why are white nationalists so cringeworthy?

Why are white nationalists so cringeworthy?

Why does white nationalism tend to attract the lowest in society?


Not like niggers though right? They all seem happy enough, better to ask why do you not like people being happy?

Why bring up an entirely different topic?

I dislike them because they are a mockery of white people. White trash at its finest. They have the nerve to go around saying how they are superior when majority of them contribute nothing to society and have double digit IQs.

They are basically white niggers.


>it's this thread again

Pol summer camp an trips

are they dragging him by his balls lel ?

Every "ism" attracts the lowest in society or of a given group. The weak and stupid need something to attach to and fill the void.

>even povertous skinheads get qt gf's

The topic is the same thing you were talking about. You make a case for whites but refuse to acknowledge the other end of the spectrum? You sound incredibly prejudiced in you're "discussion" and it's most likely just a one sided argument

Pic of OP at this very moment.


lol, little they realize Rammstein are far-left, pozzed as fuck SJWs.


These faggots need some /fit/ with their Sup Forums

How man of these threads today? CTR in full force trying to defame white nationalists with images now. Well done, you have sunk to a new low.


Sup Forums btfo

fuck you. Everybody knows White nationalist are scum.
Your probably one of them posting from your trailer park ranting about "da jews" keeping you down from getting employment.
Whatever helps you rationalize being on the government dole man

We got some shills here today.

Niggers light each other up on fire

Because normal racists don't feel exiled and don't have to prove their ideals by getting their heads shaved or by being grossly tatted because they know their beliefs are true.