Any shows or movies likes this?
Any shows or movies likes this?
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They attempted a V:tM show. I think it lasted less than an entire season. It was in the 1990's and the name escapes me.
Aaron Spelling's Kindred: the Embraced starring Soul Man and Doakes, ended when irl vampires killed the star to uphold the masquerade
I'm very surprised this exists. Is it worth tracking down?
If you like the lore you'd probably get a kick out of it. Dated though
Only to say you saw it. I saw it a while back, it's clearly low-budget and has no idea what to do with itself. It lost steam after like two episodes.
Spoilers, watching it while playing VtM:B unlocks an achievement
It's really hard to write something like that without being an edgy fanfic. Troika did a surprisngly great job with the source material.
>create the greatest steampunk game of all time
>create the greatest vampire game of all time
>create the greatest 3.5E D&D engine of all time
they were too good for this world mates