Who else here is Primitivist/Anarcho-Primitivst?



On a computer.

This bait.

There is no point in going anarcho-primitivist if the rest of the human race keep their civilization BS


I too play Rust

why you asking this through a international electronic network of information when you could be using a pigeon

do you enjoy the convenience of being able to instantaneously communicate, share ideas and form connections with people from around the world?

you probably didn't mind learning about your crappy ideology from wikipedia instead of a physical encyclopedia

Oh so you want society to uphold your standards for you?

Be the first, take the leap into primitivism, at least eschew as many modern luxuries whilst living in society if you can't go it alone.

You're a hypocrite.


>The ones that wants the world reduced too the stone age will be the ones too die.
>Not the ones that wants and are able too create civilization

>Anarcho primitivism

It's an necesary evil too sprad the ideology

An ideology I would never adhere to, like most of the world who enjoys our consumerist comforts like central heating and ovens.

This is getting like Tumblr genders.

Fuck off.

While I admire the way of live of stone age humans, I would personally would not like to be in their place, it would get to boring too fast, then again, you would die earlier, so I guess that solves that problem.

But there has been non-stop radio checks on HFGCS so we may be close to nuking the world back to the stone age (in fact, Stone Age" is a call sign being used today), so maybe you'll get your wish, Sven.

Get off the computer hypocrite.

Why not go out in to public and speak directly?
Then you can be consistent in you beliefs.
Learn an instrument, become a travelling minstrel, spread the word.

>Who else here is a complete faggot?

>these are my Ideological pronouns.

Fucking hell you're right. Hahaha!

go back to your Cuckcave Swede

Seriously though why would you give up things like modern medicine and die of a simple infection rather then utilise the knowledge and tools we have created?

I don't agree with mass pollution or unnecessary industry but there is a happy medium before living in caves and eating moss.

Isn't that in essence what the Kmher Rouge was in Cambodia, and they had to kill a couple million people to make it work?

Not really he wanted an agrarian society not a hunter gatherer one. he was also a statist. Othervise he was pretty redpilled

Fuck off ancuck.
Natsoc master race report in!

please stop sending me odd packages in the mail. I'm not going to open them!! You guys overplayed this trick already!

Beyond this, you can achieve a lot of economic justice and suchlike without reverting to a primitive state of nature. Your people criticize the left wing, but you don't realize that both commies and primitivists suffer from a case of over-reaction to the evils of capitalism. You can solve basically all problem inherent in capitalism with three things:

1. georgism, to prevent agrarian injustice.
2. localism, to make cronyism much more difficult
3. monarchic/corporate ownership and rule of local government, so democracy can be abolished forever, along with the evil inherent in liberal democracy

>master race
>literally no economic policy

wot m8

im don't really care about capitalism i just want too reduce humanity too a hunter gatherer stone age lifestile

there is another thread about eco-fascism, and here is anarcho-primitivism.

Is Sup Forums starting to invent pronouns like le Reddit?

>yes I know, they are nouns, but you get it

>transactionless economy
>no agriculture


these ideas already existed. We are just starting to discuss them now

>Pol Pot
>pretty redpilled

Is killing 2 million people considered redpilled?


>current year
>not being a NatSoc-Libertarian Christian-Kekist

Because civilization leads too degeneracy
The end justifies the means

>I can't believe people have an ideology XDXD
Babbys first politics

Dude, why don't you just go live with the Saami? You did a good job genociding a lot of them, so you learn A-P and aboriginal holocaust at the same time.

Bonus: Reindeer is tasty.

Primitivists bring up various topics, but it is not serious for a number of reasons.

The earth has way more than can be supported by an anarcho-primitivist lifestyle.

10,000 years ago the world human population was a maximum of 15 million, probably less. This is a population size that could live as anarcho-primitivist. Now we have 7 billion people in the world, or more than 400 times that amount. The earth can't support an anarcho-primitivist lifestyle for 7 billion people.

Also, not asked much - if humans abandoned anarcho-primitivism 10,000 years ago for a path leading to our current state, if by some miracle we did go back to anarcho-primitivism - what would prevent a relapse back into civilization? One thing we know about civilization is it sprang up all over the world at about the same time - 10,000 years ago.

>The end justifies the means

The end was justified by killing all of the intelligent people in the country and forcing the others out? Sounds more like the end was fucked up by the means

Are you saying Kmher Rouge was justified? That's some razor sharp edge right there lad, careful

Rust is the greatest game ever. Accumulated well over 1500 hours now. So high stake and therefore exciting as hell. Literally survival of the fittest.

>Because civilization leads too degeneracy

Would living in a shithole really solve that much? You'd still have some degenerate things like rape and murder, and if you think "muh racemixers goddamn" well you aren't about to stop that sort of thing long term by reverting to a primitive state man.

also, if racemixing is stopped by extreme isolation, won't inbreeding become much more common? Isn't that also degenerate?