Beards are for NEET losers. The ancient Romans were badass and were all about that clean shaven life. I can have a bead in a week if I want but it's more presentable and professional to be clean shaven.
Beards are fucking degenerate
Clean shaven is the ultimate numale cancer.
Beards are the ultimate symbol of manliness, body hair is a symbol of masculinity.
Clean shaven is your attempt to be a women like a cuck faggot you are.
actually, rome was around for quite a long time, and like everywhere else, fashion constantly changed. beards went in and out of style. good try though
t. Patchy McPubeface
>baby faced kid who can't grow a beard detected
you know who else doesn't grow beards
>The ancient Romans were badass
they were a bunch of disgusting pedophiles
>Odin is doesn't agree with you
But they were all faggots you nigger, oh sorry I forgot
>american education
>Hand placement
He can't keep getting away with it.
Shaving is like wearing a tie, shows you're not really a man because you have somebody else telling you how to dress and look.
It hides my doublechin quite well.
Not anymore. Beards are for faggy hipsters.
mustaches are good, beards are bad. theres a reason why some hardcore muslims shave their mustaches but keep their beards; they are especially evil.
I grew a beard to hide my African features otherwise people can tell I look a little off
Rome was degenerate, Ancient Greece is the real deal
t. Spengler
ITT: Cucks who grow big Muslim beards in order to try to attract women
What is the most redpilled razor type?
>be americuck
>get rekt by Iran
Go hang yourself fatty,you are not designed for live this planet.
>I can have a beard in a week
No you can't because you're psychologically unable. Therefore not really a man. Go be /style/ somewhere else.
18yo kid trying to sound cool.
Fuck off Muhammad. I found a picture of you.
more like 14yo
Merkur 34c with Russian-made Gillette blades.
Emperor Hadrian, a lot of emperors had beards as a symbol of their dynasty.
I'll have you know I'm only 0.4% non-white.
Romans did not wear trousers, trousers are degenerate.
Fuck you, I don't even have a beard, why I'm responding to a faggot?
>ultimate symbol of manliness
It's called mustaches
>I-i can't grow a beard beyond a patchy scruffy dirt stache
>A-all beards are degenerate guys!
Nah m8
the clean-shaven look only became popular in the Greco-Roman world due to Alexander the Great, who was a raging homosexual deviant. Therefore any adult man who doesn't sport a beard is a faggot and a degenerate.
Beards of any kind, are never degenerate.
Romans were hypersexual degenerates, which is why they lost.
Wear a beard if you can grow a good one, go clean shaven if your job requires it, or if you're a mongrel that can't grow a proper one.
Emperor Marcus Aurelius
More like ultimate symbol of pedo
>le beards are masculine meme
You want to know what else is masculine? Male pattern baldness. But for some reason there's entire treatments devoted to reverting that entire "masculine" process.
End all you'reselves
I'm pretty sure more emperors had beards than did not, at least in their commissioned art.
Beards are the ultimate numale cancer
> Implying clean shaven and suit is faggot tier.
whew lad
>le mediteranians/slavs are not white meme
which people do I see when I visit london nigel? your future white citizens? :')
t. sissyboi that can't grow facial hair
go sit back down on the toilet you pussy
>everyone in Rome was clean shaven
Jesus fucking Christ dude. There were emperors with beards.
>actually thinking these busts are authentic
Beards, glasses and balding are nu-male signs.
>Beards are for NEET losers
You sound like a cubiculecuck or a corporationcuck who's upset that he both cannot grow one not does his job "allow" him to
You're pathetic and should be euthanized
t. "man" like pic related who is totally not compensating for his impotence with shit he perceives to be masculine
The Franks had beards and they were arguably the manliest race upon the earth from 486 to 1815
Take MY fashion advice!
NO take MY fashion advice!
Who fucking cares. Just don't look degenerate.
Odin was a pussy who was such a cuck that he didn't even earn the title if king of the gods
Tyr on the other hand is the true king of the gods and had a beard mustache combo
>Romans didn't have beards
>implying Romans weren't fucking degenerates
The ancient Greeks philosophers had beards.
Square up, bitch boi.
>if your beard looks like shit then shave it
>pic related is how i see anybody younger than 30 that has a beard.
Don't use a razor. If you want to trim just have a set of electric clippers and cut down all the hair on your head every few months.
Yeah, it is. How about you go hang yourself with that tie.
And I'm sure you totally look like Don Draper.
>implying a bust wasn't used in OP
Hang yourself, retard.
Can we at least all agree that man-buns are degenerate?
>Beards are for NEET losers
>TFW ignorant plebs talk shit
Clean shaven seems to have been a thing for WW2. Throughout history men have had beards. Look at the crazy mutton chops and 'staches from the US Civil War.
I shave every morning out of personal prefference. I have a stromg jawline I dont need to hide behind facial hair. Also I think it signals good personal hygene and dedication.
A man without a beard is like a lion without his mane.
Marcus was a stoic and fancied himself a philosopher. He was trying to imitate his Greek philosopher heroes. Instead all he did was ruin the roman empire by putting his son in charge.
So "faggy hipsters" get to decide what is manly and what isn't. Great job.
These two are the very definition of why you should never care about what anyone thinks of you.
Do whatever you want. Bend reality to your will. Just don't kill each other.
Not necessarily.
Small faggy buns and big nigger buns are degenerate but tying your hair in a bun if its long isnt a bad thing
The romans was clean shaven because they wanted to look like women to attract other men.
Using a blade to cut off the your most visible and most prominent masculine feature is a symptom that people have because they culturally have a problem being men.
This might be my favorite sculpture in the world. Technically it's Greek, but it's in a museum in Rome.
>Just don't kill each other.
Don't tell me how to live my life you sonnofabitch
>Not anymore. Beards are for faggy hipsters.
what if i had mine 20 years before anyone uttered the words faggy hipsters?
Growing one right now, people have stopped asking me for ID.
At the end of the day it's about making sure you look smart and clean
manlier men have beards, youre just a faggot who doesnt have a sick beard
soz bro
In Peter the Great's time he implemented measures to cut down on beards as part of his modernization efforts. Including a beard tax.
Facial hair is, apparently, serious shit.
Ancient Greece was just as degenerate
Roman Republic was the least degenerate of the three
Yeah right. The faggot hipster beard has to be maintained and presented in a very specific way, lest you risk looking like a chauvinist member of the toxic masculinity and patriarchy.
You can spot hipster faggot beards from a mile away - the manly essence of the real beard is completely untouched.
Plus, real bearded men trim their shit so it looks nice, not let it grow out like fucking homeless Moses so they can neatly part their faggot haircut and thick-rimmed glasses as they twirl their mustache. If you're gonna have a shaggy-ass beard, be a shaggy-ass man and go full Duck Dynasty. Don't dress the rest of yourself up like a numale metro fag with some out of control beard.
Not necessarily. The emperors Nero and Hadrian both had beards and were confirmed homos (Nero was the first and only emperor to get a same-sex marriage). The only pre-Christian emperor who historians are 100% sure was not a fudge-packer was Claudius, who was clean shaven.
what if you have a beard, short and precise trimmed, and not look like a fucking hobo?
They are authentic, moron. Are you a numale?
Beards became popular with hipsters and males with identity crisis.
Those kind of males that have a beard, drink shitty scotch and read books about how to be a gentleman because they were raised by a single mother.
Try having a chubby face and no chin/ jawline
A beard is essential for me to not look retarded
Not only do I shave my face, I shave my entire body save for my scalp. What do you think of that, huh?
Clean shaven and beards are both good. Depends on the person. Stop caring this much, it's degenerate.
literally just lose weight fag
The only hairstyle that is 100% complete degeneracy is dreadlocks
fuck off
I'm in the process
But I'm 5'10 and 11.5 stone, with a chubby face and no jaw still
I'm not really fat on the rest of my body
Just my face
I feel you but I'm not fat. I have a weak jaw and it's always bothered me. The beard is my redemption.
Shut your fucking mouth, faggot. Salty motherfucker triggered because he doesn't have facial hair, enjoy your fuxking baby face.
Shut up you fucking nigger. Beards are for fucking new age SJW cocksuckers. Being clean shaven shows you have self respect and you won't look like a hobo
>t. can't grow a beard
yeah if you think how old it is, it's completely insane.
I'm sure there was a lot of crazy shit during the Hellenistic period, but the art was amazing.
Roman portraiture is pretty great too. Even with the amount of idealizing they did, they are still real faces and expressions. We actually know what those emperors looked like, because the sculptures were so life-like.
>pole making fun of mustaches
liberal or jealous underage who still can't have it's own
>See flag
>Remember geo politics in the last 6 months
>Analyses of comment
Mashallah achmed. Inshallah you will take over Europe without the sword
hes talking about finland
>low test """""men"""""
plz respond
It depends on your body type and profession. If you're a 110lb barista then shave that shit off.