Inner conflicts are making us weak. Are we seriously making a fuss over eye color? There might be physical differences between Europeans, but the question is: are they worth the risk of having European culture completely deleted? If your answer is yes, you're not a worthy descendant of the world's greatest continent. We may not like each other, but those differences should at lest be temporarily overcome in order to be able to pass on our heritage
Don't divide Europe
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Amen to that bro. It is only the Germanics who are superior, it is the Europeans as a whole.
I can stand a temporary alliance with the snowniggers, but they still are an inferior race.
There's always the eternal Anglo though.
I try to make these kind of threads from time to time, almost always they are slid. A morale boost is welcomed in any situation. Here is a bump from me, burn the heretics, purge the unclean.
May a sign be shown to us, for I will not have pity for woman, man or child. The traitor is one, the heresy has no bounds. Let them all burn.
Amen to Romania, to Europa, to Christendom!
those who try to divide us are mostly shill.
There are cognitive differences between European races. This isn't something you can just ignore. They will eventually try to interbreed the white races if they fail at making us mate with arabs and niggers.
Only shills talk about eye color, but you knew this right?
All whites are brothers though and we should look after each other.
Classic Jewish divide and conquer tactics.
You disgusting ARYAN WORM.
Not satisfied with continually destroying Europe and driving wedges between its people OVER AND OVER AGAIN you decide to flood its borders with MILLIONS of subhumans.
Man, this hurts.
Just because a stupid austrian autist misinterpretated the history you need to call names.
Aryans didn't do nothing, and it's because the only thing Germans and Aryans have in common are hair and eyes colour.
I'd ask you to start just using the name "Ubermansch" as a sarcastic hyperbole of their ideology.
What a stupid sack of shit.
we should look after each other, correct, because we have now a common enemy, the globalists, but we are not brothers.
I have nothing to do with you, you are a stranger with an alien culture, I can be your ally, but I will watch you with diffidence.
Why do English and Jews have so much in common?
You even use age old jewry to blame the Germans for what YOU did to them. Absolutely sickening.
Every time a little English girl or boy is beaten or raped by a group of pakis on the streets of England, I thank god for karma.
You do know the English people are paying a heavy price for their treachery right?
You will (as a people) cease to exist and all you can do is scream ''FUCKING KRAUTS'' as your children are being raped and beaten by foreigners on your own streets, in your own schools, even in your own houses lol.
Rotherham best day of my life, son.
Agree. Would honour kill family members for mixing with another subracial group. Separate but equal
>not african
Die in a fire, Jew.
We made the modern world, metizio garbage.
Fuck off, commie.
No, you muslims only stole from the ancient romans, and to the indians too.
>Image is literally nothing but pre-christian cultures.
>Shouts about Christendom.
Worshipping a Semitic Jew God is the first step to failure.
Shut up Ahmed
Shut up Ahmed
> Jew God
Almost all Christians believe Jews go to hell.
It's time to form an alliance. White people of any kind, from any country must band together to push the savages back and get rid of liberalism.
It's the only way ANY white people will survive. Let's put our differences aside, come together, and defeat the greatest threat we've ever faced.
Once we're done, then we can continue arguing about race "superiority". We need to get rid of the shit stains first!
>Using a laurel wreath for Hellenics when it should be a meander
>Using fucking Germanic runes for the Romans when they should be the ones with the laurel wreath
That may well be the case. However the Christian god is still one and the same as the Jewish god.
See I know this because there's a tiny small giveaway in that half of your fucking book is the Jewish Holy scripture.
Here's another pro-tip: Muslim's worship the same god too.
And buddisth too, we are all one with the universe.
Go smoking your pot somewhere else, fucking hippie.
>see flag
French consider themselves snowniggers
Not going to lie the celtic symbol is 10/10
>Sup Forums infighting across white lines'
At least Stormfront is right about one thing. Fighting from the inside will spell our doom.
Except American evangelicals who worship jews like they're gods.
No. I am a PURE ANGLO.
I see you are the vile GLOBALIST ARYAN sympathisers that enjoy watching and sitting back as the ETERNAL KRAUT floods all of Europe with millions of shitskins.
You are vile subhuman traitors who continued existence is an affront to me - I bet you believe in 'civic' nationalism or are socialists yourself.
gosh what a cuck
How about we all unite in something like an union for europeans?
This makes absolutely zero sense Benito.
Are you trying to strawman that I am a hippy and believe
>we are all one with the universe
because I'm pointing out that all Abrahamic faiths worship the same diety?
Germany, why are you so evil?
I was making a joke on you because your absurd belief.
I don't assume you are an hippie, only an idiot.
You're embrassing us ahmed.
eternal Anglo speaks the truth
Rid Europe of dirty krauts!
Fuck off. Can't wait to support your stupid ass when your banks go down.
Don't call us Brits European. It's an insult.
>Aryans didn't do nothing
How is my belief absurd?
I wasn't even aware there was any debate about this.
>Hellenic gone
>Roman gone
>Finnish admixed with Asians
>Celtic admixed with Anglos
>Germanic admixed with a lot of races
>Slavic admixed with lots of other races
>Baltic admixed with Arabs
Man you posted Europa 0 A.D.
This comes from a retarded FB page of pagan LARPers, what did you expect?
The admins aren't even white LOL
Just imagine in what kind of bad and intolerant condition the world would be if germany had won WW2.
Lets thank our anglo friends that they not just freed the jews but also defeated those old bad racist nazis and slowly killed evil western supremacy
We must unite as a people. The smaller groups that fight back should, and must communicate between one another, regardless of being English, German, Polish, etc. Otherwise we are fucked for good.
When you walk the street, see white and black, not anglo, slav etc. Help them if needed, build that fucking relationship, say hi to your neighbours, the guy who gets your fast food, your mail, talk to them if there is a chance. Build the local community one-by-one you faggots, otherwise it's all lost in the long run.
+ it gives you info you might not get otherwise.
And we'll free our Jewish friends again if it means DRESDEN 2.5 and the ARYANDIED
Nuclear Blood Refineries SOON.
What the fuck is going on in this thread
I'm not debating on the historical roots of the 3 religions, they all descend from the original Hebrews.
The question is on the faith, God has nothing to do with yaweh or hallah. The morality and the messages are totally differents, is blasphemy to say otherwise.
Only the Christian God is the real God, the other are simply Satan trying to fuck with humanity, and you can't argue with me, cause I'm totally closed minded on the subject, we will get confirmation only after we die. Be careful, I heard is very hot where you are going.
The ARYANDIED, brother.
Will you be with us, or in the CENTRIFUGAL SHREDDERS of the BLOOD REFINERIES?
A thousand year Anglo Empire shall be forged in the blood of Aryans. Israel is my greatest ally
Rise Europa!
There is no such a thing as European culture.
The continent is host to many different peoples with many different cultures.
Are we to mix with each other and muddle our separate national and cultural identities?
Then we're no better than the liberals who want to mix with niggers.
If there is one thing we should be doing, is fighting each other until only one group of people remains and can have Europe all to themselves.
Europe is too small for all of us and there is no reason to share, when after an all out war, the victor can have it all.
Failing that, since you're all fucking cowards and faggot degenerate proponents of pan-europeanism, (nothing but a mini form of internationalism and a step towards globalism) we could and should at least keep separate and ignore each other besides some basic trading.
Seriously though, Slavs mixing with Germans? Nordics mixing with Mediterraneans? Any european nationality mixing with any other european nationality because we're all europeans? That shit is seriously degenerate.
Well that's fine. I am of course aware that the teachings and practices of the three differ vastly and I never implied they were the same.
It is, however the same Hebrew deity.
If Hell truly exists, and I am going there, then I do so gladly. It means that your God isn't as merciful and all loving as he claims, and my saying so has been vindicated.
Better to die a free man than serve at the feet of a tyrant and all that.
temporary alliance does not imply racemixing though
You think you are free, but you are serving the devil, but is ok, you have the gift of free will, your life belong only to you.
>probably nobody in this thead is actually a jew
>99% of the participants are from neighboring countries
>half of the time, busy with accusing each other of being jews
>the other half, slandering each other for minute differences
This thread made this hershel one kekking kike.
Seriously, the reason Europe will eventually fall and be taken over by kebabs is that you retards fight among yourselves more than you fight any real outside threat.
Get your shit together Europe.
ahmed detected
This thread is for white aryans only you filthy mudshit go practice your all taqiyya somewhere else, right my aryan white crusader bros?
You know why there's been so many wars in Europe?
Because the continent is too small and each group of peoples that inhabit, too great.
Clearly Europe is not meant to be home for all of us, but only for the one group of people that wipes out the rest.
We are wasting time, we should be killing each other already.
He thought it just read "temporary alliance with niggers"
You think we'd just let the eternal kraut threaten Anglo-Judeo supremacy? Think again. The great Aryan harvest begins soon.
>>blah blah christard bullshit blah blah
remember during the beginning of the refugee crisis last year when the whole board was basically Europeans (+ Americans) bonding and supporting eachother, realising the gravity of the situation they are in together? Those were the best days of Sup Forums
And then came the Trump threads and the divide & conquer shilling, and here we are
where can i read more about mediterraneum paganism?
i tried varg but he only jerks off to odyn and freya.
Portugal had a substancial part that was celtic but not quiet, and we are not hellenic so.... were we just tribes spazzing about?
why do asian countries fight among themselves when all are yellow? why do european countries fight among themselves when all are white? why do middle eastern countries fight among themselves when all are semite?
Since we've been "united" things have gotten worse. It's our default state to be waring European nations; it's how we've come to flourish. Before the end of the great divide we were awesome, now we're all German's cucks (well you are, we told the EU to go fuck themselves).
If you want peace, start by making alliences with your neighbours and rooting out the divide within your own countries right now (which you can doubly thank the Germonies for).
If you want free money, dindus akbars, poverty, then keep being German's cuckboi.
actually he is true
and buddah isnt a deity go fucking read some scripture you idiotic cunt
>tfw im baltic
feels guud man
Uh yea dad, I'm gonna let you Euros hash that one out, I've got my own problems on this side of the pond right now.
Besides, leave the krauts alonr, its not their fault some kike bitch got into power, that kind of this is totally out of their control, how about you give them a hand instead?
An old prince, who reincarnate here and there, I know.
I was sarcastic with the english jew, but I'm serious with you, netherland: go smoking your pot somewhere else