ITT we post redpilled animals


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Harambe, shamu.



Of course this is politics to a fucking leaf.

Bees are the best insect and should have a holiday

Kangaroos don't need the red-pill. They already took the iron-pill.

amusing you're not trolling bees are insect you dipshit.

Insects are animals.

Even sea anemones and corals are animals.

Slightly related, a Jewish subspecies.

Also,HPV is a star of David.


What the fuck did I just watch?

wtf am I looking at?

>Work all day to support a woman you share with thousands of other dudes to raise her kids

Bees are the biggest cucks

Parasite that grows in a mantis and needs water to survive. It makes the mantis go crazy, and when it detects water it leaves the mantis. However, because it was just sprayed with water, it flops around and dies.

>they don't know that's whats inside every bug.

they don't have a skeleton on the inside, they have a controller worm.


>Work all day alongside your sisters to support your ailing pregant mother, never questioning why you have no sex drive

its a parasite


Damn it you beat me to it

Christ almighty I can't bear this planet any longer.

that's american education for you, dont even know basic insect biology lol

every time I drown a praying mantis people think I'm a cunt. But this


Remove snek

Modern feminism, ladies, gentlemen and attack helicopters.

Bees BTFO.

Remove skek

Not all mantises are spoop harbourers.


Remove snek

Remove snek

Snek removed.

I defy you to find a more redpilled animal than a mongoose.

Consume geck.

Gek was gud boi trying to adhere to glass surfaces with thumb pads and turning his life around. need more money for terrariums

>collectivist faggots

George Bush the grandson of Aleister Crowley
They want you to believe the lie that the enemy Saudi
The enemy ain't Saudi, the enemy around me
There's fluoride in the water, but nobody know that
It's also a prominent ingredient in Prozac
How could any government bestow that?
A proud people who believe in political throwback
That's not all that I'm here to present you
I know about the black pope in Solomon's Temple
Yeah, about the Vatican assassins and how they will get you
And how they cloned Barack Hussein Obama in a test tube
The Bird Flu is a lie, the Swine Flu is a lie
Why would that even come as a surprise?
Yeah, the Polio vaccine made you die
It caused cancer and it cost a lot of people their lives
Do y'all know about Bohemian Grove?
How the world leader sacrificing children in robes?
Lucifer is God in the public school system
I suggest you open up your ears and you listen


Mantes love the Big Black Chordode:

>implying bees and ants aren't the most successful species of insect

is this the normal, european bee?

Or is it the africanized bee, that is much more prone to violence, travels in a larger group, breeds faster, and makes less honey?

I think the africanized bee even tries to steal the hive from the european bee, doesn't it?

>posts brainless insects
are you asian by chance?

hyenas are redpilled

did the mantis survive? I hope it did