What is your favorite 2007 movie?
What is your favorite 2007 movie?
There Will Be Blood
2007 was stacked
No Cunt gets my vote
>gossip girl is bad
Hannibal and Codename: The Cleaner.
The great recession was caused by Bush's administration. Obama's policies helped lift the economy out of the recession and set it on a path of growth which is now being threatened by Trump's administration.
The picture doesn't say anythinga bout Obama causing the recession, it just lists the Recession and Obama running for president as 2007 events, which they are (Recession was in Dec 2007 and Obama began running in Feb 2007)
>Economy fixes itself because thats any economy with the slightest ammount of free market does
>Obama did it
It didn't help that dumbass millennials thought they should all buy a house in their 20's just like their boomer parents did. Except houses now costed a fuck ton more and they didn't benefit from boomer salaries, and that banks were more than willing to oblige.