Don't Hispanics know they will end up getting Trump elected?
How do we stop this?
Why do they like him?
Don't Hispanics know they will end up getting Trump elected?
How do we stop this?
Why do they like him?
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NYC latinos tend to be Puerto Ricans. They're already Americans. The rest can't vote so whatever.
They know Trump in NYC. The only people in NYC who are against Trump are the Cucksick conservatives and Liberals. I think even nogs support him to a non trivial degree. There are black Trump supporters in NYC. The brainwashed whites are against him, though. It's weird.
because they fled their countries for a reason. why would they want the rest of it coming with them?
Aren't there a lot of Central Americans and Dominicans there too?
>The brainwashed whites are against him, though. It's weird.
True. They were pretty sane about considering all of the available options back in like January. But apparently, as I hear it, they all just thought Trump couldn't possibly ever get the nomination and so it wasn't something to have to worry about.
They're downright rabid now. It is, as you say, weird.
Wouldnt this mean he has a plausible chance to win new york in the general?
If a portion of black voters break and vote for Trump,how does Hillary combat that?
Not enough Whites in NYC to offset a Latino & Black turnout for Trump, right?
So the new Latino immigrants wouldn't show Hillary any loyalty, even if she pushes the narrative that Trump is racist?
They are rabid. I would also add that the violent ones are the boomers. I've seen boomers attack nogs for trump in the city. It's surreal.
wew lad, if that's true you have to take some videos. I haven't been back to the city in quite a while to see what's going on first person.
I don't know how accurate the polls are
But if there's a 40% Pro Trump polling for Latinos, the number will be higher come election day
Latino families tend to stick together when it comes to voting
NYC is all white. The nogs are negligible. You nogs in outer boroughs. Even Harlem is mixed now. NYC is essentially upper middle class whites now.
I want trump to win. Most us Hispanics work in the construction field. White people always bring money for us. Thanks trump
I'd like to see that
That would be pretty damning and backfire if they were caught on camera
They shouldn't do that if they want to promote Hillary
That'll just turn Black & Hispanic voters to turn on White Democrats and Hillary
>Puerto Ricans
they are pretty based not pretty much honorary whites
I'm pretty sure legal Mexican Immigrants hate all illegals, because legal immigrants worked hard to make it in this Country.
Shit who would've guessed intelligent immigrants hate dumb illegals.
I think he shut down the NYC efforts. The boroughs is where his supporters are. He has as much a chance in Manhattan as in DC. I wish I took a video of it. The old people are insane.
Yeah, the cool oldskool city people have been moving out since I was a little kid.
>tfw next door Brooklyn neighbor
>let me show you where I hide the lawn sprinkler
>this is the Cadillac of sprinklers
>make sure you hide it back here when you're done watering the lawn so nobody steals it
>milk white suburban almost rural neighborhood
IDK what you're talking about
Maybe in 1920
Because my family left their shitty country for a reason, I don't need you fuckers turning America into fucking Honduras.
I count Asians as whites. Nogs simply can't afford to live in the city anymore. Harlem is mixed now. The projects are nogs, but they rent out their apartments now. All the nogs you see in NYC, they mostly don't live in the city. The residents are mostly white upper middle class. And that's being generous, because in a lot of places it's outright multi millionaires inhabiting entire buildings.
I'm not Mexican you fucking ape.
It is hard out here to even discuss Trumps's political/ economic policies with people my age. They either beat around the bush and never answer a simply (Hillary or Trump), or they are so brainwashed that they wholeheartedly believe that Trump is an evil racist.
t. Enlightened African- Native American Millennial Republican.
asked all 12 latinos right?
>I'm pretty sure legal Mexican Immigrants hate all illegals,
Yeah totally had nothing to do with white racism right?
Hey, who wants free cash? I'll donate $8,000 anywhere they want if they can debunk this video.
A vote for trump is a vote for hilary.