/got/ general
why didn't lyanna, brandon, ned or benjen show any signs of being able to warg if it's a stark thing?
DAMN shitpee looks like THAT??
first for best girl
I remember when this show was good and would actually surprise me.
no direwolves to warg into
They didn't have direwolves you mong
>When you play the Game of Thrones you win or you die
>Well I guess we're about to have quite the Clash of Kings
This. Remember all those good times you had?
Its all gone now, its all in the shitter.
How are they going to reveal Jon and Dany are brother and sister? They haven't set it up at all, they didn't even show Dany in the Tower of Joy flashback, or mentioned the lemon tree.
>Post yfw no based anime adaptation
who says you need a direwolf?
This last episode was like The Red Wedding all over again. It's crazy that they killed off or captured all those characters.
this!! I want to see giant sweatdrops from arya and jamie trying to get pantyshots of cersei!
Remember to read the leaks before discussing this season's episodes. So we can all be in the same page.
I don't get it... Is he Chad waiting it out so he can bring home feminist pussy?
they wont he he
i want to fuck isaac in the ass.
>Every warg we've seen has been strongly connected to one animal
>For Starks it has always been triggered through direwolves initially
>"who says you need a direwolf?"
the legends told by granny stark and ned say so
It needs more Grey Worm in it desu
>It will certainly be a Feast For Crows
i wish i could spend the hundreds of thousands of hours left in my life doing nothing but sucking on her titties
Cutest couple desu
>That was quite the Storm of Swords, your grace. What shall we do with the bodies?
>Leave them, they're a Feast for Crows now.
>applying his dead
Though anything to see him again.
>who is varamyr sixskins
fucking showplebs I swear
>No Victarion
he's gay, husband on the right
He was really weird, his reactions were different from the rest of the cucks there. When euron was slaughtering everyone he was like
>hell yeah motherfucker!
When euron was charging like a madman he was like
>hahaha this is crazy
When Arya's memedog abandoned her he was like
>Yeah, I get it, really deep, good doggo
The only time he got upset was when Theon abandoned his sister, in which he respectfully disagreed with his action, and considered it beta.
He is a mystery, good catch user.
>that noun has no gender in high valyrian
Can't wait for the "Dany's dragons aren't real dragons but shitty useless wyverns instead" reveal
Give it up, Preston.
Direwolves are kind of magical, they are somehow connected to the Starks (beyond their sigil, I mean), the wolves may have been sent by BR or something, and the current family of Starks were all separated and experienced a lot of unusual events, so to speak, that may have brought on the warging. It might just be that the warging is an accumulation of circumstances and it is telling that Bran and Rickon, who were closest to their wolves, are the better wargs while Sansa lost hers early and never did.
Eh, I'm usually wary of anime, lest it be Steins;Gate or something nice like that, but anime *would* work well with ASoIaF. Think of the castles you could draw, while the show is a fucking tease and we haven't seen panning shots of Winterfell or the Red keep since S1. Also you wouldn't have the problem of having too little extras anymore.
Just fucking draw a full army. I'm tired of the show pretending 12-24 extras is an "army".
reminder that Theon and bad poosey are the only living /ourguys/ in the show and that Euron BTFO the YASSS QUEENS last epsiode was a one-off good deed that does not change any of that
man i can't wait for the next no dick sex with missandei scene. they sure came a long way! what a beatiful, realistic romance! best characters on the show, i watch just for them
isn't that a fucking wildling? Why would you even mention him when we are talking about Starks, like nigga you retarded?
I love how easy Dany wins, how easy everything is solved, none of it a result of her intelligence
>Sold into practical sexual slavery to rapist warlord?
He loves her, as if a horselord whos killed/raped thousands would be sensitive enough for pure love to a virgin sold to him as property
>Brother using her?
Hes killed by rapist husband
>Assassins sent to kill her?
Selmy arrives at the same exact time
>2nd Sons conspire against her?
Daario kills his friends for honor of being her bodyguard
>She sells dragons but doesnt like the fatass she made the deal with?
>Pyre because shes a Khals widow?
She walks out with dragons
>Closest advisor madly in love with her?
literally has him on leash, he gets greyscale when she banishes him, its ok because he still worships her she orders him to find a cure and come back to her,he finds a cure!
>Captured by Dothraki?
She BTFO 100 warlords by tipping a few lamps while waddling in slow motion smugly
I unironically expect them to have a scene where she squats down to shit and gold nuggets come out of her ass.
>Took Dragonstone empty
>Problems with Jon?
According to leaks Jon kneels before her in front of everyone like a bitch
>Her allies are BTFO?
she wins convincingly the moment she enters battlefield
Also, y is Jon bending the knee w/o consulting his people. What a fucking cuck POS. I hope the North stabs him in the back rallies with Sansa against this manlet,if I was a northman i'd beat the shit out of the traitorous bastard myself.cuck slave for women has broken every vow or oath he made,first he betrayed the NW for ygrittes ginger minge,then he betrayed Mance because muh NW, then betrayed the NW because muh wildlings, then betrayed stannis because muh NW, then betrayed the North just to get a whiff of Targ pussy. Fucking son of a whore who eloped with an emo harpplaying faggot like a dumb roastie, then didnt have the sense to use contraception.I hope Night King ends Jon and Dany and her Cuckshed Coalition
>Sansa lost hers early and never did.
um no shitlord, she controls animals all the time
like that time she made a dog bark
When will someone from this board go to a recording of this and shout memes randomly?
Euron is the villain in the books?
Trystane deserved better, fucking sand sneks are quipping murdering kinslayers
>sporting alpha sleeves-tucked shirt just to make it clear for the bitches he just got home from his work in M&A for Morgan Stanley/UBS, etc...
It would be very, very unlikely.
Yeah, it was enough to catch my eye. Really makes you wonder how the fuck he ended up in there.
>americans meet up in pubs to watch Game of Thrones
Are americans always the pioneers of faggotry?
>sucking on her titties
>not wanting the bad pussy
She had to have been great on the casting couch because she was a horrible actress, even for this show.
thats just the chad way lad they do what they please when they please and answer to no one. He probably just went in there for a beer not expecting the nu-freaks but decided to stay simply because hes that Alpha
Yass Queen is the main character of GOT
>She sells dragons but doesnt like the fatass she made the deal with?
*ruins your show*
Now D&D are not subtle, but what is the build up for all the recollection to the 1st season?
Is it just a build up for the "EPIC REUNION YOU GUYS"! or is it a build up for a tragic destiny for the Starks, just like in season 1?
What's going to happen to him? You just know he's too based to live.
Danny will kill him in hand to hand combat
desu jon is a realist and has no intention of sitting on the iron throne
all he wants to do is protect everyone from the night king. he has no shame, hes a fucking bastard, why not just bend the knee and get your needed dragon allies and dragon glass
seems like the most logical thing to do
Hopefully he kills Dany.
Dany will smother him between her thunder thighs
>mfw him grinning when Euron was slashing his way around the ship
I-is this how Chads bond? I felt like I was in the presence of something magical.
no starks die this season
jon doesn't reunite with his brothers this season
Only decent scene this season -- Victarions.
>tfw you will never see Vic volcano arm in action
He'll get killed by a strong woman, you bunch of misogynistic bastards
the jew fear the samurai, just you wait until the anima adaptation of asoiaf comes out and got gets BTFO
Why did they need to make the show so complex and retarded at same time? Was not S1 the best in retrospect, was it not closest to the books overall?
Besides where the fuck is their budget going. They don't have many extras, we don't get to see cities or even NW buildings anymore.
Why is Rickon pictured in front of a heart tree?
You sound like a fucking beta to me, stutter and all.
I think he'll be killed by either Cersei or Jaime, possibly out of jealousy by the latter.
you mean grey golem?
because he doesn't really do anything so the artist just gave him some random northern-ish background
>dude why didn't theon just die trying to save his sister while possibly getting her killed in the process too lmao
anime is inherently shit tier
Who was in the wrong here?
He is a northern warlord leading a tribe of cannibals to fuck The Others up.
I love Grey Worms childhood stories and the in-pain-face he pulls when telling them in words a four year old would use.
would unironically watch. how do we make this happen?
he is clairvoyant like bran
rickon A CUTE
How come there's no helmeted badasses in GOT? In fact all the armor looks like shit, just heaps of rags and fur.
I hate how in the show they use Shields as garments if at all.
This is technically true. He dreams of Eddard's death before it happens like Bran. Does that mean Rickon could have become the one-eyed raven as well?
why dont they ever explore cool shit with warging
1 confirmed dead and raised by the White Walkers. 1 confirmed killed by Qyburn's scorpion.
>not one, not two, but FIVE stronk womyn get BTFO by a straight white male and their only chance of survival is by being saved by another white male, except he's dickless, basically a woman and decides to run away
>mfw this scene
Like if Bran wargs into Meera and masturbate, who feels the pleasure? My thoughts exactly
>I hope Night King ends Jon and Dany and her Cuckshed Coalition
soon, my nigga
no, it was bran's destiny to become the one eyed raven. remember time is a flat circle, hodor's origin story showed that.
I never thought it was adequately explained why Rickon ended up with both greensight and what seem to be pretty good warging abilities but these things are so ignored by everyone (at least, BR, the children and the Reeds).
A lot of normies don't like him, which is a shame. His character suffered the most out of all of them.
>before it happens
pretty sure it was just before they heard news of it
one eye raven means jack shit in tv
>but these things are so ignored by everyone (at least, BR, the children and the Reeds).
First episode - 5/5
Second episode - 3/5
It was shit.
>Not jerking until being fully erect
>Then warging into Meera and fuck himself
>Not having himself and his Meera self reach climax at the same time
Step it up.
Hum, he killed three brothers, raped two we know of, raped a brother's wife who then went on to beat her to death, cuts the tongues of his crew out, feeds prisoners just enough to live (including cannibalising their own), cuts the legs off captuves and hangs them from chains, force feeds hallucinations to his captive brother, sacrifices thousands of people to lure giant squids to his boats, ties the pregnant gf of his child to his ship as he cuts her tongue out..
Dunno, you tell me.
Which means he'd be even easier to manipulate and train.