Why do people hate Rick & Morty? I mean I know Reddit likes it, but it isn't reddit in the least, rick seems like the kinda guy to hate everyone and seems like someone Sup Forums might like, I imagine him in a Nazi officer outfit in a canonally in a future episode.
Also, Rick in particular is relatable on many fronts; the being a hateful asshole, drunk, hiding his pain from everyone with sarcasm, shitty comments and drunkenness I relate to rick alot with what ive seen, even especially in the Unity episode I mean fuck.
Seriously though Sup Forums what do you not like about this show?
You do understand that Sup Forums is in the minority right?
Parker Perez
Probably a bait thread but that's ok. Based on past threads objection is mainly from people who haven't seen it, or at least not much of it, and it's on philosophical grounds because it is perceived as anti-Christian and "liberal" whatever that means.
Gavin Hall
I hate it because its not funny and everyone looses their shit over it.
Cameron James
Because Sup Forums as a whole is full of contrarian edgelords
Jeremiah Davis
1. Ugly animation 2. Repetitive storylines 3. Repetitive jokes 4. Terrible voice acting 5. Gimmicks 6. There's nothing to like about it.
James Torres
>Also, Rick in particular is relatable on many fronts; the being a hateful asshole, drunk, hiding his pain from everyone with sarcasm, shitty comments and drunkenness >I relate to rick alot with what ive seen, even especially in the Unity episode I mean fuck.
THis is exactly why people hate it. Pathetic assholes like yourself clinging on to poorly written characters because they "drink" and are "sarcastic".
Charles Foster
idk, why don't you make the thread another 5 dozen times? you'll surely understand then! asshat
Charles Bailey
You're retarded. Every thread has tons of info on why it's shitty show and no one can defend it so they just resort to saying everyone who doesn't like it is contrarian. Case in point
Asher Fisher
he tries too hard to be funny which annoys people
t. a drunk that becomes an unfunny wannabe comedian at times