Fellow Englishmen, I think we need a proper debate here.
Which is better?
The South or The North?
Fellow Englishmen, I think we need a proper debate here.
Which is better?
The South or The North?
The white part
Let's not squabble between north and south. Basically if you live in a large city or northern town/town nearing London then you're not British because they're infested and shitholes.
I live in a village near Cambridge and it is glorious.
I hope the north is better since I'm studying in Newcastle next year. But their accents are god awful
>Lets not be divisive.
>Proceeds to be divisive.
Lets just cut the bullshit and go back to being individual tribes again. It's obviously what everyone wants.
What you gonna study?
whatever part Lester is in
Can't wait for lesta to repeat
a village near Cambridge sounds like the dullest and most boring place to live. Maybe it would be alright for grannies, but for young people, na.
nice one
>t. Southern poof
Stole this from some paddys
Canadian living in the north here
Leeds is a shithole. Drunk bums and shithead coked-up businessmen taking shits in public at 7pm on a thursday afternoon.
I'm moving to York instead.
I find that the smaller the city in England, north or south, the better the people are.
Careful of the floods in York in Winter/Spring
thanks for the heads up.
I think its beautiful that people wake up in that city and see buildings that are older than the country I was fucking born it. Wild.
The north is full of complete degenerates. Come on there is no contest. Obviously the only thing that is making the south more civilised is that it's closer in proximity to Europe. Otherwise all of you anglo-saxons would still be swinging from trees
Again, it really is a population-size thing.
the larger a city is in England, the more degenerate of a shithole it is.
I thought the north has smaller cities?
Not at all. Your theory is retarded and doesn't make sense. Londoners are nowhere near as degenerate as people from let's say Stoke-on-Trent
For the last time Cyprus, you're not allowed in the Empire
Pro tip, if you want a debate, don't ask a closed question.
Leeds and Manchester are quite populous and quite degenerate
haha, wew lad
>muslim mayoral candidate who refers to moderates/reformist muslims as "uncle toms"
>also wants to ban attractive women from being in advertisements
>also holds rallies where he women are forced to the back of the crowd
>also supports scotland yard arresting people for saying mean twitter things
and london elected him
>not degenerate
fucking pick one, piggo
Anywhere away from the paki infested, white trash invested cities
Noone wants to be in your empire. Why would anyone want to live with degenerate anglo-saxons. We only do it out of necessity for work or until we get our degrees from your over-hyped universities
Don't come back faggot
Cypriots hate you with passion. We didn't even take up your cricket.
Rule Britannia you syrup sucking snownigger
And we fought you with fervour even though we were an ant going against an elephant.
North definitely
The south, don't get me wrong I've enjoyed the time I have spent up north but it's the same enjoyment one gets from watching animals in a zoo.
North, but all cities are shite.
North, anyone from mancs down is a cunt tbqhwyf.
The north is a cold, barren shithole. There are less blacks and pooskins but the white people act like niggers to make up for it. It looks more like Russia than England. And many cities still have a shitton of mudslimes.
The south does have London, grant it, which is suicide tier, but Kent is nice, and the West with Cornwall and Devon is beautiful and very White.
Midlands master race reporting in.
What is their to see in England as a tourist.
Pretty much every american only goes to London to see Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, etc. And to eat fish & chips and take a picture of it for facebook.
But most of you guys in this thread are shitting on London. What would you recommend?
p.s. I once heard fish & chips are better in the north
as someone in the essex area I reckon the north just clinches it
London drags the south down hard
York is alright as far as cities go.
What is rural north West England like? Comfy?
Go to all the big cities because despite the shit demographics they still have tons of historical monuments and museums etc
Then to finish your trip to go down to devon then cornwall and visit st michaels mount and the lovely english sea side
Fun fact - Bath has the only geothermal spring in the UK
I'm from Basildon......
Kill me!
The south.
Britain is a really divided country, not just because it is four countries but because London (and to an extent, the south east) is vastly superior to anything the rest of the country has to offer.
London is the:
>Political capitol
>Financial centre
>Cultural centre
>Economic centre
Basically everything of real value that the country offers is in London. It's where the young people flock to feel successful and (unsuccessfully) chase money.
It's a drain.
Other countries do not have this centralized problem nearly as bad. Look at Germany. Berlin is not the only city of worth. Or the US, it has plenty of cities besides New York, which isn't even the capitol.
So the argument shouldn't be north vs south. It should be London vs the rest of the country. Because that's how bad the game is rigged.
Most of the country is a bunch of run down has been industrial towns which are increasingly full of booze shops, betting shops, twattoo parlors and hair salons. And of course, takeaways.
But if I had to choose, I would say south. Because the north is so much more run down. And the south is where the prosperity is.