/v4/ + friends

comfy saturday edition
certain friends welcome

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hehe noice


I love Horo!

>war between 5 of the greatest powers in Europe that will decide future of the world
>tens of thousands of soldiers from Scandinavia, Russia, Eastern Europe or Spain dying in massive hundred thousand-men battles
>another thousands dying every day during bloody sieges in Prussia and Poland

>playing Br*ndenburg/Pr*ssia

and meanwhile Britain does this

lol is that a flag of Russian Federation I'm seeing?

>not picking Innovative, Economy and Quality

How is this even losable lmao.

britain will rule the world

Yeah, extended timeline has its perks

Its pretty fun, but surprisingly hard

Thats literally what i have

They got Spain on their side which is currently the biggest guy around, and Lübeck refusing to give military access to anyone means Denmark or Russia couldn't come to help me. If Britain would actually be useful and if i were any less awesome, they could win it

Yes, they are the supreme kings of utilizing all their resources to occupy irrelevant 3-development provinces

>if i were any less awesome

>picks best military nation in the game
>man i'm so good at this

I made those screenshots at random and now i noticed they are only 9 days away from being exactly 100 years apart. Funny coincidence.

eu4 noob here why innnovate economy and quality?

r-rule the waves


what are you up to today? :>

Only advantage early brandenburg has is +20% morale, and i am surrounded by nations with twice or three times as much manpower as me. Its not as easy as you might think.

Innovative sucks, don't listen to him. It's only good for LARPing or multiplayer. It's an utterly horrible choice for any expansion-focused game. Czechboi is LARPing as Prussia right now which had ebin rolfstomp armies back in the day so he likes Quality + Innovative because it unlocks a +20% infantray combat ability policy, which is pretty good, but it comes at the cost of picking an utterly useless idea group. Any serious EU IV campaign faces entirely different issues than being unable to win battles in a war lol.

Quality is also not exactly a go-to pick option either for that matter.

Also this is the first game where my trade has been this weird
When i do it normally and just transfer everything to Lübeck i get about half the money

What would be your pick then?

Tbh it feels like almost all Admin techs are useless except Economy and Expansion (which is still semi-useless if you aren't interested in colonies)

>Quality is also not exactly a go-to pick option
5% discipline makes it worth the while for me

>losing battles as Prussia and 6/6 general
>8k horses in 1610 as Prussia
>combat width not fully backed with artillery


>expecting 1600 brandenburg to win a war against 1600 france
This battle made them white peace out, which i considered a fucking awesome achievement and masturbated furiously over it

>Tbh it feels like almost all Admin techs are useless except Economy and Expansion

Admin, Religious and Humanism are LITERALLY the best idea groups for any expansion-focused game. I like economic too but it's largely a larping idea group. Expansion is utter trash, worse than innovative, even.

>5% discipline makes it worth the while for me
So does Offensive which gives +1/1 on leaders and a siege boost. More often than not that's more utility than Quality although the latter does have its uses.

Depends on your country but any conquest heavy game WILL require

ADMINISTRATIVE ideas, absolute nobrainer
religious ideas and/or humanism ideas
diplomatic/and or influence ideas; rarely exploration depending on your goals, although usually it's better to just let colonizers colonize and conquer their stuff later
Quantity/Offensive/Defensive/Quality; if you're doing wc tier conquering you can only really pick one of these early and then maybe another one for your 7th slot; I usually pick offensive and/or quantity, rarely defensive. For quality there's just not enough slots.

>expecting 1600 brandenburg to win a war against 1600 france

Yes, that's perfectly possible if you're good at this game.

I mean ideas in their order particular for Bradenburg/Teuton game when planing to form ebingrossenpreusseums and maybe Germany later on

c z e c h e d

Working but that will soon end.
Then comfy WoW leveling


Check 'em again.

>I mean ideas in their order particular for Bradenburg/Teuton game

Diplomatic ideas first, easily. You will need the extra diplomat early to keep your neighbors happy, fabricate claims and annex stuff.
If your aim is just forming Germany then you can larp and literally pick anything after that. I'd eat into Russia though and that would require Religious ideas/Humanist ideas as Brandenburg. Teutons/Livonians can consider Admin instead since they pack enough conversion strength on their own thanks to their NIs.

Nice =3
Free weekend, I'm gonna play dark souls 3 and watch anime. Also I want to do something productive in meantime

>I'd eat into Russia though
I bet you're one of those guys who play it without any historical consideration and you make enormous blob abominations

just fried 3 eggs for "breakfast", gonna watch few youtube vids and probably play subnautica afterwards

Played WoT and WoWs, got braincancer.
Now gonna shitpost a bit and proceed to play other games i have.

border gore galore

yeah it's called being good at the game

blobbing is the only meaningful thing to do in this game, so your aim should be to maximize it

This combination gives you shitton of discipline, prestige and infantry ability. Combined with Protestant relgiion you're fucking invincible.
t. newfag

me too

I live

t. noob

Thats the same thing as saying nutrients is the only meaningful thing in food so we should be only eating soya bars

>food analogy

Trami will I die if I keep fasting whole week?

Liu "Sandor Clegane" Xiaolin.

Somehow Hungarian.

Its accurate
Games are for enjoy, not for maximizing your efficiency at winning them

I didn't say it's the only way to play EU IV but saying stuff like "Innovative, Eco and Quality are great!" is downright wrong for virtually any campaign that has more ambitious goals than "conquer Germany as Prussia". You can do that with Maritime, Naval and Expansion ideas but that won't make any of these good.

Personally I also like actually doing stuff and not waiting on my ass for AE in the HRE to tick down. There's just not much else to do besides conquering in the game. Expanding into Scandinavia/Russia as Prussia is not even what I would call powerplay. Not doing so is just really poor play. The land is naturally important to funnel trade to your home node and it provides another expansion front for when the HRE is butthurt because of your aggressive expansion. Why not take the opportunity`?

hungarians are asians larping as europeans

No you can probably last whole month(s).


Why Sandor Clegane?

Thinking about ordering kfc or going to chinese restaurant for some kachna na medu. Is it good? It looked good

Works both ways, desu.

>Štúr, Žigmund Pálffy, Anastasia Kusmina,...
>Somehow Slovak.

i'm sure i would be impressed if i could see what the fuck was happening

how the fuck can you use this shitty graphic mod?

you are just jelly of his cool name

>Why Sandor Clegane?

Probably a western name just like Čchan "Jackie Chan" Kchung-sang.

Without all the salt supplements?



I lige it also you can clearly see whats going on

but it looks like shit

why not use a good graphic mod instead?

Imo there are to types of players, one who want to achieve the highest score and break all record, and the other one who spends hours just roleplaying without making any progress at all. You are obviously the first one and i am the second

>stop using what I dislike
pepik please stob

no, i am trying to save you from having bad taste

mod name? how did you form HRE so early?

By forming other tags. Austria forming Italy removes your entire territory from the HRE which you can just readd for instant imperial authority.

Maybe the screenshot is from an earlier patch too, when it was even easier.

No idea. That will be what,2 weeks?and you exercise which means that you are depleting your electrolytes even faster. I advise against it

>bumps on map
but this war summary looks cool, whats the mod?

it's like a year old screenshot, don't remember how i formed it so fast, sorry. No exploits though, I even had the italian states leave the empire and still managed to form it this early

the mod was is Graphical map improvements i believe, it's really good

that was unexpected

Do you think this is good microphone?



rate my bohemia

Floating Island lads

Pozrite sa na túto tabuľku a s čistým svedomím mi povedzte, že dopingové testy pre OH nie sú kúpené a vykonštruované
Z viac ako 12 tisíc dopingových testov bolo pozitívnych ani nie percento a to má viesť k zamedzeniu účasti Ruska
Keď porovnáte také USA a dali by ste počet dopingových testov na rovnaké číslo ako pri Rusku vyšlo by vám väčšie pozitívne dopingové percento.
A ďalšia krásna vec je, že sú tam krajiny s väčšími počtami pozitívnych testov aj pri menších počtoch vykonaných testov a tieto krajiny nemajú žiadne problémy.
Krásna ukážka ako funguje politika a šport západu

Nič nové, všetci vieme ako to funguje

I guess reading English is too hard for the of you.
They didn't ban them for taking any drugs. They banned them for manipulating the testing process in a way that would hide if any athletes were stupid enough to try that shit.
It's like nuking your own city with a few immigrants and killing everyone inside to make sure your terrorist attack numbers stay low.

If that's not a good enough reason to kick someone out then I don't know what is.

Americania su krajina dopingu ale maju to podchytene preto olympyjske hry zdegenerovali je to len fraska ako nobelovka vrahovi Obamovi.

what a shit game



wow wee wow wow

big barkers

post some good music




love this version of this v4 classic, it's just primitive enough but not so much that it would be turbofolk



I like it

yea it's great, friend showed me
have more from him
and this is what I sent him

so femvak, you got that final schedule?

Is it safe to assume that people considered with masculinity are insecure? Ever since i crossed 20, i've been noticing more and more guys like that around me and it always just invokes the feeling that they are not sure of their own manliness.

seems like you should be more concerned about your English


I cringed

ebin, upvoted
now seriously, kys



>american intellectuals

Been playing for about 3 hours, found fragments for and constructed a prawn suit and a cyclops finally