/who/ - Doctor Who General

Word Lord edition

Going to kill everything in reality.

Other urls found in this thread:

eruditorumpress.com/search/?q="john wiles"

Goddamn it, Briggs. Steven Hall wants to write more audios. Let him.

Is it really true that Douglas Adams Dr Who time box England Great Britain and so on and so forth?

>Going to kill everything in reality
What? Nobody could find all the time and energy to do that.

>he wants to write the absolute GOAT series and they know he's their best writer but they still probably won't let him
It's Lawrence Miles' six-book War in Heaven arc all over again.

Even worse, since Steven Hall's a nice bloke who has nothing but good things to say about NuWho. So what reason is there to not hire him?

I don't get it, aren't both of those things the same thing?

Memes aside, will we realistically ever see the drashigs on screen again?


@lym love your theme twitter.com/Iymerence/status/889551564624592896


I mean, did any of us expect to see Alpha Centauri or Movellans?

Exactly!!! There's still hope!

have we found someone who doesn't like the drashigs

Is that a chumbley behind him?

Why does a 75-year-old David Bradley look younger than a 57-year-old William Hartnell?

i would hope so but it's not coral pink like a chumbley and more importantly it's out of proportion. why is the top disc so high up? with the angle of the pic we should be able to see the middle disc too but we can't

Why do you know so much about chumbleys

i miss mongo :(

who /chumbley/ here

what can i say? they're cute

Scaroth reporting in.

>ywn find the missing galaxy 4 tapes

Anyone else sad that Bradley isn't as racist as Hartnell? I found his Twitter, and he's retweeting Sadiq Khan. Hartnell would never do that.

Fuck off Heccypoo from the Planet Mondas forums. I know you come here

Kill yourself

I know a few redditors slipped up and confirmed they come here, like ffwihader, pcjonathan, etc

What's Phil Sandifer's worst Doctor Who post?


The first one is an actual TV series.

But perhaps the most obvious "Doctor Who By Numbers" moment of Galaxy 4 is the latest attempt at creating the next Daleks, the Rills' robotic servants, named by Vicki in her last act of cute naming as "Chumblies" (a name that, inexplicably, everyone including the Rills immediately adopts).

There is nothing inherently wrong with the Chumblies, though nothing is inherently right about them either - dumb visual design, excellent audio design. But there's a bit of a trick to creating a recurring Doctor Who monster. Think of any David Tennant episode in which a monster returns. Most of them have a scene in which a companion or someone worriedly asks "Doctor, what is it?" And Tennant delivers the next line in a very set way - a sort of fearfully hateful spitting out of the monster's name. You can quickly divide monsters into the reusable and not reusable categories by asking if this line delivery is going to work. Cybermen? Check. Sontarans? Check. Macra? Sure. Chumblies? No. It is impossible to imagine David Tennant spitting out the name "Chumblies" in a hushed mixture of fear and anger. Or, at least, it's impossible to keep a straight face while doing so. And so we will never, ever see the Chumblies again.

The Chumblies pretty much sum up this serial. Not bad ideas that have been badly slapped together.

We have a pioneering female producer being replaced with a male producer whose first decision is to sack the female lead for being too uppity. Knowing that, it's really hard to watch this story, in which the matriarchal society of the Drahvin is painted as uncritically and completely evil, without wanting to drink heavily and read feminist literary theory.

Which is the biggest problem with Galaxy 4. It's not that it's bad - it's perfectly watchable. It's just that it feels lazy and sloppy all at once, which is an awkward combination.

>Chumblies? No. It is impossible to imagine David Tennant spitting out the name "Chumblies" in a hushed mixture of fear and anger. Or, at least, it's impossible to keep a straight face while doing so. And so we will never, ever see the Chumblies again.
Big Finish, make this happen.

nobody misses mongo

>We have a pioneering female producer being replaced with a male producer whose first decision is to sack the female lead for being too uppity.

i don't know if i will be able to stream The Rescue today but i am going to post the Sentreal x Celation picture on Planet Kembel as a "newly discovered colour picture of the daleks master plan delegates"

See for yourself.
eruditorumpress.com/search/?q="john wiles"

Scaroth deported out


dear god what have I done

his thesis on the massacre is actually what wilespilled me in the first place

redpill me on it

scratch that, planet mondas. planet kembel is too dead


>Doctor what are those things?
>No, it can't be
>What what is it?

Why does seeing his breath on the glass arouse me so much

I want to feel him breathe on my neck

Put your trip back on, Edge

>Implying I would take my trip off to talk about how much I want to bang Tennant



even though that's not a chumbley (chumbleys are much shorter), is it possible that could be the planet that the chumblies come from? It's got a very 60s sound stage vibe to it

It's the Chumbley Queen

Planet of the Chumblies? Who doesn't love the chumblies?

someone who has the invasion animated recons from this torrent


could you seed for a bit. i need them but they don't seem to be downloading

unlikely, the chumblies come from the planet of the rill, and a big plot point in galaxy 4 is that the rill breathe ammonia. 1 and 12 would need to be wearing spacesuits


Do you like vegetable user?

reminder, clara haters are /who/ haters

The Ninth Doctor once encountered a group of robots who went by the name "Chumbleys," but he insisted that they were impostors. (COMIC: Doctormania)

were 1 and co wearing spacesuits in galaxy 4?

no. but that wasn't set on the rill's home planet

wiles actually asked hartnell if he was willing to wear a spacesuit in any story but he said it was "ridiculous"

so the chumbleys can appear on a planet that they don't come from
so the chumbleys can still appear on whatever that planet is in the christmas special

absolutely, never said they couldn't

>city of death isn't fun!

>curse of fatal death isn't fun!

>flatline isnt fun!

>carnival of monsters isn't fun!

>dalek isn't fun!

>hell bent isn't fun!

>scherzo isn't fun!

>the sky rays isn't fun!

Lawrence Miles' relationship with other Doctor Who writers wasn't even that bad back then.
The problem was that the fandom was overrun with "trad" bullshit and so every slightly original or experimental book was hated. Miles announced he'd quit Doctor Who after Interference because of the overwhelmingly negative response that he got from the most vocal part of fandom (then he came back when he needed money, but that's another story).
Look at the Doctor Who Magazine poll from 2000. Interference is at the bottom, and most of the other interesting books have low marks too (Revolution Man, Unnatural History, The Blue Angel, The Taking of Planet 5). Today, most people like Interference while nobody even fucking remembers what the top 4 books were about.
The PDA ranking isn't better, with Mike Tucker dross on top and Divided fucking Loyalties somehow making the top half.
Doctor Who fandom is the reason why we can't have nice things. Always has been, always will be.

>the divergent universe wasnt fun!

>the girl who waited isn't fun!

Oh, and guess who won best author? Cornell? Parkin? Orman? Lyons? You wish!

John Barrowman is in the hospital today

Him and Tennant are going to have matching scars

Also super cute, if you watch his Facebook videos he switches to his Scottish accent when he talks to his parents

>death in heaven isnt fun!

Yeah, but Paul Magrs is still writing Doctor Who to this day even if nobody liked The Blue Angel at the time. I think Miles was just being a prima donna if he quit because he couldn't handle bitchy fans.

>doomsday isnt fun!

>human nature isnt fun!

I forgot. Where did the "isn't fun!" meme come from?

>the name of the doctor isnt fun!

>s8 isnt fun!

>s9 wasnt fun!

>big finish isnt fun!

>a good man goes to war isn't fun!

>the 8th doctor isnt fun!

Post titkino

>torchwood isnt fun!

>s4 wasnt fun!

>s10 wasnt fun!

delete this


John looks like a nice lad to hang out with, I just hate how he always work hard to be noticed, there's no reason for that.

Also, hi Edge :3

Daily reminder that Tardis scarifices herself to save Doctor in this year Christmas Special causing him to regenerate into woman. Screencap this ... ;-D



>Kill the Moon isn't fun!


Good morning Neo!

He seems fun, looking forward to meeting him and Billie Piper next month

just finished episode 8 of the new twin peaks lmao
if david lynch can't direct an episode of dr who i'd settle for him coming up with the visuals for the title sequence


>i'd settle for him coming up with the visuals for the title sequence
Hmm no thanks, please keep him out of Doctor Who altogether.

well it aint too far fetched actually. he did make a car commercial and one for the playstation 2

We should start a change.org petition to make the BBC change the 13th Doctor back to a man as it should be