What went so horribly wrong?
What went so horribly wrong?
>hurr it's not purgatory because everyone figured it out
I thought it was about aliens or Egyptians
I rewatched this earlier this month. The sharp decline in quality I perceived after Season 3 didn't seem to be there anymore. Either I've gotten a lot dumber over the years or I'm better able to appreciate it. It was surprisingly good, even in the last seasons. When I first watched it when it was airing the last season had two good episodes (Dr. Linus and the one where Sawyer is revealed to be a cop) but they were all pretty good on rewatch.
the story got lost
Absolutely nothing
If you weren't rooting for the end to be all of them celebrating and hugging together, like they deserved, you have no heart
Had me tearing up on rewatch. Such a good fucking show.
They milked it too long and started to put in too many mysteries for them to actually resolve. This was a solid 3-season idea that just got out of control.
While it had a frantic and somewhat incoherent plot and writing at times, the acting, character writing and music just made for some of the best drama moments in tv history.
Locke vs Jack and Ben vs everyone is still unmatched by other shows in just how entertaining and thrilling it was.
I have yet to see a more based character than Locke and a more flawed genius than Ben.
I bet her butt smells and taste good
>ywn again wonder what's in the hatch and have to wait for that next episode which raises even more questions
>them feel good Charlie/Hurley moments like when they start the van
>but they were all pretty good on rewatch
The show works a lot better when you rewatch it being you already know this or that issue is never resolved. So you're not trying to find some deep meaning to anything/everything that happens.
I finally finished off the series again last week and even bad seasons when I first watched 10+ years ago seemed at least ok.
as what went wrong on the show, it fell victim to it's own hype in a way. First it lost a TON of viewer when the show spent 1/3 of a season in just the sub.Then the show runners kept saying, for years, how all questions would be answered etc. Yet nothing becomes of entire chunks of random back story.
It just pissed everyone off. You don't have to explain everything, like how The Leftovers leaves stuff sort of hanging. Just don't go leading people on that you will wrap it all nice and clean.
Your mother didn't abort you.
nothing, plebs only watched it for the DUDE mystery LMAO shit and not for amazing character interactions. It's the same shit with leftovers, people are too caught up in the mystery aspect and want everything explained
only real answer right here.
>nothing, plebs only watched it for the DUDE mystery LMAO shit and not for amazing character interactions
This. I would kiss you if I could
it's still good.
Literally nothing. Best TV show of all time.
What in the name of fuck is this shit.
Sure is newfaggy in here.
Better times
Time travel
People kept watching.
You have to drop shit. When it gets bad, your only meaningful input is not watching. It's not what you post. If ratings fall they adjust. That "wait to see if it gets good again" is idiotic and only supports shit.
Always heard a lot of people discussing this show when it aired on tv. Never watched a single episode myself though.
Am I missing out?
>tfw I was on Sup Forums in 2010 when LOST finally finished, staying up till 3 am to watch the finale and really enjoying it.
>tfw still on Sup Forums seven years later shitposting.
Nothing went wrong, except season 6 was a little weaker than the rest.
they got lost in their plots
kinda, it has its moments but don't watch it for the mysteries alone or else you're gonna be disappointed
>don't watch the show for it's central focus or you'll be disappointed
That means it's bad.
Which character had the worst episodes? The best?
on average jack. for both.
the same handful of unfunny bullshit that's reposted every lost thread
Worst were the Koreans and Claire
Best was Locke, Desmond (obviously) and Jack
Tell me about Jack. Why does he have the tattoos?
The central focus was ALWAYS the drama and characters. People tend to think it was about the mysteries probably because it was simply what they were most interested in even when 90% of the plot is about the characters.
the jack tattoo episode is the worst episode. an entire episode dedicated to a stupid fucking tattoo and ugly asians
bravo lindelof
the good ol' Sup Forums before reddit invasion
Greatest show of all time, so nothing I guess.
nothing, go back to the GoT general.
There was no real decline. The show kept reinventing itself each season, taking a wildly different direction than the previous one. You were simply expecting more of the same, but the writers had a different plan. On rewatch, you already know what to expect.
Lost has a lot of flaws, but its also one of the most ambitious things I've ever seen on TV. It took great advantage of the format. There was constant buzz around it, people talking about it, cliffhangers that gave people goosebumps, shit tons of interest characters that you fell in love with or loved to hate, and a story that just went on and on, without the feeling of repetation, as they kept introducing new elements to it constantly.
The show has gone from a standard survival drama to scifi, and then finally to fantasy. Obviously its not for everyone, but I think given the circumstances, it was a fantastic experience. If you are a first time watcher now, you will unfortunately miss out on a large part of that experience, but regardless, its still a great adventure show.
I've never stopped loving Kate
was she going commando?
I can't remember that they gave her underwear after the shower
I don't know but I'd like to think so
she must have smelled like heaven
She could be a perfect WW
>i will never smell kate after 2 months on an island with no showers or soap
compared to a LOT of the shite now absolutely nothing
>Evangeline Lilly will never peg you
Why should I even live?
daily reminder she fucked him and not you
>What went so horribly wrong?
only one thing
fuck them for this
There's something off about him