Is Portuguese basically a more beautiful sounding Spanish?

Is Portuguese basically a more beautiful sounding Spanish?

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Portuguese and Spanish could be perfectly considered dialects of the same language. You know, the difference between a language and dialect is a border.

Everything about Portugal is more beautiful than Spain. The language, the cities, the culture, the women...

So could be Italian. In fact, if Arabic can be considered a single language, so can be all the Romance languages.

Italian is more closely related to French tho.

Portuguese is the best sounding slavic language

>tfw you will never say that you speak latin

feels bad.

Yeah, I consider it a correct version of spanish
No, what the fuck? Italian and Spanish/Portuguese are not mutually understandable

Only Portuguese-Spanish-Galician are


>portuguese is beatiful

Brazilian is way better


Maybe if you get into technicalities, but I certainly can understand much more Italian than French. I'm sure Italians understand Portuguese better than French too.

Italians and Spaniards are able to understand each other by speaking our languages. We have to speak a bit slowly but It is understable.

No Italian borrows heavily from French, more so than Portuguese or Spanish.

I can't discuss it because Portuguese is my main language and second mother tongue.
But i honestly think that Spanish sound too feminine...

Absolutely not. Portuguese is a nigger tier language with all the hues saying UMA DELICIA. Seriously “çao” wtf is this, a mutt language of French and Spanish?

Unironically this.

I studied abroad in Spain and while I loved it, Portugal was so much more enchanting. Even some of the Spanish people I spoke to thought the same.


Anyone can cherrypick, user

just different types of latin

It's not cherrypicking. It's a well known fact that Portuguese infrastruture is shit
Dirty roads are just in the forests here anyway. E-roads in Portugal looks like that most of the time

French is closer to spanish gramatically and closer to Italian vocabulary

Even if the roads are shit, it's still an enchanting place. Pic is mine from my trip to Porto.

North and south
Galicia,basque, Andalusia,Castilla,Catalonia....etc

Don´t be ridiculous son, infrastrutures are not our prob, on the contrary, just checkstats about the issue, for example we have far above eu average on highways oer capita

I am not lying when I say i think Portuguese is the most disgusting sounding language.

>danes talking about disgusting sounding languages

Portuguese is just Spanish spoken by a drunk person

I bet you have never heard portuguese (pt-pt euro) but ok

this but unironically.
The first time i listened people from lisbon talk i tought they were russian

very similar but not that similar

No. Please take a sit back in the corner and shut up.

serious answer or meme one?

siempre podés aprender y te va a resultar más fácil que a alguien que no habla lenguajes romances

Old Castilian was different from Old Galician/Old Portuguese At least they weren't the same language.

Why would you want good roads TO spain?

it sounds like a retard trying to speak spanish

Nah. Good infrastructure is precisely the main reason we're broke. Just look at a population map and you'll understand why all the Portugal -> Spain roads are shit. We all live in the other side of the country.

Why go against the thread?

Alright everyone, vocaroo this:

"A chuva em Espanha cai maioritariamente nas planícies".

For some fucking reason, most cunts that speak portuguese have borders with castillan speaking cunts. Also, we received a shit ton of spaniards in Brazil and most brazilians study castillan in school.

I studied french and italian and they're both really similar to portuguese...

I bet that a northerner mexican understand more english than portuguese...

>não sendo majoritariamente

>a mutt language of FRENCH and Spanish?
What did he mean by this?

There is a say that goes: "Portuguese is a wrongly spoken spanish"

>não é "a ser"

Há coisas em "Brasileiro" que de facto confesso que aprecio, e diria mesmo superiores ao Português europeu:
Freqüente (faz todo o sentido anunciar que o u não é mudo)
Menor (em vez de mais pequeno)
Usam o futuro e o condicional como é suposto - "Farei" em vez de "Vou fazer" e "Faria" em vez de "Fazia"
Até concedo que o sotaque consegue ter algum charme, quando não é gritado.

Usásseis vós a 2ª pessoa e a mesóclise, e retessem o sotaque mais europeu, e seríeis olhados com melhores olhos. E nós de igual modo.

Spanish sounds like machine gun speaking portuguese.ajajjajajajajajajaja

Nós usamos
Também usamos,"Eu farei" em vez de "Eu vou fazer"
Tambem "Eu faria" em vez de "Eu fazia".

Resumidamente mandaste postas de pescada sem saberes do que estas a falar?

Spanish sounds disgusting and pleb whatever accent it comes from.
Brazillian portuguese is also pretty fucking horrible.

T. ovo na boca

Nunca dizes que um carro é menor que outro, dizes que é mais pequeno. Só usas "menor" em expressões idiomáticas e nunca como comparação.

E usamos o futuro simples e o condicional vs. o futuro composto e o pretérito imperfeito muito menos que no Brasil.



Um carro tem menor tamanho que o outro ou seja,é mais pequeno que o outro ou seja tem menos tamanho que o outro.
Percebeste? Nós usamos qualquer uma


Não usamos mais trema nas palavras faz um tempo. Lingüiça, freqüente, entre outras palavras, agora são escritas como aí. Particularmente prefiro a nova grafia à antiga

>For some fucking reason, most cunts that speak portuguese have borders with castillan speaking cunts.
That's because no matter what happens, we're destined to be together.

Foda-se, saberes que a palavra existe e é mais correcta não significa que a uses mais vezes. Até tiveste de recorrer ao "mais pequeno" para exemplificar.

Aqui prefiro a antiga grafia, mas não usávamos a trema. Acho que a trema é das coisas que faz sentido existir, senão a língua fica ambígua.

Eating vowels is better than actually mispronouncing words like braziu,coviu,caniu,cariu,etc

You can't deny ours sounds at least more stern and serious.

I still like Brazil's sweeteness, but sometimes it's too much.

A trema nunca deveria ter sido abolida.

Não sou o user, mas eu adoro o sotaque português bem falado. Brasileiro só fala mal de Portugal porque não conhece porra nenhuma daquele país a não ser "MUH OPREÇÃUMN!1!"

Isto e o "você"/"vocês" nunca deveriam ter aparecido.

Só os Bragantinos, Egitaniensese a Albicastrenses continuam a usar as conjugações correctas.

Spanish speaking Nobels of literature: 11
Portuguese speaking Nobels of literature: 1


Eu acho o "Tu" mais bonito e formal também, mas o "você" veio do "Vós Mecê", de modo que eu não vejo muito problema no uso. É melhor dizer 'O que você quer?" do que como nós dissemos aqui no Sul "O que tu quer?". Nosso sotaque é até bonito, mas as expressões que usamos são terríveis.

the worst thing that happened to Spanish is the spelling reform that made words with B and V be written as they are in Latin, because in Spain people had stopped pronouncing them differently.

That is why before it was Cordova, but now it's Cordoba (because in Latin it was Corduba)

Or why you have English Government, Portuguese Governo, Italian Governo, French Gouvernement
but in Spanish it's Gobierno, like Latin Gubernatio

The Latin American republics shouldnt have followed that reform in the 1800s

>Portuguese and Galician could be perfectly considered dialects of the same language. You know, the difference between a language and dialect is a border.

Its the other way around, btw Portuguese is the ugliest language

galician is the bridge i guess

>all these CHIs and latindogs shitting on portuguese

You are truly a enlightened and cultivated man João

Absolutely nothing wrong about this post.

Other than the French, any Romance language is understandable by all the others

This may shock the average Sup Forums user or lurker but we barely have any people living close to the border with Spain.
Obviously we'd never put a lot of investment on roads where nobody lives. We just built a handful of highways to link with the spaniards' and that's it.

I can understand some things of Italian easily (others no so much) while French really gives me a hard time aside from very isolated phrases.

Didn't know finns were experts on portuguese roads

Aqui, pelo menos em ambiente empresarial de empresas mais pequenas, começa a ver-se o "Tu" mesmo para pessoas que não conheces. "Você" deixou de ser formal para ser pseudo-formal, e começa a ser visto como saloio. Para formalidades usa-se "o senhor" e a 3ª pessoa.

Para o plural, o "vocês" é informal e corresponde ao "tu" e ao "você" igualmente. O vós já só é usado nas cidades do interior norte (talvez no sul também).

Acho o "você" e o "usted" feios, honestamente, mas o "vós" é visto como pretencioso sem ser acompanhado de um sotaque correspondente ao interior, que é pena.

"Beati hispani quibus vivere est bibere."

Oddly enough, we're the drunk ones of the peninsula.

In the way that a platypus is the bridge between a beaver and a duck, though.

Meanwhile French people can understand all the Romance languages(except Romanian) when written which makes us the masterrace :)

Eso no te lo crees tu ni harto de vino.

>when written
The fuck? So can everyone else. Spoken both the French and Portuguese have the advantage of being harder than the other two because of the nasal and closed vowels, but written it's literally the same, frog.

>written it's literally the same

The fuck, are you aware that all the Romanic languages have tons of Germanic words. We had the Visigoths and Suevi in Iberia, and the Ostrogods in Italy.

Not to mention all the influence french itself had in the rest of the languages both directly and via English.

Most of the harder words in French for Spanish and Portuguese would be archaic/divergente romanisms rather than germanisms.

It does sound more stern and tough, suits the father of the language very well :^)

Entende lá isto então ó palhaço de merda


Tanto pretensiosismo para no final conjugares mal um verbo.

>Aqui, pelo menos em ambiente empresarial de empresas mais pequenas, começa a ver-se o "Tu" mesmo para pessoas que não conheces
Dentro da minha empresa (~70 pessoas), fazemos isso. Mas com clientes e outras pessoas externas é quase sempre na 3ª pessoa, salvo casos excepcionais.
E vós não é usado em lado nenhum no sul, com pena minha.

Ronaldinho and Cristiano Ronaldo can speak normal Spanish ,so yes is similar

> This may shock the average Sup Forums user or lurker
Wow, people live in clusters near the ocean? Who would have guessed

Foda-se, cuspi-me.

Não era pretensa, era uma prova de conceito.
Foda-se, que grande nabo. Mas lá está, se se usasse esta conjugação, não haveriam calinadas destas.

E sim, inter-empresa é mais "o senhor" que "tu", mas há uns anos nem intra-empresa. Eu falo com o meu CTO/CEO por tu, e ainda so dos escalões baixos.

Converting from Portuguese to Spanish is easier because there's a simple "drop the second vowel in a row and open all syllables" rule of thumb that makes us like 80% intelligible, if not correct. The other way around is harder because you'd need to know when to add vowels, and which syllables to pick and pronounce.

I took spanish classes so I can understand your whole language :)

Your analogy doesn't make any sense. They are not even the same order let alone family or genus, they are just mammals. It is like saying all Indo-European languages are the same.
While Spanish, Portuguese and Galician are the same sub-family of West Iberian Romance languages.

Espetáculo e maravilha paneleirito, agora lambe-me os tomates filho da puta

Si, si, senor! Detras de ti, imbécil!

Yes but Galician doesn't come from Castillian

Meaning that just because it has characteristics of both, doesn't mean it's not just a mangled mess.

Rural Galician is still beautiful and cute.

Nem tens o til ó idiota
Foda-se este sapo a fazer figura no meu chan

Can confirm.It is harder. But not in the way of learning....Actually I can understand the Portuguese post of the thread but nor talk it.

>Nem tens o til ó idiota
>Foda-se este sapo a fazer figura no meu chan

>Being able to make such a retarded comparison
As expected of a braindead island chink/weeaboo that speaks/likes the disgusting sound of the gibberish known as Japanese. Your hearing sense is totally atrophied so is your brain.

Wherever we live we're relatively close to the sea. I think you missed the point of my post and a chance to remain quiet.