how can a movie studio survive this long on only flops?
How can a movie studio survive this long on only flops?
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They're surviving on Spider-Man alone, but now even Marvel is cucking them out of that.
Bankruptcy incoming
Resident Evil made 300 Million, I wouldn't call it a flop. The foreign market saves them
Yeah, the entire franchise made over a billion dollars with a relatively low budget for each film, and people wondered why they kept making them.
PlayStation sales
Because it's just a subdivision of a giant corporation
even so when a company sees a division constantly bleeding million of dollars and destroying the company image then you'd think someone would step up
doesnt work like that in japan
when will you plebs learn?
The film industry is just one big money laundering scheme
No film studio ever loses money.
Because they own the distribution rights for the entire Colombia/Tri-Star filmography.
Only this can save Sony Pictures
>when a company sees a division constantly bleeding million of dollars
They're not bleeding that much money. They're still making a profit overall.
>survive this long on only flops?
Sony makes a lot of medium budget movies that don't need to pull in a lot of money to show a profit.
No idea
they own batman, harry potter and lord of the rings
>harry potter and lord of the rings
Oh wow, two dead franchise
harry potter is the one of the most successful film franchises of all time
More like one of the DULLEST
indeed but it makes a lot of money
And it has no more movies. The books are finished, there is nothing to do
Life insurance and playstation.