Politically correct beating your kids or no?

Why do kids nowadays cry when their parents act assertive to them or say "no!"
And why do kids today also act up so much to their parents, literally saw a little white boy in the city tell his mom to shut the fuck up, and the mom did nothing. Literally what the fuck is happening to society? I remember getting punished or hit if i acted up, or refused to do something, or tell my mom or father to shut up. And, basically they stopped punishing me after i grew older, and acted mature and not like a fucking retarded child. Sup Forums is it right to hit your kids? I want my kids to show respect, also its not just white kids, that was just an example i remember, obviously black and spic kids will act up, but usually get put down.

Sup Forums what do?

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Fuck your children. Easy.

Slapping a kid when he's disrespectful isn't beating

>kids nowadays
pretty sure kids have always been whiny brats. dont let your hard-on for the "le wrong generation" meme completely brainwash you

That can put them in jail, my brother used to get the belt, i was lucky and just got slapped, and ear pinched. But, my brother said one day he was going to call the police the first time he got beat, and my parents said, "goodluck finding better parents than us" he put the phone down. Does it go by generations? He's 34, i recently turned 21


Hitting or spanking your kid is assault. Only degenerate parents feel the need to take such a shortcut.

>Hitting or spanking your kid is assault. Only degenerate parents feel the need to take such a shortcut.
The only degenerate thing is actually trying to argue with a 5 y-o kid when he's doing shit

Did you even read the post? I think it's needed when kids don't show respect, it crosses the line when they tell their parents to shut the fuck up.

Negotiate. Reason. If you teach them that you'll just react with violence whenever they do something wrong they'll hide things from you and you'll never have an open relationship where they tell you everything.

Further, spanking is associated with negative outcomes such as likelihood of committing a crime or acting violent later in life.