Is there a marvel formula?

Is there a marvel formula?

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>Is there a marvel formula?


Hero gets his origin story, meets a nice white woman, and kills the big bad white man, followed shortly by a teaser of an upcoming film

>kills the big bad white man

Oh, I get it. Marlel is the company with the SJW agenda right?

It's not DC is taking traditionally white, blue eyed and blonde haired characters and replacing them with brown islanders or anything.

Dance off, bro.

>Are they mad yet?

This applies to like 90% of adventure movies

w o w s t o p p o s t i n g a n y t i m e

Jonah Hex & Green Lantern were unbelievably awful though

*minus the teaser thing

Wow this is an absolute kamakaze of a shitpost, good job I really mean it.

Red Skull is red though

The quips/memes need to be toned down though.

IM1 they were great because 99% of the script was inprovised. The humor is authentic. The problem is they have tried to replicate that synthetically.

The Cap movies actually do a good job with the humor, they don't over do it, and they especially don't do it DURING an action scene. FUCK I hate Quipping during action scenes.

Yes. Make a shit movie such as Iron Man 2 or Incredible Hulk and have people eat it up and get good to average reviews.

I think a lot of Marvel's success can be attributed to Branding. Phase 1 was nothing but a string of movies that acted as a commercial for the avengers and I think they're still coasting off that hype.

I guess because they're second place and not as popular as Marvel (with the exception of Batman, the most normie friendly super hero of all time) you can use your contrarian sensibilities and conveniently overlook their social justice agendas.

Yeah there is
>Spend as little time on the script as possible
>Panic when the trailer response comes in
>Edit the movie to shit in an attempt to damage control
>Say audiences are too stupid/casual to get your "art"

Sometimes adventurer instead of killing boss gets an artifact or returns home

I'm looking forward to Black Panther for this reason. I anticipate it'll have a more tense, political/royal subterfuge type plot and we'll see T'Challa struggle with the weight of now being king. I'm really optimistic about the inclusion of Killmonger and his casting of Michael B Jordan. We haven't had a more rivalrous antagonist thus far in the mcu, i'm hoping that's the direction they take. besides the winter soldier, but he essentially just 'dark captain america'

>This guy
>This voice

FOH fucking nerds

> fuck I hate quipping during action scenes

I guess you must hate comics then

what am I saying of course you do you Sup Forums faggola

>The quips/memes need to be toned down though

Welcome to the super hero genre, faggot.

Not a formula but there is a Marvel effect and that is Critics are still greatly underestimating what the superhero genre is capable of.

How do you feel that this effect manifests itself

> muh capekino

The ultimate realistic cape movie came out 16 years ago user, and it did a better job than any edgy modern take could ever even hope to do

One of the way it manifest itself is in the criticism that DC movies are trying too hard to be Realistic or edgy. Now that's not a common criticism but it is one that is entirely untrue for the current batch of DC movies.

>and that is Critics are still greatly underestimating what the superhero genre is capable of.

People still like TDK and the last few X-Men movies got good reviews until Apocalypse.

I don't understand why people think some kind of massive conspiracy or vague sociological effect makes more sense the BvS just being terrible.

I like unbreakable too user but it's completely unrelated to what I'm talking about.

Ehh i mean they definitely try to be dark. I suppose people find it exhausting because it usually it doesn't contribute to the quality of the narrative. I feel like BvS even relies a bit too much on it's aesthetic tone to convince us that it's a world where they could be at each other's throats under such slim pretenses while being thin on actual motivation (they're there and they're ok, but as viewers we all knew the feud was a farce by the time any fists were flung which made the whole fight feel frivolous).

But yeah most critics are really inarticulate bandwaggoners who just throw tinder onto whatever opinion they feel like will resonate with the most people

X-men and TDK aren't superhero movies tho.

Noone reply to the poster above me, i'm begging (you)

Yes, but TDKR came out two weeks after Avengers and it was a critical and commercial darling, so stop blaming "the formula" for shit DC movies.

I'm trying, but I really feel the need to call him a retarded faggot.

>I guess you hate comics then

Spidey, Hawekey, or The Thing quipping in fights is fine. Nobody else should do it

> superheroes shouldn't act like they always have because I say so!


Drink bleach please.

>Deadpool tries to assassinate eebil ice man
>gets rekt cause he went for the quip

Based Remender

> s-sure showed him!


It's been shit since Joel and Matt and Sean left

They're not tho. X-men films aren't even about the X-men, y'nkow the actual superheroes, but about badass amnesiac Logan and hisquest to find himself plus the X-men are decidedly more paramilitaristic than they ever been ao you can't even call them superheroes.

Please go back to tumblr and take your shit opinions with you.

You know I'm right tho.

Yep, that's why critics hate The Dark Knight, Deadpool, and Days of Future Past

NOOO!!! YOU ACTUALLY DID IT, you ABSOLUTE MADMAN! You gave him a (you)!!

Now he won't need to eat or sleep for moths and will continue to incessantly shitpost day in day out!

Sorry senpai, couldn't help myself.

I hope you have it in yourself to forgive me.

Yes, there is a formula to their movies. I liked them, but they've have the same structure.

>introduce to to either reluctant or last person(s) anyone would pick to be a hero(es)
>first battle happens where the good side is fucked either by: the hero(es) fucking up or the villains accomplishing their goals
>the whole movie revolves around a mcguffin, that can be either: a powerful magical item, a new technology that will change everything, Hulk's blood, Bucky or what have you
>second battle is the big one for the trailers where the hero(es) first meet the villains head-one and ends with a tie for various reasons
>now there is a crisis of what because of said battle and this is where the movie gets emotional because everything seems lost
>everyone gains their resolve due to a new information or pep-talk
>big showdown with the villain
>teaser for the next installment

There, this is a Marvel Studios movie.

No, eat a dick.

Will do.


It's called "doing heroes justice, adapting the source material in the best possible way, caring about the fans, slowly building a universe, and making good movies"

But Suicide Squad copied the "Marvel Formula" and the critics still hated the film

Those are tropes. not a formula.

It's formula when almost every movie they've done follow the same structure without fail.

And what's your reasoning for thinking that?

Yep, it's pretty easy actually
>take a comic ip
>fix the shitty costumes
>make a script loosely based on issues of said comic
>film it
>Add a teaser for the next upcoming film
>make money
WB DC just now figured out how to do this so we'll be getting actual good movies from them now.


You can do formulas badly.

It's the difference between Lord of the Rings and Eragon despite both being formulaic.

SS was terrible, WW looks horrible and has very little reason to be good because of the awful cast, Justice League is a Snyder film, and Aquaman is guaranteed to get fucked with by WB like SS did.

The DCEU is dead. Bury it. Start over with Affleck's Batman film and have a strong start to your franchise.

I liked SS, it didn't try to be anything more than it was (unlike MoS and BvS). It just felt like I was watching a comic book

Still tropes.

All romantic comedies feature a couple meeting, falling in love, fighting, and the reconciling. Doesn't mean it's a formula.

People complaining about "formulas" should just read The hero with a thousand faces.

All superhero movies use that formula, bro.

Marvel movies are the McDonald of cinema

>comparing movies to food

I bet you're also one of those "flicks, movies and films" kind of faggots, too.

Sorry, the Winter Soldier will never be considered a masterpiece and no, the Russos are not visionaries.

Marvel movies are basically fast-food cinema. A typical formula reproduced every movie, and they sell it with a different name.

It doesn't matter which sauce you put in your burger and how many steaks there is. It's still a fucking burger.

You ARE one of those "flicks, movies and films" kind of faggots. Hilarious.

How they gutted all the superhero shit out.

>triggered Marveldrone

This makes me sad, as does knowing DC / WB will never make an entertaining film that doesn't have ro have Batman, or Batman characters in it, unfortunately the JL are all Batman characters so my hope has been dashed before it can ever grow. It's like DC just doesn't have faith in anything that isn't Batman.

Keep trying hard you Sup Forums tryhard.

Why do is there such a victim complex with the DCEU fanbase?

Why can't they accept that their movies are bad?

you forgot black sidekicks.

Marvel is the one who spent the PR money heralding themselves as the champions of Diversity.

No, Suicide Squad just pointed a mirror to the audience and they didn't like the reflection.

Its usually the comics that matters, some DC is fine on this side.

Hammer guy was blue, and Quill didn't end up with Gamora, who was green anyway.

Also, I'm pretty sure there won't be another Howard the Duck movie.

Moving goalposts.

Marvel comics sell better and more well-known

Check the more recent solicitations


Honestly if you piss off Salon you're doing something right

Sorry if I prefer choreography & tension over awful jokes

>islander aquaman
>jewish flash
>shoehorned justice friend black guy

DC is just as guilty. You contrarians just turn a blind eye to your chosen silver medal company though.

Also, i'd much rather have an American Eagle Netflix series than Luke Cage/Jessica Jones

There are more disucssion on Sup Forums about marvel comic, most people just pirate it.

DC gives you Wonder-Woman Amanda Waller, & Mister Terrific. Marvel gives you Black Captain America, Black girl Iron-Man, Whor, & Female Hawkeye, Black Nick Fury, etc.

>le secret formula

The dc movies now are just bad. Synder is a fucking hack. There is no conspiracy. Did we forget how all the critics and plebs loved the Nolan Batman movies.

Oh, the Sup Forums contrarian is discussing comics now?

DC would be getting so much shit if you had a scene with Arthur Curry, Oliver Queen, Michael Carter, & Barry Allen out of costume. I get snowblinded just thinking about it.

I've always have been. Maybe you should talk your problems over with Sup Forums instead.

conspiracy =! formula


>dc does it, but it's alright because normies don't like dc

>I don't understand why people think some kind of massive conspiracy or vague sociological effect makes more sense the BvS just being terrible.
It's a meme, in the actual literal sense. This entire company wars thing is a meme.
Everyone participating in it is really just pretending to care. It's just another fun way to shitpost.


SS followed the marvel formula but edited most of that out.

That's the DC formula

That's literally DC's formula...

Did you misread the original post?

But user he's just hungry for fishsticks.

He is right they have to be careful and this has to be a good movie. But her origin has to tie to the Kree still, or at least to the cosmic marvel or her Captain Marvel stories make no sense. She is very tied to cosmic marvel so she needs that part.

Also, Miss Marvel? Fuck off, Ms Marvel

Besides Lex, who else?