

Do you have any?

Based manly voiced gilffu

Post Draper or Drummer

I like it. I'm wondering how the rest of Sup Forums feels about it.

Forced diversity and racemixing
Literally worse leftist propaganda in space than Star Trek.

Why do you like it?

Why don't you ask Billy and Dan in private?

bad acting, good story

read the books. they won't take you long to finish

it's a meme show, taylor made for reddit

Lots of cool sci fi designs and I get what it's trying to do (basically GOT in spaaaace) but the execution isn't great and I have a really hard time getting invested in any of the characters

Does it have good waifus?

garbage show and psuedo scifi

Pretty good overall, I'd say it's worth watching if you like scifi, it's definitely on the higher end of the quality scale for this kind of poorly acted scifi slosh that the shit channels churn out. There are a few ok actors and the story and special effects are decent. Does anyone know when S2 is likely to come to netflix?

Has some of the feels BSG had with being all mysterious and having political intrigue
Some moments are better than others. but overall it's pretty nice.

Best sci fi show on TV right now. I dare anyone to name another

the autists will claim the magicians and dark matter are better. ignore them.

>Cant get the razor back.


Watched it until S02E05 when Eros crashes into Venus. After that I didn't really feel like it's worth going on.

bobby finds the razorback stationed at mao's ship and avasarala and bobby use it to get to the rocinante

i like it.

it's got some derpy moments but overall good world building and decent plot. very heinlein.

Bad sci-fi. Why use belters instead of robots? Why does a drowning Earth need ice? Why can't the belters use a little of said ice for their water when the impact on profit is minimal compared to the cost of shipping out water rashions? Because the plot demands it.

Thanks for the spoiler warning, turbocunt.

>Why does a drowning Earth need ice?

Oh, so just because they're drowning, it means they don't get to enjoy a refreshing, chilled cocktail?


Imagine being this stupid

not enough amos/belter boy love making
in fact none at all s m h

sadly this, yet even so best scifi show nowadays (or ever)

literally everyone is exactly as portrayed in the books. Except for some reason I thought Errinwright was a poo too

dark matter isn't bad, but sure an other league. fun!comfy teritory

I thought Errinwright was a slav.


>he thinks white people will still exist in the future

unfortunately this, also
>white people in space
>afrikaners and slavs

They changed Errinwright's ethnicity to a white man in the show. In the books he's Indian.

it's a masterpiece

Was anyone else horrified that the only large scale rotational habitat that we've seen was to be used as a missile?

I was more shocked by that then anything else in the show, apart from maybe the refugee airlock scene.

Does the protomolecule bore and annoy anyone else?

I love the technology, world building and politics but the protomolecule just seems to dull, the series hasn't done anything interesting with it apart from it being very dangerous and everyone trying to find ways to exploit it.

Can't have a villainous PoC after all


you'll see what it does soon

I love it
but I avoid Sup Forums threads until I am finish with the books

errinwright is barely even a character in the books

Best Sci fi show since Babylon 5.

>psuedo scifi

It's hard sci fi, wtf do you mean with "pseudo scifi"?

Pls do not bully magicians watchers, we just want to enjoy watching qt girls with big boobs

>pls do not bully

you fuckers come in every expanse thread and shill that goddamn show

margo is best
alice has big boobies

We have no general, we are merely refugees, we are a show of peace

Sorry, didn't mean to bully. I don't really have any problem with Harry Potter Goes To College: The Series.


I loved the first season even though the last 2 episodes were meh. I'll watch season 2 soon but I expect a dip in quality. Overall, it's a Syfy show so it will turn to shit sooner or later. Hopefully it's later.

>Why use belters instead of robots
Belters are third class humans, it's cheaper that way. It's like China now, you live in your comfy life while some underpaid chinese guy builds shit in foxconn

>Why does a drowning Earth need ice?
The ice is mainly for Mars and the belters themselves. Earth is overpopulated with high pollution so buying pure water for the wealthy makes sense

>Why can't the belters use a little of said ice for their water when the impact on profit is minimal compared to the cost of shipping out water rashions?

Bitch do you even capitalism? Belters don't own the water, they only work there. It's not weird for big companies to pay shitty wages and then charge a lot to their actual customers without leaving the best product for the community that produces it.

This is what happens in agricultural communities that end up high in debt and sell their farm to a big company and then they have to give them the best crops.

In a nation usually the best produce goes to exports, specially when it goes to the EU due to their high regulation standards and leave the ones that cannot be sold to them to the nation itself.

Besides the ration policy of water was imposed because the Canterbury was destroyed so a lot of water was lost and they didn't wanted to decrease the water being sold to Mars and Earth due to contract agreements.

And also, this caused the water price rise up, so definitely they would sell it to martians and earthers instead of belters

>Why use belters instead of robots?
People are cheaper than robots. Cost less to maintain. Self-replicating. Will work in conditions that are too dangerous, regards insurance, to send your expensive robots into.

Life is cheap, robots aren't.

>Why does a drowning Earth need ice?
Most of the the ice was going to Mars IIRC.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised. The 2nd season seemed more structured and compelling to me. .

S02E05 was pure, 100% kino

Lanklet Martian Master Race

S2 is overall a lot better than S1. If you enjoyed S1 then there shouldn't be any reason you won't enjoy the second season as well.

Just try and get hold of the uncensored episodes. Even if it is just the a fuck here and there its nice to get some swearing out of Avasarala. Shame they could never do her sailor mouth justice on the show with being on cable.
Avasarala in the books could put most of the characters in Deadwood to shame.

So? Why the need to whitewash him then?

delet this, she's pure



Miller pls go

The second miller teams up with the faggot crew is when the show becomes boring. solo space detective miller was the only good part. Terrible show with a very contrived plot and convenient events that just scream of lazy writing.

>inb4 some autist misinterprets this and puts words in my mouth or drops spoilers as if I don't already know

>look at me

>Whitewashing in a show where you have an Indian guy with a Texan accent and a genius engineer that looks African but was born and raised in the belt where they speak creole, a simple dialect concentrated in a small geographic area

They just casted some guy perfect for the job. You really can't pull the whitewashing card here, it's stupid

Just because the physics are supposedly accurate doesn't make it hard sci-fi. It doesn't deal with any real sci-fi themes, it's just Game of Thrones in space.

There are at least 9 books written or planned. You think Syfy will allow a show to go on that long?

Don't even bother getting invested.

Even when it was SciFi, the longest shows ever ran for was 4 seasons.

Hope you faggots enjoy reading.

>Hope you faggots enjoy reading.
kek, no please anything but that

yeah Idk I'm caught up on all the books

>Hope you faggots enjoy reading

Only plebs don't