Outta my way you weaklings

Outta my way you weaklings

lookin good

Sam Hyde got beat at his own game by OnYourComputer. He's irrelevant now.

That guy is not very cool

What is he using the weights for?

>that ankle
Not such a big guy after all, chicken legs Sammy

That's a prosthetic you retard, he lost his leg from a motorcycle accident

>you can train your ankles
Holy fuck, go lift once in your life you faggot


literally fucking who

He's funnier, younger and more attractive than Sam.

MDE is done, stick a fork in it.

>Sam Hyde genuinely believes human ankles stay the same size when you build muscles

Onyourcomputer isnt this retarded

Smocaine 3 was higher quality than anything Tyler has ever done

>those noodle arms

>2017: I am.. forgotten

Is that a ring? Is he now larping as married?

I noticed that his calves were stupidly tiny compared to his upper body in the past, but that ankle takes the piss lmao

I don't follow this stuff and only see this guy posted here but is looking greasy and dirty part of his stick?

The ankle is photoshopped, right?

it's an abstinence ring because being christian is the edgy hip thing now

>this is what the alt-right considers funny