How do we stop this madness?
20% of Millennials Support Trump, 56% Support Hillary
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wallow in denial and vote Trump.
it worked for Brexit.
>doesn't say what % of young voters polled are Democrat, Republican, Independent etc.
We don't. This is what they have been conditioned to do on a large scale. Best hope is the following generation hates their collective guts and does a complete 360 while marching away.
The definition of "millenials" is so fucking vague that they can make it mean whatever is convenient for them at the time.
I was born in '86 and I'm supporting Trump.
Drumpf BTFO
What's the voter turnout for Millennials? 20%?
She won over the Bernouts by promising free college and sheeeeeeeet.
I think it's safe to say that we lost the election.
However, it's not an utter loss: Trump redpilled much of the Republican base which sets up for a fascist revolution somewhere around 2025.
>I was born in '86 and I'm supporting Trump.
Yes a tiny minority of you supporting Drumpf.
If the people want TPP and open borders, let them have it. If the majority want this, nothing you can do. I live in spic city CA and nothing is going to really change for me. From what I understand she's going to make the entire US,CA.
Why aren't dems shitting themselves over Hillary failing to unify almost 30% of sanders voters. The reason the democratic primary's had new voters was because of sanders and if she can't get those voters she can't win. Blacks will not turn out for Hillary, White's are with Trump and millennials will stay home. She's relying on fucking Hispanics, pathetic. Can't wait till she gets routed in a landslide in November.
This has to be fake. I live in a New York ghetto and the only young people I know voting for Clinton are Mexicans, women, and lanky white cucks
>How do we stop this madness?
Try to stop retarded young people from getting their political news and opinions from facebook memes.
>Can't wait till she gets routed in a landslide in November.
Sure thing shill.
>This has to be fake. I live in a New York ghetto and the only young people I know voting for Clinton are Mexicans, women, and lanky white cucks
Why would they vote for a racist who opposes gay marriage and legalized weed?
Mike Huckabee on Fox News just said Killary will be the next president, with out a studdderrr.
Same. Born and raised in the CA. Shame that the nice vacation places would just be torn down for the Favela's.
>young people
>turning out to vote
Pick one, and one alone.
I fucking hate minorities
Also all my college professors called Drumpf a Nazi.
That's true. Could just be another fix.
We can't. It's over. The American people lost the war against Crooked Hillary.
She's gone from +18 to moe in new polls. Trumps worst 2 weeks and now he's back where we started and guess what? He hasn't spent any fucking money. Clinton is so utterly fucked in November it's going to be hilarious. Enjoy the $5 you'll make for the months worth of shilling while jacking off in your mom's basement.
What's sad is seeing the rivers I used to fish when I was a kid are now crowded with Spanish speakers who litter. It's very unsettling.
There's a tremendous social pressure against admitting support for trump, especially among millennials. You might as well change your Facebook profile pic to a blackface costume with KKK gathering on the cover. Being MentallyHill is a safer choice if you want to have friends and get laid.
Trump can only win if he riggs the polls.
simple we just let the refugees in
Does anyone really believe this hag when she says shit like that. If I were ever a Bernie supporter (lol) I'd feel pretty insulted and patronized tbqh famalam
I like this
>the liberal mexican atheist intelectual
with all honestly if the world doesn't collapse before I get to do anything I am going to put all my effort to help build the NWO
I am here... to trigger you familia >:)
This is a good post to add to my screen cap collection
Well I'm a #shillforhiil now!!!
Believing anything the MSM and polls say about this presidential contest.
What a good little sheep you are.
Bernie supporters were just fueled by angst and the idea of free college.
They have no awareness of the real world outside their bubble and don't know what it means to see their paychecks decimated by taxes.
Just a bunch of contrarian socialists
Good thing Millennials dont vote.
Don't worry guys, Pennsylvania will always be perfect. No matter what color your skin is. Us Whites won't allow what you see on the news, in towns. Philly and Pittsburg are the only thing bringing down this sate. We have morals and standards and believe in god.
>We have morals and standards and believe in god.
I'm from Pennsylvania and your a fucking retard. Take your bible thumping hill billy shit back to Mississippi.
>USA TODAY/Rock the Vote poll
It's literally nothing.
I have my doubts since Bearnie supports hate Hillary and I've never seen a millennial Hillary supporter. At this point you have to be gullible to think these polls arnt rigged.
What I'm wondering is why so few people are pointing out that all the rigging of the opinion polls is likely to condition the populace into accepting when the actual election polls are rigged. This is Crooked Hillary we're dealing with, after all. They already did it with the primary and haven't answered for it, so why stop there?
Probably the only way we can stop it is to have enough voices loudly promising insurrection if it comes to that.
>tfw listening to polls
PA here, you can leave you're the reason why our country is turning blue.
12 year olds dude....
Hillary is the new queen of Sup Forums fuck of trump shill.
I remember MONTHS of article saying Hillary was doing terrible on young voters and Bernie had them
I'm not convinced those numbers magically shot up
80% of them supported Remain, but only 25% voted and the majority was for Leave. Until Leftists find out that virtue signalling isn't actually the same as going out and doing it, there's nothing to worry about. When they finally realise that actions do speak louder than words, they'll realise that the Left aren't right (;)) for a reason and end up redpilled.
Tick-tock goes the Marxism clock...
I don't understand how people who supported Bernie can just switch over to Hillary like she is basically the same thing. Obviously they both have flawed policies, but Hillary is a fucking crook.
Siphon the fedora vote from Johnston
Find ways to make Johnston look bad to Reddit fags and I guarantee you, you will be giving votes to Trump
What happens when Trump loses and 8 million brownies are granted amnesty and the ability to vote?
My brother is boring Hillary out of spite for trump. He even said he hates Hillary, but can't vote for trump cause of his policies. People are literally voting out of anger because their old Jew didn't get the nomination. These are the next generation of voters, folks.
> You dont.
i'm only voting hillary to watch trump supporters nig out
>supports legal weed and appeals to open border race traitors
Literally impossible.
Talk some sense into your brother, faggot.
Then America is kill.
I think they lost the Bernie voters
Bernie tried to hard to get them over to Hillary, but that's not going to happen, the emails completely assured that and that's the reason they went full RUSSIA DID IT, as a last ditch resort to appeal to them
Now it's whether they will vote Trump or vote at all. This isn't some media shilling, the leak was all over Twitter, and was reported in media, and these are young voters, they know how to tweety tweet and check the news.
I guess there are those, but not nearly enough to make a difference
I've talked some into him, but he's a life long liberal. I should ask him exactly what he dislikes about trumps policies.
Does anybody know the % of the millennials that voted for Obama last 2 elections?
people need to film this shit in classrooms on campuses and post it to internet and sympathetic media
Most of them won't vote anyways, especially since Bernie's out
>be American
>don't listen to Germany
>later don't listen to Patton
>have a country with free speech
>still end up having 56% Millenials be stupid
>mfw you should have listened
>listen to Germany
You lost the war, and now you're losing your country and culture. You're a warning sign, not a ward of advice.
Just remember that Brexit was facing the same sort of odds. Delude yourself until your delusions become reality.
American taveling here..I'm drunk
Were finished..I wish more of my peers had patriotic Americanism but this is not true...they believe in social justice and fight for perfect equality, on paper it may be good but on practice it is devastating to those not in high power...this last week I have not been able to sleep well. The stakes are very high and I believe that america will fall to the Marxist lenist ideaology. How can I have kids in this? But we must and I must pass on my name and my memes, we will be surpressed for many years however an idea is indestructable. Therefore we need to pass this on to our youth. America has been sabotaged, I cry for future generations as they will be under the law of complete and total communist equality. Please pray and ask for blessing..
Good, stay there.
I will be back next week..pig
Make sure the 20% that support Trump get out the vote - the chance of Hillary's millennials coming out to vote is almost nil.
>won over the bernouts
>20% of them aren't voting for her
given that bernie got almost half the popular vote 20% of his supporters fucking off would be a huge loss
>b-b-b-but bernie sanders fans will now vote for trump
And most millennials don't even vote
Hey someone that identifies with a Socialist will totally vote for a Nationalist, Capitalist like Trump!!
Why do fucks like you just give up. whaaaaaaa mommmyyyyy hold me. Its time to become a man, stand the fuck up and start organizing where you live. Get off the internet. You already know whats coming and only YOU can stop it. Start preparing yourselves...
Sure m8. Keep telling yourself that. Bernouts went to stein Johnson trum. I'd be surprised if Hillary legit gets 20% of the vote
180. 360 Implies that they flirt with the alternatives before doing the same thing.
>Trump says Hillary will be shit
>Hillary is shit
>Trump proven right
>Someone more articulate than Trump appears and wins with increased support at a later date
I'm not too worried about the spics.
>strong Christians
>European culture
>hate blacks
>working class looking for jobs
Convert the spics to a right wing fascist bloc and you win.
Because Trump has unity problems of his own. #NeverTrump and all that. At least Bernie supporters have the whole actual, honest-to-God conspiracy thing to be upset about. #NeverTrump are just sore losers. Especially the Sore Cruzers.
Oh yeah that Trump guy is really a nationalist socialist. There's nothing capitalistic about him, why would anybody every think that. Trump wouldn't want to share the same party with Hitler
I'm not giving up or giving up faith..never. But from what I see and what people around me think, the marxist Lenin america is only a step away. I have a great sadness user, that's all
don't believe any of these pols.
There is also many many days left til the election day, and many many moar leaks and shit to come.
Trump won this last year.
Our independent model put him at 97% prob to win the entire shit, this model has been proven to be pretty accurate before, but I don't claim anything is written in stone. This was done last year, by real scientists for the military research institute I think(????)
>strong Christians
>European culture
>hate blacks
You spend too much times on this board
>RocktehVotepoll of 1500 people
wew lad, greatest poll eber.
It's no secret that there are a significant number of Trump supporters who are reluctant to openly admit their support for him. No doubt this is even more prevalent among such a neutered group as millennials. The poll in the OP shows that 30% of millennials either lean conservative (Gary Johnson) or are open to to persuasion (wouldn't vote/don't know). At least 20% of those are going to end up voting for Trump.
I was born in '93, from Northern Virginia, and I would say that easily 75% of my friends/people I meet that are my age are either excited about voting for Trump or are excited about voting against Clinton.
damn, trump only took 11% of the bernout vote?
as a dignified early bernie fan I would not vote for him, or her, but I almost want to see trump win for the lulz
>she won over burnouts
Heehee hee hohohoho hahahahahahaha
The look on that kids face. Everytime.
Never give up faith brother. Remember, we're everywhere and we surround cities. Millions of us. We're never ready but trust me, we're ready...
>Wouldn't vote only 10%
We all know this demographic doesn't vote.
I wont give up ever. Even if I have to have 10 kids and pass on my ideas,until I die.
These are shills, don't be dicouraged by them. Register to vote and vote Trump.
The polls are rigged
While Hillary would be leading with a couple of points in an honest poll, Trump has not launched any political adds and nearly the entire mainstream media is against him. If Donald does as good with whites as Romney did, Hillary need blacks to turnout at a rate of 90%+ (which is what Obama got). This won't happen, blacks don't like her, whites dont like, nobody except neocons like her.
Trump has good odds of winning
>believing the meme of doomed germany
>believing in infowars and rebel media
>probably scared to visit Germany
>implying Germany can be destroyed
Seriously Jimbo, i actually offered Rebel Media, Breitbart and others to visit all the regions and areas where there are no "refugees" nor anything muslim.
Invited them to a germanic traditional festival in the Spessart Forest.
Invited them to the Gun Ranges here
They of course ignored it because
>muh narrative
Sorry mein Freund, but we also have alot of based areas where everything is privately owned, pre-christian traditions still alive, you can own guns including semi-automatic rifles and people don't even bother locking their doors.
The bad areas are mostly north like Berlin and the Ruhrpott area (Cologne, Duisburg etc.)
>mfw American rightwing just as delusional as American leftwing
>mfw both refuse reality bc "muh narrative"
>mfw Americans actually believe your post
Excuse me. I made the statement about Mike Huckabee saying Killary will be next president and I sir am no liar. It wasn't even part of his fucking question. The way he said it made me a believer. We need to start organizing STATE MILITIAS NOW!!!!!
There are literally laws against doing this, and this is probably the reason why. You can't expose these filthy cockroaches without reprimand.
80% of British "youth" also supported brexit...
Look how that turned out.
Found the Nigger
It's now or never, user. 2025 is too far away and by then it will already be over.
They're not hard to find in your country.
Glad the Anglos took away our African Colonies.
I only knew them from TV.
The first one i ever saw was at the Frankfurt Airport when i was 12, and he was a US Soldier.
>mfw no colonies
why such an effort to make this post? americans are dumb as rocks as you can see. just make a one sentence reply like any other Sup Forumstard.
Damn that video was fucking dope