What the fuck happened, Sup Forums?
Arizona, Missouri, and Georgia are now contested? Texas is barely red?
Why is this happening?
What the fuck happened, Sup Forums?
Arizona, Missouri, and Georgia are now contested? Texas is barely red?
Why is this happening?
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I still don't get how they think Georgia, MO, and even NC can turn blue if they didn't in 08/12 when the ultimate democrat/nigger wet dream ran for president
Illegals can't vote though... r-right?
there are even more transplants in GA now than there were back then m8. Atlanta has become the hollywood/silicon valley of the southeast. With those jobs come carpetbaggers who vote blue.
Legal Mexican immigrants make up at least 25% of the electorate there.
Well, the courts keep striking down Voter ID laws, so... they can.
Plus, their spawn get citizenship and no one can do anything about it.
15million illegals each shtting out 2-3 kids (average beaner family is 5 kids) = 30million new democrats
>so... they can.
No, no they can't. You've obviously never voted before.
Atlanta isn't enough to make the rest of the state blue, I imagine
Here in Florida the deciding counties will probably be the Orange and Hillsborough
Orange is a pure tossup and Hillsborough can be won by discouraging liberal college students
Still, I think some of these polls overstimate the power of big cities too much
more than 50% of the population of Georgia lives in Atlanta and a few counties surrounding it. We'll be a swing state by the next election probably.
I think that's reasonable, but not by this election. Same with Arizona and NC. And I don't even know why MO is a swing state in that map, even king nigger couldn't do that.
NC did go for Obama in '08. And MO went for Clinton both of his runs in '92 and '96. It's more likely than you think.
It's because the majority of the country thinks Trump is a crazy buffoon.
These state voted red all the time up till now. It's not immigrants or redistricting. It's a shit bird candidate.
And in this lies the great tragedy and rupture of our Western world. The great plan to undo all of us is to simply flood us with immigrants. Whether they are legal or not doesn't really matter. Blood lines have a higher importance to behavior than education, up-bringing or whatever. With this in mind, immigrants will always vote against anything that projects strength from the host nation. A vicious cycle ensues.
Our ideological fundament becomes cavernous, thus our mental resistance as a collective decreases. This in turn opens up possibility for more immigrants. Healthy skin can withstand a multitude of bacteria, but an open and untreated wound can infect and lead to death. So it is with our nations. More immigrants come and gain more collective power as an electorate. The pandering natives carefully choose policies that make the aliens hooked, thus ensuring an almost guaranteed re-election term after term.
And now we are here. The supposed greatest achievement of mankind, democracy, turns out to be our very undoing. Even the ancient greeks didn't forsee the fundamental flaw with this system. Flood your country with aliens under the guise of justice and you can wash out your political enemies. The greatest of men cannot withstand this if he chooses to play their game. Unfortunately, Trump decided to take a shot at this game and it seems he is about to drown in this maelstrom.
""Metro"" extents like 100 miles around atl theres tons of conservative white picket fence strongholds
Hmm, I don't know, maybe it has something to do with people realizing the Republican Party is a fucking joke nowadays. Lately, when people think of the Republican Party, images of KKK members, toothless hillbillies, doomsday bunker builders, and Alex Jones fans come to mind.
No country in the history of man kind has ever existed long without experiencing immigrants. Get over it faggot.
Oh shit, I forgot that NC went Obama in 08, thanks for clarifying that, ananon.
And that's true, but Bill isn't the same as Hdawg. Still, this one is gonna be pretty close and October is probably gonna decide this one. I'm still waiting to see what Trump will do with all that money since he hasn't wasted a cent on ads (PACs have ofc).
I heard from some emails that dems are expecting some moves from him soon since he's been very silent in respect to marketing himself.
A breath of fresh air, reason
Here comes pol to scream shill for the rest of the thread
Legal Mexican immigrants love the fuck out of Trump though, because fuck letting the country they moved to turn into the country they left.
>ITT: Drumpfkins on the path to disillusionment
how fucking dumb are they gonna feel in a year
As someone living in missouri I can tell you with 100% certianty we will be voting for trump
These numbers make zero sense, there are VERY FEW people in this state that would even consider vote for shillary
they're wrong for thinking that. Open societies with strong incentives for work and progress are always a good thing
Jesus, that was fast
Says increasingly nervous man for the tenth time this week
Republicans fault for not doing anything to appeal minorities...
Where at in MO
>$0.03 has been deposited into tour account
societies with strong incentives for work and progress either don't stay that way or don't stay open. Looking at political order as detached from social structure and the socio-cultural baggages of its citizens is a futile exercise that disregards many of the variables
you know what openness leads to?
race to the bottom
get ready for communism
Perhaps republicans are already getting sick of winning so much. They shouldn't be surprised, Lord Trump warned them this was going to happen.
St Louis and Kansas City will be predominantly Hillary. She could lose every other county and still win the state.
>Why is this happening?
Because politics is about coalitions; who do you have?
south korea and israel dont give immigrants rights at all, so they dont really count as citizens all they do is work and pay taxes
It's called poll rigging.
Stay butthurt, fag.
Trump is way up. Prepresentative yourself for the landslide of the century.
NCfag here oh we def could go blue.
It's a pretty goddamn easy answer.
1) Most of the country doesn't like his rhetoric and ideas - a very small, but loud and vocal minority do.
2) His campaign has been utterly incompetent - he is outright refusing to buy TV ads, essentially giving control of the airwaves to Clinton. He thinks just because he gets a few re-tweets and pundits talk about him on tv he's fine - except its all NEGATIVE attention, and he's not running his own ads to counter that narrative.
3) He's far too emotional - the dems just have to poke him a bit and he explodes - ie the Kahn saga. Should have just let it be, but it turned into a major negative news story on him.
4) He has a bare-bones campaign staff. He has ZERO grassroots networks (he is relying ont he party for that). Conversely, Clinton has built perhaps the most extensive grassroots networks in every state of the union - she learned her lesson the hard way losing to OBama in 08. It's these networks that do the physical work - the door knocking, the driving people to the polling stations. Trump is outright REFUSING to use any 'get out the vote campaign.
5) Clinton is majorly out fundraising him.
6) He spends as much time attacking other republicans as he does Clinton.
In short, the polling numbers are going to get worse and worse for him. This may be the most lopsided election since 1984.
>Trump is way up
shit creek. FTFY
Ask the Russians. In the end, it all comes down to Waukesha County.
>If Trump loses, it's only because the system is rigged!
I've been telling you Trump cucks for weeks now that even Texas is going blue this election.
And this is the last election conservatives would be okay with losing. If Hillary wins in November, it's over. Your country will cross demographic, constitutional and moral barriers that are irreversible.
It'll be a loss so bad the GOP will have no more place as a major party in the political system. It'll be the beginning of a turbulent period to last the next couple decades. When it eventually crumbles, smaller parties will be created to represent the religious, populist and conservative wings ot the defunct GOP. And the new political system will have the democrats at the center of it all, and all these small parties, with the libertarians and greens, will just gravitate around it, meaningless, being bought so the 8th democrat president in a row can have an easy tenure with the Congress. Then you'll finally know what it's like to become cucked.
All because you trusted the useful idiot, Trump, instead of voting for a true conservative.
Anyone who knows anything about politics and georgia knew GA would be purple as early as 2020. Trump is literally so based that it's happening a full cycle early.
>ahead of schedule and under budget
>muh interplanetary, trans-dimensional 14d cantonese checkers
Phoenix here, Arizona has been a red state for decades. No way in hell in goes blue.
In 1980, the polls all had Carter winning all the way up to Oct. Reagan won in a landslide.
Inb4 "but Rommey". Do you know even one person excited about voting for Romney?
>Legal Mexican immigrants love the fuck out of Trump though
AHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAA, how delusional Trump supporters must be
>And the new political system will have the democrats at the center of it all, and all these small parties, with the libertarians and greens, will just gravitate around it, meaningless, being bought so the 8th democrat president in a row can have an easy tenure with the Congress
Sounds like our politics. Serves these evangecucks right, this is the result of importing millions of "natural conservatives". :^)
Trump happened
Arizona is red
remember non registered citizens cant vote
but they can certainly participate in a poll
Literally all of Sup Forums circa 2012?
Most legal Mexicans have some sort of an illegal relative. Trump doesn't offer anything good to them in exchange to getting their aunt Juanita deported.
>Iowa red
>NC red
>Colorado Contested
Not true, polls were either back and forth or close starting from summer.
I'm seconding this, and I don't like Trump.
Even in StL you still see as much trump support as Clinton. MO is red
Clinton's been ahead in PA by 10+ point in a while. Trump doesn't have a hope in hell of turning it.
To even have a remote chance of winning is going to need to focus on winning Florida and Ohio. But i doubt he takes either.
I don't really think it would go like that but it would be funny to see the USA have their own 'perfect dictatorship' Hillary going on full PRI mode.
>none of my neighbors are voting for Hillary, there's no way she could win a state with millions of other people
RCP polls are inherently untrustworthy.
RCP polls are a bunch of polls from other places.
>Most legal Mexicans have some sort of an illegal relative.
Exactly, they are so sheltered from reality that they think legals would like Trump.
Will you be here in November with me to mock all the Drumpfkins with me?
More like both parties fault for letting in the fucking hordes of fat fuck beaners in the fucking first place. We need to kick them the fuck out and abolish birthright citizenship.
They don't conduct polls, they just take polling averages.
>Do you know even one person excited about voting for Trump?
FTFY and nope.avi
Of course I will be.
Trump fag detected, possible KKK member.
> Abolish birthright citizenship
I'm betting you're a citizen by birth too
what did he mean by this?
Houston really drags Texas down. It is the third most populous city and full of cucked whites and Mexicans. Niggers too. Austin is the same way but more whites. Both very blue cities. Without them Texas would be dark red but give less votes.
Georgia and North Carolina both gained over 500k people in the past 5 years, mostly wealthy/poor transplants from the Midwest/Northeast (none of them vote red) that could significantly sway both into the blue. And not to mention that NC already voted blue in '08.
Missouri shouldn't be a surprise considering it's a hotbed for social issues right now.
we were the only county that voted for Bernie
and I can confirm a GLORIOUS REPUBLICAN ELECTORIAL FOR TRUMP (if the election isnt rigged)
There's literally no hillary support even when I leave the local area
it wouldnt even be a miracle, if NC goes for the Dems consider the US to have gone the way of the Roman Republic and take up arms or get the fuck out
Reddit fag detected, possible CTR shill/troll.
Precisely, none of the people doing these polls want trump to win.
For the record, I do think trump is down in the polls a bit, the attacks so far have had their effect, but no way in fuck do I trust the precise numbers being thrown around saying that shillary is leading by 7 to 10 points or so.
No they didn't!
>>beaner detected
Get the fuck out paco, you aren't wanted and neither are your obnoxious spawn.
NEW EMAILS: Hillary Clinton Puts State Dept. Up For Sale to Clinton Foundation Donors
> s a g e
Nobody actually thinks Hillary will be good. People know she's corrupt. They just think that she'll be more of the status quo than any crazy thing Trump could come up with.
Hello leaf I can't help but notice you actually believe the bullshit you spew. Those states are not even contested and will be red. King nigger couldn't win them so Hillary won't win them.
It's a huge list of meme polls.
I'm really surprised that MO is "contested" now. Sure, St. Louis City and KC will go Hillary, but STL County is going to go both ways. I see the Trump getting the electoral votes though. Blacks and minorities have shitty turnout, and you're going to see a lot of fed-up people that say out the last two elections voting Trump.
Wrong, sorry. I'm also a white birthright citizen like you, though I probably have more teeth.
Don't fuck with Texans. They are still entirely commited to Cruz. The bigger cities love Clinton tho.
You are delusional if you think Hillary will get Florida. Ohio is a possibility that he won't win it.
lol drumpf gave hildog the election
good job retards
It's okay, KEK wants Hillary to win
This is just bullshit. Nobody would hand a Democrat a win. They all think you're retarded by trying to push this shit.
The deity is called Kuk btw, not Kek.
Sup Forums prayed to Kuk and got cucked.
ok i laughed
He does have a chance. About 5% right now.
>this is how desperate trump supporters are
1 in 10 chance maybe.
>Republicans fault for letting people guide their own lives through personal responsibility and not pandering to lazy shitskins
Fuck off you small-minded gibsmedat cunt.
>Texas is barely red?
I refuse to believe that. Despite it's mass influx of illegal spics, I'll only ever know Texas as exactly what the rest of the world stereotypes America as. Cowboy hat wearing, 400lb, ACV riding, McDonald's inhaling Repulican rednecks from now until the end of time.
Because infowars.com and the National Enquirer provide quality news. Yes, I must be a total CTR shill, your aluminum foil hat is working.
yeah a 3.17% chance
guess what trump cucks
if ISIS explodes a dirty bomb in venice beach by november then yeah maybe trump wins
You are a CTR shill, because you can't even link posts you literal tard