Why did it fail so spectacularly despite two guaranteed-billion superheroes and every critic kissing its ass?
Why did it fail so spectacularly despite two guaranteed-billion superheroes and every critic kissing its ass?
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Brown people, too many brown people.
Because The Rock went to D.C.
Literally look at everything Disney has done after that pic of Dwayne in front of D.C. Logo
>iron fist
Did really well but still underperformed to what they wanted (they expected a billion)
>Wonder Woman
Massive hit
Flop city
Literally the Rock Magic saved D.C. and his movie hasn't even been announced
Spiderman just isn't cut out for this shit. The GF never nags me to go see Spiderman the way she nags about Thor and the likes. I wonder why
>budget re-earned threefold
>spectacular failure
cause he looks like a 15 yo twink
It's made $571m in less than three weeks without China user. Most studios would be cracking open the champagne if their movie had failed this spectacularly.
You could say the same about ASM2 and look how Sony considered that one.
It's not on the same level as the Raimi ones
Truly he is The Rock of Ages.
Are most studios in posession of assets like Iron Man and Spidey?
ASM2 cost $293m to make. It barely broke even.
Bad taste. Though to her credit Tom Holland is a pretty low-tier twink. Plain flat pancake face.
Literally look at the projections, it met all of them. They knew what they wanted and they got it.
And you think the one starring RDJ and a record breaking ad campaign is cheaper?
How the fuck was that turd so expensive?
Yes, it's significantly cheaper. Homecoming had a budget of $175m.
Because despite what you rejects here like to think masculinity is toxic. :^)
because it looks like shit
>a boy
If anything it ""failed"" because it actually wasn't about real male eyecandy.
>every capeshit movie is a flop if it doesn't make five times its budget in a week at the box office
>disney is on the verge of collapse
this is what Sup Forums autists believe
Because they didn't SJW hard enough. They need to double down by putting in more disabled people of color and make Peter gay with a transgendered lover.
If by SJW you mean show enough oiled up muscular alpha breeders, then yes.
I can't believe you fags haven't figured this easy formula out yet. You guys are really just out of touch at this point. It's plain simple.
D.C. Stole his magic that's why Baywatch wasn't #litty enough
Just wait till he plays Lobo in Man of Steel 2 and then goes on to play Black Adam in Shazam
Easily a billion each
The absolute state of MARVELPakis on this board
Sony killed AS2 because Sony's president got mad at Andrew Garfield and for no other reason
Looks like Bollywood Spider-Man
might be the early stage of capeshit fatigue. even though it's made a lot of money, given the characters involved it should have earned more at this stage in its run.
this, chinese don't want to watch that.
You correct! He no have muscels. He a chaid. We no like!
>nobody cites "Spiderman exhaustion" after so many reboots and shit movies
DESU every other opinion feels like trolling or reaching or reaching, it's actually a wonder the movie sold at all. Even Marvel can't reanimate a horse this dead.
me neither
This and the one asian kid is a walking punchline permavirgin.
They released another Spiderman movie? Didn't they just reboot it like two times last year?
Idk, I haven't been paying attention
Do redditors not look up things?
That CGI looks like from the Spiderman 2 game from the PS2.
fuck you it didn't fail in fact it's going to surpass wonder woman earnings. dc is going down. lel even thor trailer is embarrassing jl trailer in terms of number of views on youtube
mark my words, jl is going to flop
why is it not in China and Spain?
It hasn't even been released in China yet.
A lot of competition. But, you can't say it failed until we see how it does in China. Spoiler: it's going to do just fine. China delayed the release over there, so its box office is artificially deflated compared to other movies of its kind. Give it time.
great news
Please, please learn the error of solipsism. Just because you think something doesn't mean everybody thinks it. Just because your GF thinks something doesn't mean every woman thinks it. Your GF doesn't want to see Spider-man. I want to go see Dunkirk this weekend, but my wife won't stop talking about going to see Spider-man instead. Different people have different views, user.
>two guaranteed-billion superheroes
Two characters have seven movies between them, one of which has broken a billion,
why is OP such a exaggerating faggot?
once it opens in Japan and China it'll peter out somewhere past 700 million total BO, which is in perfectly fine range given it wasn't retard expensive to make and promote like the last two Spiderman movies
Someone post the pasta, (You) know the one
>capeshit fatigue
>4 of the top 5 domestic BOs this year are cape shit
when will you faggots give this shit up? There is no fatigue, people keep giving their money.
The only fucking reason Homecoming looks short in it's WW BO is because China doesn't air international movies during July, so there's a 100+ million addition to Homecoming that won't appear till August or September, it took 11 days for it to pass TASM 2's domestic totals and it'll pass TASM 1 by the end of the week, it's doing fine.
This is Marvel's BvS in terms of character popularity and it's doing much worse, where are the "MCU is done for lads" headlines?
>where are the "MCU is done for lads" headlines?
getting posted about nine times a day on here, where have you been.
>There is no fatigue
This is the peak.
DC and Marvel together are promising to bring a minimum of 6 capeshit flicks per year. Sony will want to push Spidey separately, so more like 7-8 capeshit films.
The mouse wants 2 Star Wars movies a year.
Jamey Cameroon is going to shit out a steaming pile of Avatar every other year and Ridley seems to be doing the same with Alien.
But don't worry about fatigue!
>despite two guaranteed-billion superheroes
If spiderman was a guaranteed billion at the box office Sony never would have agreed to work with marvel/disney in the first place.
your own punishment is having a wife who likes capeshit and the inevitable devorce in 5-10 years
Dude we still have Thor and Justice League this year, that'll be another two capeshit movies that net at least 220 mil domestic and more realistically 3-400 mil, one of the two will probably pass a billion total. Logan made 616 mil despite being rated R, and it'll be the lowest box office of a major comic movie this year.
the general public doesn't show any sign of getting tired of this shit, neither does China, that usually means you have a near guaranteed 3-400 mil take from the get go along with the rest of the world
>This is the peak.
It always is with you people. Don't you get bored of being wrong?
Our 14th anniversary is coming up in a few months. Keep swinging, sport.
>replace all the iconic main characters with black people for a comic book movie, where established characters are mostly defined by their design and appearance
>expect movie to do well
Hopefully this will be a lesson to pandering producers.
>Making a plea like this, here.
You must be new.
We need to start talking about those fucking critics.
To be fair, the one on top is a pic of an actual person in the suit. Bottom is a still of a CG meant to be in motion. When viewing in motion it is impossible to tell the difference.
Your gf is cucking you with tall blonde chads
Eh maybe if they didnt diverse the cast up too much should have kept it good and true to the comic vulture was a show stealer
congrats user
China is probably debating about showing this. If they had solid proof that Holland is gay, they wouldn't even show it. They've already postponed the early August release for "reasons".
But vulture was a spot on cast so was peter the supporting cast was the only flop in bvs jesse was a miscast so was gal gadot but after ww i would like to go back and rewatch it
naw man, its like summer, and Netflix, and WW is killin it right now, and its the second reboot of the franchise, and GOT is on and...
The market is flooded with Spider-man right now.
>When viewing in motion it is impossible to tell the difference.
unless you are blind, that is incorrect. the CGI looks straight up cartoon like.
Your wife's a slut
In what universe did this fail spectacularly?
>go to see spiderman movie
>get mad when it looks like a cartoon
hmm...really jogs the noggin
>every critic kissing its ass
Nobody fall for that anymore.
the one you're in, unfortunately
Apes and Dunkirk
They did that to all western summer movies to help their own summer movies
I know this is bait but when feminists talk about toxic masculinity they're not saying masculinity or men are bad. But there are parts of masculinity which harm men and the people around them. These parts are "toxic masculinity." Stuff like aggression, risk taking, having to hide one's suffering--that's what is being referenced.
It didnt have enough webslinging. People wanna see spiderman flying through the air doing flips and shit. It should have had more fights too. All we got was the atm robbery, the ferry, and the boss battle.
Hasn't he already said he's gay? What more do they need? Homecoming is like an SJW utopia cast.
She is watching with her bull, user. Don't worry.
People on this board are mouth breathing retards. Following memes turned them into idiots.
>Almost $600 million in three weeks without China
>Failing spectacularly
What exactly do you guys mean when you say "fail"? Did it not make massive amounts of revenue?
In the Sup Forums universe where every Movie that doesn't make a billion is a flop
Great art is rarely recognized in its time, OP
In the same universe where a movie with Iron Man and Spider-Man is going to make less than Wonder Woman
>Why did it fail so
Zendaya: Michelle Jones
"My friends call me MJ"
Jesus wept
$560M is not "almost" 600, especially when you count that it's dropping 50% every week.
It made 40 million in the last week domestically alone
Trips of truth. And the tears are fucking delicious.
I can't wait for D.C. to become #litty fun. It's gonna be pisskino.
>cartoon like
You mean like in a comic book?
>Week 3: $22,150,085
Why you lie? Homecoming's drops are dreadful.
He meant the entire week, that's just for weekends. But yes, Spider-Man is dropping like a stone, harder than Suicide Squad and BvS considering those movies had bigger OWs
Still embarrassing.
That was it's weekend you dumb fuck, there are more days in a week than Fri-Sunday
Homecoming Domestic Box Office
July 17th $212,731,123
July 23rd $251,851,666
>People don't like the movie and aren't going to see it
>'Yeah, my gf didn't want to see it'
A Spiderman and Ironman movie has no business being under Wonder Woman's shadow
Those Friday to Friday drops are horrible.
This weekend's Friday will be a massacre.
What happens when the jews' cultural marxism steps on their hollywood sheckel factory? will they stop putting brown people in movies or will they they lose money trying to ram that stuff down our throats?
>5 results
How many threads were made about BvS not making a billion? Because this is worse
It's the fault of those fucking Andrew Garfield movies making everyone preemptively bored of Spidey
The top one is also a promotional image, not a still from the movie.