What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Hayden Pantytear never got her tits out

Season 2

It was never really good.

Cast wasn't diverse enough.

I love how badly photoshopped Sylar's face is in the top left.

no superpowers involving breast milk

sylar isnt in that picture

Top left corner, on the building, champ.

Didn't even notice that at first


nothing? This show was amazing

in what episode did sylar turn into a building? i don't remember

They spent years writing the first season, then assumed they'd be able to just carry on once the show was being made

They severely over-estimated themselves.

Writer's strike didn't help. Neither did Sylar being so popular that they had to come up with reasons for him to be an anti-hero/grey villain combo

Who had best power that wasn't sylar or season 1 peter petrelli

Writers strike, and terrible mc.

Hiro pre-cancer

Otherwise Claire

oh fug. Sumimasen, user-sans

The Haitian
Making people forget things would greatly improve my life
Also cancelling out the powers of others would make for hilarious trolling

Am I the only one that likes Ali Larter? Always thought she was hot. Also, Milo Ventimiglia is my husbando.

Who was she married to that kept bringing her back despite nobody liking her characters?

she's a horrible actress and a horsefaced cunt also see , she was like 4,5 different characters in the show? Fuck off.

>Ali Larter? Always thought she was hot.
She's very hot in that Ultimate Stacy kind of way

Matt became so OP towards the end

Why did Hero's buddy get power in the end?

His red hadoken was shit too

>that trainwreck that was season 4
Even though I like the character T-bag from prison break that season was complete garbage.
That being said heroes was already shit from season 2 onwards

One of my first wet dreams ever was with her calling me her little boy and me calling her mommy, when I was 12 or so

Shit, I've always been fucked up...

Muh dick

Never truly delivered on its premise.
Never showcased powers at length, in an exciting or interesting way.
The writing was so bad it felt like a soap opera instead of a serious drama. Sylar is bad, Peter is good, then Sylar's good, Peter is bad.
"Peter, Sylar is your brother!"
They also wrote Peter's gf out of the story accidentally by eliminating the future timeline where she was stuck
Infamous scene where future Sylar/Peter fight eachother, cuts to Hiro/Ando in closet where we only see flashes of light underneath door
All the human characters getting powers
Stupid characters no one cared about: Matt Parkman, Ali Larter's first character

Etc. Show had a lot of problems, but in hind sight it was most likely this

I liked Matt at first, he had one of the most interesting powers to write around, but as the series progressed that took a shit turn and he could do pretty much anything the plot required him to PLUS his allegiance shifted like every season according to what the plot required. Even in Heroes reborn this continued where he was a bad guy once again

not knowing what to do with the most overpowered character in the entire series, use of time travel was lackluster

The series became way to convoluted as it went on, trying to tell the stories of too many separate heroes at once...and got boring.

They caved to studio pressure to keep the S1 heroes rather than move on to new people and just have them make cameos

So they kept the characters but had nothing for them to do and no way to control their outrageous OP-ness

>What went wrong?
Not enough scenes with cutest girl

Sylar, Hiro and Peter were all too powerful, their powers are bullshit

People will blame writer's strike but Kring wrote himself into a dead end

Peter was the single most overpowered character in the show, Sylar jumped up a few notches after his power was retconned too. Hiro was just fucking off never doing anything, and time travel is as broken power no matter the medium and should probably be regulated by having a maximum jump distance.

HP3 is still my favorite time travle rules - you can't change the past because eveything that did happen must happen. You just get to obseve from another PoV

That's how you'd expect time travel to work but what's exactly stopping harry from doing something different when he goes back in time?

Everything has already happened. You can't change the past - if you try to go back an hour and kill yourself, you won't because you obviously didn't the first time.

Was there a better time in telekino history than LOST Season 2 + Heroes Season 1

>mfw we can never wipe our memories and revisit that feel

The writer's strike fucked up a lot of shit.

>writer's strike
What is this meme?

They had to cut short the 2nd season because the writers all downed tools and fucked off

It messed up the flow of the show and the haphaard way they ended S2 to make up for it caused too many plot holes to recover from


2nd season was just so fucked by strike.

Peter's love interest was literally abandoned in a timeline that collapsed and never really addressed again.