fuck you, I liked it
Fuck you, I liked it
fuck you, it's shit
Batman Begins is the patrician choice here
Fuck your mom
I liked it more than The Dark Knight
A lot of people did.
The real gag is you putting the DC logo at the bottom of the poster. That's a good troll Marvel btfo, am I right?
It was bad you fucking moron
It's actually OK. No worse or better than Dark Knight or Batman Begins. The hate it gets around here has everything to do with the Bane meme. 99% of these kids who were 10-14 years old in 2012 (when TDKR came out) didn't bother watching the film, so after all these years just assumed, because of memes, that it was shit.
It's definitely the poorest made of the three, but I think the story Arc is actually pretty great. Ties in themes from both previous films really well, like a proper trilogy should.