/got/ general: queen edition


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Her hair looks better now.

Jon is truly the most patrician choice unless you're being contrarian for the sake of it or desperately fishing for (you)'s

>John chokes out Littlefinger- just like Ned did
>With a statue of Ned in the background


Karstark a cute

She looks way hotter this season.

Can someone explain why tf the hound is heading north with the brotherhood? Maybe I missed a scene in s6

thiccleesi best leesi



Why is Sansa so fat right now? Or is it just coke bloat?

>the most plebian Gary stu in the history of fiction is patrician
What's it like being a mindless sheep

Why do people act like women taking over after the men have died is some new thing, there was a time in Europe where spain, england, scotland, and france all had woman rulers or were succeeded by one


Why are they continuously killing off all the hot girls over the last few seasons? We're stuck with derpy Arya and fat Dany


Cause they never opened a history book.

>gets fat
>doesnt grow tits


avin a giggle

I'll agre on Myrcella though.

can't let anyone upstage "pretty" Arya you know

imagine being this obsessed over making generals
weponized autism, are you new?



>not hot
Gays not welcome

>leaks have Dany not going mad, going to rescue Jon and even making peace to save the realm


>people on /got/ actually like Euron
>a more reddit version of Ramsay

>mfw still no new episode of the Normies watching GoT

Sewage I know you post here, get off your fucking ass and upload it

Who dat young boy is?


Was it rape?

Bad writing

ramsay was azor ahai

Do you think she'll end up killing Varys?

season 8 my friend

not til Euron introduced him to his BIG COCK

We can only hope user.

>Do you think she'll end up killing Varys?

It's kind of amazing Dany didn't have him executed right there.

After the bandits killed the peaceful group he was helping he ran into the brotherhood as they were going to hang said bandits. They allowed the hound to hang them, and he joined up with the brotherhood as his best current option.

>tfw all the haters posting in my thread

>not til Euron introduced him to his BIG COCK

>Euron rapes his niece and two sneks


are the sand sneks hated in the books or is it just a show thing

cerseis face when shown balerion


People like Euron because he's literally the only person against Jon + Dany

I don't think you get it, in a show where nothing at all makes sense there's no reason not to enjoy the one nonsensical character that's at least currently ruining worse character's day. You understand the show has been trash for years now right and that this is the only laugh the show has offered since being on a long term woman's fantasy?

GoT has lost its unpredictability.

Jon is the only good male leader left. He's plot armored and will win every battle.

So can we now agree show Euron is a combination of Euron and Victarion?

I was saying this last season but people ignored my posts as usual

The Waifu, I believe.

how is cersei still queen?

>master manipulator like littlefinger gets executed
>cersei miraculously doesn't get assassinated or lose all her de-facto power


a man without a cock? not bloody likely. this show's logic goes like this:

women > eunuchs > dwarves > powergap > shit > disgusting cis men > stannis


they're lame in their own way but they are nowhere near as bad as they are in the show. there's not just 3 of them either, there's like 8 or something

>So can we now agree show Euron is a combination of Euron and Victarion?


>Bran is the king, not Sansa, let's see how its play out

"That's okay Sansa, I just wanna spend all day shitposting on weirwood.net"

I really can't see Bran being interested in ruling when he can just do weirwood stuff (where a cripple can at least pretend to be able to walk).

I hope so. Varys isn't the cool dude he once was. He's now just another beta cockless cuck being tugged around on a leash by their woman dominatrix who lets all her slaves do all the work for her. He deserves death. And Tyrion isn't interesting anymore either. I hope he dies.

I thought americans clapping was a meme

on the contrary, they are quite slow because people keep creating multiple threads

this was true in the books since forever

Did he say "Queen" or "in charge"?

I wanted to see her tits before she died dammit

a) Leaks were bullshit, they missed out a lot of things from this ep

b) Maybe the "pillar" is a military term for a column of soldiers

where's that webm of the hipsters in a trendy bar sitting around watching an episode of got and that one girl is clicking her fingers to applaud?

where did this "only americans clap" thing originate from? People here (netherlands) clap at stuff too. Clapping didn't just spawn out of nowhere, it probably was brought over FROM england.

>Ironborn are all used to tits like these back on Pyke
>Tyene flashes her round Dornish tits at them
>All their heads explode
>She escapes out the door
>Ten minutes later Euron comes in and wonders who made this mess
>"There goes my gift. Well, back to Mereen"

genuinely rooting for the lannisters now

leaks aren't in order but a lot of what was confirmed has happened.

Me too

Won't happen tumblr

what the fuck are those tits?

i think it started when americans started clapping at the end of movies. no one else does that

this bar is in england, bong boy

she'd be a better actress and a hotter Dany

All at once

>go to tumblr
>Jonsafags swear in season 8 their ship will be canon
>Jon truly doesn't think of Sansa as sister, despite being raised to think of her as one, but sees her as a mature woman
>Jon would be disgusted at the thought of having sex with his aunt because it's incest but totally not with his cousin
>Dany is just a plot device to make Sansa and Jon grow more closer

He said she was in charge while he's gone. He did not relinquish the crown, nor did he call her the Queen in the North.

>implying the show will ever show someone getting raped again
>didn't see Sansa get ravaged by Ramsay
>didn't see what the Mountain did to the nun chick with his necrotic dick
>if they were raped it will be referenced but never explicit

This is so retarded, things are so stale compared to S1-3. The biggest shock I got from this season is Ed Sheeran being an absolutely pleasant soldier instead of these eight or so Lannister knights all trying to disarm and fuck Arya upon sight. And even that's not as much a shock with a celebrity guest star showing compassion or decency is only relegated to a cameo slot apparently.

Dorne is just sort of boring in the books. They're also just supporting characters, the main Dornish characters are Doran and his daughter Arianne, who wasn't even in the show

we don't fucking clap at the end of movies, and this is from a dude who lives in faggot ass california.

This. Atleast in northern europe were are civilized.

Are you serious? The wigs and makeup in recent seasons has looked absolutely atrocious, she also must've started refusing to have her eyebrows thinned

>peace dudes
Wtf last I saw he was left for dead by Aria?

Seriously it all went into her upper arms

Kind of obvious that he is now, what with the berserker assault with an axe charging into the fray

That's a 10 in the Iron Islands

i'm american, i've seen it happen plenty of times, don't lie

It's in chicago, go watch thweir videos you idiot they're american fat sluts

>Nah he's definitely a stark, through and through
According to Dabid, he is legally a Targ.
>blame dabid and budget for that, at least ghost is still alive and likes jon
I understand that's the real reason, but it doesn't change the fact that Jon hasn't shared proper screen time with ghost since S1. As such, I am forced to assume he doesn't care much for him in universe. More so because while Jon didn't have significant screen time with Ghost, Sam actually did.
>literally because she's a cunt
If he's a good king, someone being a cunt shouldn't be an insurmountable hurdle. If we want to talk about his royal decisions, leaving two kids in charge of the second line of defense against the WW is fucking retarded. As is throwing the whole population into the war force. Who is going to make clothes or food? How are they going to repopulate if they win? Women's work is important for society regardless of what some tumblrina who never did any work thinks.

are you sure? they look american.

the Waif from S5 and 6

Who the fuck is Jonas?

er no it isn't. it's in chicago

Yuron killing two bad poosies was pretty unpredictable 2bh

This fucking gremlin cannot die soon enough, I physically frown whenever she speaks or appears on screen

The Iron Islands' finest

do you live in a state with lots of niggers? the only time i remember hearing clapping was when gandalf showed up as the white wizard. or from laughter. but never the end of a movie.

Her only bad scene was ep 1 last weeks since it was a rehash from s06e10.




not really, i live in ct

So is my snekfu a dead or just a rape?