Hmmm we're underperforming in china

>hmmm we're underperforming in china
>wait, i have an idea

This girls is a 3 in China. If anything, Chinese audiences will be offended that their representation is a frumpy awkward moon faced nerd instead one of the hundred gorgeous actresses actually from the country.

Does she have a down's syndrome?

she looks like a turtle

is she going to be CGI'd to the point that it could have been anyone like the last prominent minority chick they paraded around?

I wonder if they would try to make her character "comical and unique" by making her stupid or incapable or only accidentally help at last minute

I wonder that would happen in china if they make her the new Jar Jar

Why pick such a ugly chink

whats with the turtle?

She's also not Chinese but Vietnamese.
They picked her because their new target audience, white women, are jealous of pretty Asian girls.

She is cute. Much cuter than the junglemonkey and the xenomorph

She looks korean

To spite white cis men.

>Need to capture white girl demographic bloc
>Need to capture China demographic bloc
>To appeal to one you must offend the other

weren't there like 3 asian characters in Rogue One, too? Disney is desperate for Star Wars to conquer the world

I can't decide whether Disney is more or less cynical than Lucas when it comes to trying to make their films appeal to everyone

Lucas appealed to himself and then included racial stuff because he felt guilty and obligated. Same reason he made Red Tails.

When did Lucas include racial stuff?

There were walking stereotypes in the films:

She's Vietnamese

>white women, are jealous of pretty Asian girls

Kind of a dumb move to cast this chick as her sister, then.

>1 chink in a flick will make them spend all their shekels

keke. what a buncha maroons.

She dies so it's ok. They get to celebrate watching the competition get killed off.

>blacked by ugly nigga

The stereotypes are Lucas' shallow understanding of how other ethnicities really are. He is not racist but his ignorance results in something that is largely viewed as racist.

In that respect, he is very much like all of the other self-proclaimed "enlightened" white people who insist on cramming token minorities in everything.

the highest grossing films of all time had casts that were 99% white

1 Gone with the Wind
2 Avatar
3 Star Wars
4 Titanic
5 The Sound of Music
6 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
7 The Ten Commandments
8 Doctor Zhivago
9 Jaws
10 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

diversity is a meme. these films would do better if whites were in all the lead roles. but it's not about the money for jewlywood it's about the (((agenda))).

It's not a Chink, it's a subhuman Viet.

who is this?


Aren't they cute together?

believable couple.


Yes, that's why Kathleen Kennedy didn't want to hear about her. She had already casted a chinese female as a X-wing pilot to cater to chinks. It's Rian Johnson who insisted to have her which is weird. That girl certainly has connections. That disgust me that SW is now a nepotist playground. Just think back when George was casting the OT. He choosed the best cast he could, not his buddies.


>They couldn't get an attractive asian model like Lee Bing Bing to star in EP VIII instead Jewsney choose some random landwhale azn from tumblr

>Her mouth is crooked
>She has weird lips

This reads like those satire posts of neckbeards criticizing women


imagine the kids

>Dr ZHivago
Omar Shariff is an egyptian arab
They're all indian like creatures, not white people. Zoe Saldan is Dominacn/Puertorican
>Gone with the Wind , The Sound of Music , The Ten Commandments, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs are very old movies back when the segregation still existed. Any movies of that time had 100% white cast.

all women are jealous of all other women for every reason imaginable

Holy shit there is an asian grill at my uni looks exactly the same, just slimmer

Basically women get jaleous of any woman that gets attention from men, even if she looks like a potato. It's in their nature it seems

Behead those who insult Sabina.

holy shit no way! there's an asian that looks like another asian? IMAGINE MY SHOCK

thats because the places that were making movies had overwhelming majority white populations that would go see the movies and its no surprise that people like seeing their own race on screen. As demographics shift as well as other non-white places get wealth and theaters to go see movies, you will see this change.

They're right though, not even asian themselves think this girl is even close to any 5 stars white girl

middle aged white women are some of the most bitter old bags on the planet

>10 pounds of makeup
>those eyebrows
>stupid face


it's probably the reason why a guy instantly becomes more attractive to women when he has a gf or is married

t. really proud chinese weirdo

fuck off dirty weeb, even your masters worship the superior aryan girl

Are you trying to point flaws?Because all you said was "I don't like those eyebrows...I don't like this face!"

M8 there's about 400 mil Chinese women that look exactly like this bitch. They won't be offended.

These type faces look way too manufactured for my liking. There's not enough personality, she looks altogether too plastic.

I remember one guy was trying to date a girl but she rejected him. As soon as she saw him with engaged with another girl she tried get him. This is absolutely pathetic.

nobody looks like that in real life because its a fucking cartoon

Yeah uhh give me the generic blonde bitch. You probably have a large folder dedicated to this basic look so it's safe to assume you're a kissless virgin who has never stepped foot outside to literally see 10 of these bitches walk by in a given day. The good thing is despite the abundance of these women, you'll never have the balls to talk to one.