How do we fix nu-pol?
How do we fix nu-pol?
By getting triggered over the word "nu/pol/" and posting screaming angry frogs over and over again
Take a nap and wait until after November, then the shills will be gone and it'll be back to just shitposting from straya, sweden, and the leaf.
You should focus more on your country, deutschebro. I'd like to visit Germany again before it becomes a caliphate.
>before it becomes a caliphate
Trump wins and CTR stays forever. Mark my words. They will have a mission change.
Stop blaming everything on us you meme loving fags.
you cant. they banned memes on rebbid and so all these losers flooded 4chink
before the right wing media machine invented this narrative about the mussie rape machine nobody from those nations ever ever ever posted here. the flags are a shill tactic, retard.
Nu/pol/ is not one person :^)
thats some real believable blackface
>Trump wins and CTR stays forever.
You think the DNC will keep paying them for 4 years?
>invented this narrative about the mussie rape machine
Has there been an increase in rapes? Have those rapes been committed by muslim refugees?
>nobody from those nations ever ever ever posted here
newfag shill detected
Is that Tim in Pooface??
Is that fucking Tim Heidecker?
also stop this reply
Sup Forums was normal 2 months ago then BOOM overnight we were flooded with shills. To an outsider it would seem as if Sup Forums completely flipped its ideology over night. Highly suspicious.
As soon as the election ends it will stop like clockwork. Because they're all fakes.
topkek. tried to reply to a thread the kike mods here obviously didn't like.
>13 replies
>you can't replay anymore, thread archived.
>archived. after 13 replies.
>literally no face when.
you can't fix what's broken. better migrate to nigger free shores. we all will have to now since our western leaders are cucked. time to breed with a little china girl (slurp).
Ban russian and russian proxy posters
/FilterGeneral/ really made me think
thanks for Correcting The Record
I here by crown you Meme King
You don't
If this shit doesn't get better by November, I'm off to the eight chans fellow Sup Forumslacks
>*whiny bitch voice*Stop blaming everything on us you meme loving fags.*whiny bitch voice*
That's you.
That's how you come off.
Thanks for Correcting the Record
yes, because it's such an original joke
HavenĀ“t we seen this exact thread on Sup Forums now for about 6 years? , and what happend, exactly nothing it just got worse and worse, there is no fix, just accept it.
Sup Forums now thinks Israel is "based", it's a huge mess.
My favorite shill are the ones that say "Trumpet"
Its so fucking obvious. That shit did start overnight, its obviously not a pol meme.
If we made it up we would at least say trumpette. They're too shook to even make a slightly mysoginist meme.
Yes but if you dare point this out or even use the Nu/pol/ word, then you're automatically a reddit CTR JIDF soros shill
>for anyone who gets triggered by my posts:
>click my ID and show me where I criticized Trump or rightwing politics
which shills are you talking about? the trump shills? I know, I've been waiting awhile
Lose the flags and IDs.
No more (You)s either.
Also... permaban every IP that has posted more than 100 times in the last week. If they can get back in, they can stay... if not, nobody needs them anyway.
That should help quite a bit.
Oooh, and dox the shit out of anyone mentioning the board on social media.
And maybe make post numbers end in XXX like they did on Sup Forums some years ago... at least until the keklets are back in school.
By killing all the gays
And the faggots
Holy fuck!
That is Stage 5 cancer.
Why is this being allowed?
Beats me
public bans, and lots of them.
>implying it can be prevented
By making it a safe space for stormfaggots to cry about da joooooos.
That's fucking embarrassing.
They can be dealt with.
The doxxing process has already begun.
remove alt-reddit
/r/thedonald and /r/kotakuinaction are still fucking reddit
Just wait for the shill storm to pass.
They will either get redpilled or hilldog will stop paying them after she wins/loses
These little neocon faggots that already have no friends and nothing to lose are fucking shit up.
Forget hiding your power level, these spergs are broadcasting the main power battery.
>Forget hiding your power level, these spergs are broadcasting the main power battery.
This. 90% nu/pol/ shitposts are from shills that are only here to be paid. A good 5-10% of those will get redpilled and the rest will stop posting once the cash flow stops. Shills don't really like it here, since they can't control the narrative. They're so stupid/ sheltered that they can't accept that other people have valid, different opinions.
>Main power battery
Srs tho. I cringed my dinner to diamond at that image.
so these kids are just shills out to make Sup Forums look bad?
Yeah, but I want leddit, tumblr, and Sup Forums to leave too.
that actually could work
>Sup Forums was normal 2 months ago
lol no pol went to shit last year a couple months after trump was around. But since trump got the nomination officially it became even worse
Sup Forums went to shit right around the end of the Zimmerman trial and the beginning of Sup Forums harbor, most oldfags do not dispute this
Even worse after gg and fucking with jewt too hard.
12/7/14 never forget