How can we end sexism in Hollywood?
How can we end sexism in Hollywood?
>some poor fucks went through 2000 screenplays to count lines
And I bet they were underpaid men too.
>percentage of dialogue
Jesus Christ...
>all those great movies with little female dialogue
We need to fix this.
Wow so problematic
Literally crying right now
>he doesn't know about automation
Really? We have computers now
>How can we end sexism in Hollywood?
That is easy - stop employing female actresses, they are barely recognizable from one another and they become obsolete when they hit 30 years. Talented men should just play all the female roles, and useless twats can then complain about wage gap to their 5 dollars clients.
After seeing Spiderman Homecoming and realizing how great it felt to be cheering for a secret homo I finally realized just how great equal representation is. All female Toy Story reboot? I'm in.
Or we could just cgi them.
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makes much more sense