Varys edition
Be 100% honest with me, is Stannis coming back?
House Greyjoy is YARA
My crossbow will be TEN TIMES BIGGER.
Of course. As a wight.
>*twirls mustache*
>I won't support a cruel monarch
>even though I was one of the most loyal servants Aerys II had
In my books? Yes.
Stannis will lose the battle for Winterfell and become the 1,000th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch
No. He doesn't have anything to add to the story anymore. Even if he comes back, Davos will kill him.
>is Stannis coming back?
I didn't see no body.
What is the symbolism of this scene? What does her vagina stand for?
Not gonna lie, this scene turns me on more than any in the series so far, including snektits
Got started with a baratheon on the throne after a mad targ. Its like pottery it rhymes. Get hype for Stannis wrecking shit at the trident.
>that chapter where she meets theon and is absolutely horrified at what he's become
>D&D will never write something as emotional as that
>tfw you realize Missandei is a greedy cunt who just wanted to get eaten out
>she knows well eunichs can't orgasm
What a fucking cunt using him like that, what the fuck is she going to do for him? Shove a stick up his ass?
Best OP.
Is Varys going to lose his eyes somehow or die by Dany's hand? That scene seemed to imply that it won't end well for Varys...
>Not gonna lie, this scene turns me on more than any in the series so far, including snektits
I've been jerking off to this scene ever since the episode aired. Something about older women sucking off younger women turns me on.
How is the /r/asoiaf show discussion actually that fucking terrible? Literally every single post in the "post episode IN DEPTH discussion thread" is a one liner regurgitating some funny scene from the episode. I think I haven't seen one single word of criticism yet
How does it end, lads? Seriously, how are D&D going to wrap the series?
WW defeated and everyone lives happily ever after?
I can't tell which is supposed to be which.
Would the show be saved if they introduced the best House?
Dnd are the final bosses of Westeros.
Vaginas are burning hot
if you were turned on by that scene just wait for the uncle euron yara rape scenes
Reminder that Varys will have to fight the White Walkers at some point.
And his weapon of choice will be a crossbow.
What is our guy Theon next plan?
>"I'm good at killing fat boys. I like killing fat boys."
What did Arya mean by this?
Tully is best house
>Vaginas are burning hot
Hot? Burning kills white walkers. So vaginas kill white walkers.
Best girl
how grey worm fuck if he aint got no dick XDDDD
Guys how will you react when Stannis comes back season 8?
Tommen is still alive and is a Sparrow
Stannis is still alive and will usurp the throne
Theon is the Azor Ahai and will lead the war against the walkers
Arya and Sansa will kill each other
Danny will elope with the hound and live out her days in dorne as a farmer
Euron becomes a Cthulhu who telepathically resets the whole world to a time of peace and prosperity
Jon joins Sam and becomes a maester and uncle to Gilly's child
Robert Beratheon is alive and at the north wall in hiding
>mfw shooting white walkers back behind the wall with a catapult
Gendry will rescue him and row to Dragonstone.
>Tommen is still alive and is a Sparrow
Yeah he fucking evolved and he grew wings all of a sudden
kys retard
>how grey worm fuck if he aint got no dick XDDDD
Exactly, so in order to defeat white walkers you have to let them fuck your women.
How does a tiny little islandlet get enough wood for not one but two fleets
bloodstone emperor was azor ahai you normie faggot
Better than Dnd writing.
My friend seems to think that Cersei isn't "smart" and not a great player of the game. Is he right?
dragonfire catapults
>Yara & Ellaria are lesbian it out down below the ship while mocking Theon CuckJoy for being a dickless beta
>Loud noises outside and ship starts to shake violently, interrupting feminist ideal of fun. Everyone rushes outside
>In the darkness they see something long, black, and erected upward on a ship like a big cock.
> Then this it drops on top of their ship crushing a man, at the tip of this phallic bridge is mother fucking Euron!
>Euron the white Viking alpha male starts cutting through the cannon fodders of male feminist betas like hot knife through butter.
>His first pseudo boss battle are two sand shanks, both have to fight him at the same time because they are no match for an alpha male
>The first sand snek he disarms her, using her own spear to penetrate her. He then lifts her up above him as if he impaled her with his big cock.
>The second sand shank screeches and charges Euron thinking she can avenge her sister.
>He chokes the bitch out
>Down below Ellaria and bad poosey fight off Eurons men, they fail real fast without putting up any fight.
Ellaria demands of these men to kill her and bad possey. The men refuse because they don’t take orders from woman.
>Back on top of ship final pseudo boss battle start. Yara seeing her ship, her matriarchy world burn as Euron in the middle of it all smiling.
>She charges Euron, she fights like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken as with feminism.
>Yara is over taken not by Eurons axe or sword but his male strength.
>As Euron holds Yara from behind, Theon CuckJoy shows up. Euron daring him to reclaim his manhood.
>But like all beta cucks, who can’t compete with women or alpha males, they go MGTOW. He just jumps of the ship.
>Eurons final victory is complete as he lmao at Theon. Yara who realizes she can’t complete with the patriarchy.
t. Justin Trudeau
>tfw they cut away before Missandei started pegging Grey Worm
Honestly Dragonglass rooted
tipped bolts are probably the best weapon against the dead.
>No training.
>Can instakill anything.
>Cheaper than massive blades.
5000 crossbow would wreck armies of melee undead.
and remember, cersei does not have enough wood for a fleet, but the iron islands, islands made of literal iron, do have wood for 2 fleets
Close to Frey controlled land which has a fuckton of forests.
>if you were turned on by that scene just wait for the uncle euron yara rape scenes
C-can Ellaria join?
breast girl*
ummm sweetie your friend sounds like a buttannihilated manchild
My instinct was the scene was partially a setup to show the beginnings of Dany's descent into madness, I can't see Varys going out like that.
>How does a tiny little islandlet get enough wood for not one but two fleets
can someone please put a webm together of how many times euron punched a woman in the face
Because everybody is depressed. The only thing left to do is stare into the yawning abyss of creativity, artistry, and innovation and watch as the gleeful populism of the show ignores everything about what made ASOIF special.
And know that we did this, for wanting nice things.
And I'm supposed to believe no nearby villagers would realize some ironiggers are literally cutting through acres of their woods and wouldn't at least try to contact some local lord or anything?
>he thinks tommen can't do a perma-warg
I bet you thought Hodor wasn't R'hellor himself faggit
>everyone dies, night king on the throne
>everyone dies but night king also defeated, spring comes, wights die out, eternal peace
>a few minor characters will live and someone completely unexpected will end up on the throne, like gendry or something
>Euron killed the sneks, I luv him XD
The internet was a mistake
Jon Meme Snow will never think of this. He will craft 50 Longswords with the dragonglass and be done with it
The manpower to build them as well, the time.
pls do not bully sneks
and he'll give 25 of them to women
For the same reason why everyone on this place is so cynical about each episode
Stop going on reddit.
>This scene
>10 minutes later we're meant to think less of Theon for running away
This show has zero self awareness
>removes sneks
>got to a place where there is no people
>if a tree falls and nobody is there to hear it, does the tree fall?
>promptly fuck off once your done
Its not hard. The real question is how did they get all the other shit required to furnish a thousand ships? (nails, rope, cloth for sails), especially the last two.
Because when you're a naval power then you know how to build ships.
>got to a place where there is no people
If there are resources why has no one settled there yet?
Azor Meera
why does she look 80 years old this season?
>1000 ships in 2 years
I don't think so, lad.
People actually expected him to be able to do something there. I don't understand what they expected him to do.
Thats where it becomes a parody of itself in the final episodes. There's so many conflicting ideologies, that at this point when a character does his/her final thing, no matter what they do, it's going to be counterintuitive to their previous behavior/plot line. It literally can't end well.
so we agree that Theon did the right thing regardless of intentions right?
Because there is a difference between a place with no people and a place with no people under the ownership of someone else.
Otherwise Canada wouldn't exist anymore.
>10 minutes later we're meant to think less of Theon for running away
We where?
7 episodes because their budget is being used in coke and alcohol.
and they decided that THIS CRAP is worth five fucking minutes?
Jesus fucking Christ
>HURR DURR Canada is full of trees, if trees are so great why aren't they cut down? Checkmate atheists.
shade of the evening, iron wood, iron born, iron cock, iron throne
what would you rather have?
shit plot (currently), fantastic dialogue
shit dialogue (currently)., fantastic plot
shit acting (currently), fantastic plot or dialogue
Canada is a shitlord though, the riverlands are rich as fuck
Tell me /got/..
is there ANY chance for JonSa left?
bankruptcy, no show
D&D dies
I think I will go with option A
Canada has a fuckload of natural resources and basically nothing defending it. If it wasn't for senpai America, this country would have been steamrolled a long fucking time ago.
shit everything
As the plebbest of pleb consumers, I have to say, Missandei's tits (again, for longer) were definitely worth 5 minutes of my time
Why don't you move out of the cities and colonize it?
Dialogue always.
Although honestly, I'd rate premise as most important. It's what gets me to pay attention.
Yfw you realized Bran is the Night King