>My girl said the other day “can you get off that pimp shit for once?” I go “if I do bitch, then what?” You need an opening to fag me up. Don’t let her fag you up.
Jesus Christ, this guy
>My girl said the other day “can you get off that pimp shit for once?” I go “if I do bitch, then what?” You need an opening to fag me up. Don’t let her fag you up.
Jesus Christ, this guy
Other urls found in this thread:
Overrated walking stereotype. Was never funny.
Say what you want, but he literally save my love life
His relationship advice, raw as it is, is amazing
He's the best. I love listening to Cult of Black Phillip recordings on YouTube. Hes taught me more about women than anyone
Can't believe Raimi used to write his material
How does he get away with it
Yea I have to listen to the Black Phillip shows again. I love the Dr. Z appearance on O and A as well. That was great.
>Listening to the 12hr Movie Rundown with O&A
Black Philip show is great on relationships, but Patrice is fucking wrong on how to GET women in the first place
The frame works for him, because he was a celebrity and naturally hilarious, it won't for most other guys
By all means, take his relationship advice to heart, but study some actual game if you want to get girls to begin with
Oh yeah, i know that. But i dont really care about women like that. Sounds retarded, but if i need to really charm a woman to get her, then its just not gonna work. My last serious gf and i had a mutual attraction, i didnt do anything special. Though that didnt work it either, so ive stopped caring, and now i just live my life
I wish I could not care about women, but I'm way too addicted to the pussy
It's like pure heroin to me, I just can't help it
I use the Mystery Method. Stacking and threading. Use kino escalation also.
>Fundamentally, it’s the nature of women to bitch you up. That always happens; the degree may be different from woman to woman, but it’s all about bitchin you up. And it’s organic. You cannot be angry at how they do it with such ease. It’s like brushing your teeth. Your manhood is constantly under siege, and you can’t be mad at them. It’s like being mad at a fuckin snake for biting you. If you got a rattlesnake in your hand and you’re like “this rattlesnake is the shit” and it bites you, you can’t be mad at the motherfucker. You just have to go “shit, it’s a snake”.
>being addicted to pussy
Tell me all about your high horse please
If you're in your 20s, you NEED a sexual outlet, I don't care what kind of buddhist monk bullshit you rationalize with
Your outlet is going to be either PUSSY or MASTURBATION
I quit porn long ago, so I NEED the pussy, even if it pisses me off at times
being raised by a single mom due to divorce, while your dad is out banging bar rats, really fagged me up. I try to break out of this natural state that I've eased into over a 12 year period starting at the age of 9, but it's depressing. Trying to crawl out of it. I have to try though
Women want to look at a guy and believe that he will lead them where they need to go. But they’re gonna test him like he’s a weak ass second mate.
You need to find a male rolemodel to learn from
Just swallow your pride, find a local Chad and suck up to him, he will subconciously teach you how to act
If you have no choices, go for some fictional character, like Hank Moody
>Women hate being in charge. They don’t wanna win, they want a winner. And that’s what women test constantly, is this nigga the winner that I think he is? So you come at us and try to make us losers. And what a loser is, is a guy that lets a woman make his happiness. If you look at any woman who’s in charge, she’s not happy. She thinks she has to be mean to be the boss, she’s copying what she sees bosses do. Women don’t want to run shit, it makes them miserable. They want a man who runs shit so she can go “that’s my man”.
>this mental illness
Why don't you faggots just blow each other already
Where are these videos at?
This should be put in the congressional library
Where the fuck did you come from?
The men are talking, fuck off
Just fucking respect yourself, dude.
Show interest, but don't ever chase if she's not interested or being a cunt, that particular woman may be unique in her own way, but so is every other.
You need to find woman who, in the process of making her your woman, won't fucking break you, because there are plenty of women out there who will not and cannot be saved.
Don't invest more than what you'll get in return, also learning how to spot the signs of mental illness in people is a huge help.
men imply human, go back to africa you subhuman
ALL of my friends who got in to relationship s and said they would never be cucked have, you guessed it, become cucked.
WHAT the fuck do women do exactly? Their gfs have sucked them dry and not in a way they'd like.
I don't think those fags over in r9k know they'd be eaten if their "want a gf :(" dreams came true.
I'd kill to hear his views on shit like the Zimmerman trial, Cosby rape allegations and the OJ Simpson shit. I'd trade five top comedians to have Patrice back and in perfect health.
>Cosby rape allegations
Pretty much this youtube.com
How about a Patrice quote?
>She’s going to try and gradually take your manhood by small steps and before you know it you’re sitting in the shoe store carrying her bags. You gotta first decide what you want out of this and if what you want is sex, then that has to be obvious. And if that’s not what she wants, fine, there will be somebody else.
you (you)'d the wrong user, user
what was his relationship advice?
how did patrice even get women? he's ugly and fat as shit
>I'm so sad
>heyyy the menn are talking
You done fagged yourself up it seems
>ALL of my friends who got in to relationship s and said they would never be cucked have, you guessed it, become cucked.
Same here. It's a sight to behold. How a person completely gets broken and changed. Intriguing but highly disturbing.
No, I didn't.
>he's ugly and fat as shit
>mattering to women when you have fame and money
Man, you're really young.
I listen to this story at least once a year. It truly is the greatest story ever told on radio and mostly serves to remind me women are shit.
ya did. user didnt mention about being in reltionship with girls, it was about how being raised by his mom fagged him up, and now he's trying to break out of that state
>Man, you're really young.
I mean I get it it's just weird. He clearly had the confidence in the first place even before the fame. And where does that come from?
>giving your money to PUA
poor child
>tfw a woman suggests doing something then somehow you wind up having to plan everything even though the whole thing was her idea and you just wanted to stay home
>I Want to go out!
Okay, what do you want to do?
>You decide
I dunno man, listen to his older stories he was a dumb kid himself at first. It's basically what this guy said Put your ass on the first place. And mean it. Don't chase women, don't give them compliments, don't give them attention, don't call them etc. The usual shit. You don't even need to have money. You need to have the aura that makes them think you have the money and successful career. You need to act like you have other options. Women don't want desperate quick-to-please-easy-to-get-men because that means they're not worthwhile. Women only want superiors.
(YOU) f a g g o t (YOU)
I go no fap
His show was kino
I love this man's work. 9/10 times I cant help but agree with his opinion.
back to r9k you go bud.
from then on to about 15:30 would sum it up.
This guy did some swinging and bringing in other girls for threesomes but whatever so I wouldn't say it's all great advice.
And as usual, the fuckless focus on sex
His movie talk was the true GOAT
I've been watching movies based on what he references on O&A.
Patrice versus Norton on Face/Off is one of the funniest movie discussions ever. It's a piece of shit movie to begin with but the way they break a movie down makes it fucking hilarious man.
You've probably heard it before but there's a long video on YouTube with O&A referencing and talking about Twister, it's great.
>son of a bitch.
Just leave it alone. Seriously.
Does reddit even like Patrice's shit outside of his comedy? I feel most of the fag apologists on reddit would say something like "he's pretending to be sexist, it's a character!".
They did that shit with Sam Hyde from what I've heard and everyone with an iq above 80 knows Sam Hyde is a white supremacist
what did you mean by that?
This guy breaks down women, their bullshit and how to counter them pretty well.
>every time he said logistics instead of semantics
>Don’t let her fag you up.
Say what you want about the fat man, but he absolutely learned to understand women.
>I think Face Off stunk!
I enjoyed face off, what was so bad?
>study some actual game
This never works you fucking dumb virgin
kino escalation works if there is some level of attraction
Tell me what works, then
I'm curious
>Tell me what works, then
Demonstrating leadership. That's what chicks want, whether they're willing to admit it or not.
That's literally one of the things PUA teaches you
Just be honest with a woman.
He must have learned to understand women when he and the other niggers he was with were gangraping that underaged white girl.
>Literally admits he did it and broke the law
Jesus Christ you Patricecucks are the fucking worst. He was a decent comedian but he was also a fat rapist piece of shit that killed himself with food after he had his leg cut off. Fuck that dindu.
she was Portuguese, barely white
It was false, numbnuts. She lied and said it was forced but that was after the fact and she was ashamed because someone tried to black male her.
Oh, well it's okay then. Nevermind.
Sure....leadership as a con man with a script. That's not the kind of leadership chicks are actually looking for, though, and the kind of chicks that buy into that shit aren't the ones any decent dude wants anyway, as they're usually retarded.
It needs to be natural, like the kind of shit you do at work or in a school environment, or in sports, that requires decision making, task organization, and providing instructions and guidance to others. Chicks love that shit and will follow you, which is exactly what you want.
Spitting game, however, is just that....a game. You know it's a game for pussy, and THEY know it's a game for pussy, and if you're stupid enough to play that game, then you've already lost. PUA is no different than being any other beggar trying to beg for pussy, they just work harder on their sales pitch. FUCK that.
Do what you think is best, regardless.
At least put some effort in
Wait. did patrice actually rape someone?
Not him, but Patrice was underaged as well.
this is why I went my own way
>Being such a moron that you not only can't understand how basic laws work but you also call facts bait
Kill yourself.
He was of legal age, she was a year under. I've read the case file. It also lists her as caucasian but that can mean anything that isn't black in police reports. I didn't know she was a shitskin, now I don't care.
I miss Patrice. Whenever him and Louis CK went at each other on O&A, I lost my shit.
A woman will ruin your life soon enough.
I don't know why you'd care in the first place considering she willingly wanted to have a train run on her. White or not a girl who'd want that isn't worth defending or caring about.
Someone who wasn't supposed to found out what she did, found out so she claimed it was "Rape" to save face.
It was rape though, I just go by the law. I'm not saying she shouldn't have a bullet put in her head.
>You know where nigger came from, originally?
>i'm just going by the law
>no person is illegal!
Whatever's convenient at the time for you people
was watching him a lot the other day and it clicked a bit. but i'm past my prime and just would rather not give a shit about pussy but i like his mindset.
still need the fame and money though i dont give a shit what he says
>bro you can be fat it dont matter
>already has a hot wife money and fame
so anything coming out of his mouth just seems void because he wasn't successful with women until he had more fame and money
>Girl jumps into a car with you and starts rubbing your dick and demands a gang bang.
>She didnt consent.
Good job on not listening to the story, maybe your a talker too, but SHES A DOER!
His defense of Steven Seagals's sequel to Under Seige was embarrassing. Goddamnn I miss him so much. RIP big guy
well yeah according to the law. he tells the story on radio but apparently he got framed and he got sent to jail for a couple years
only if you are beta
He lived his life like one big performance art of not giving a fuck. His stand-up was never really as funny as some of the greats he's considered better than but _he_ was funnier than most of them.
That said, I don't think you should take his pimp shit too seriously. There's some truth in what he says but making sex the reason for your existence gets boring for most.
I've noticed since having a gf that if you cowtoe to her emotional plots and ploys she'll just start pulling them with greater intensity and frequency until there's a split. I imagine it's some built-in evolutionary mechanism whereby a woman tests the emotional compatibility of a partner she's eyeing for the long-term.
Feminism is bullshit of course. All women like to be choked in bed, to have you tell them where you're going out for lunch or dinner or whatever outing it may be, and to have you decide which road you get there by.
Much in the same way you almost never see psychological problems resulting from too much independence given during development, you almost never see relationships end because the guy took charge too much or way too forceful. It's almost always the opposite, he was too beta, too much of a pushover.
This man gave so much good advice. Obviously not everyone could make that shit work, and not everyone should try to, but take bits and pieces here and there and you have some solid advice anyone could take and apply to their lives. He's also really fucking good at making you think you could do that shit to, just listening to him makes me feel like whatever I've been doing is stupid and I could be doing a whole lot better. He's absolutely right with a lot of the shit he says about women though.
He was doing that before fame, he just got sick of the game and women in general so he started going to Brazil with Jim Norton and the gang to bang hookers and get away from American women.
me too I'm married now and my wife is my complete bitch
Underage people can't consent. I know this is hard for you pedophiles to understand but it's the law.